Legacy of the Force/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Alas, Poor Scrappy]]: Jacen.
* [[Alas, Poor Villain]]: Alema Rar. Her [[Tear Jerker|"Remember"]] to Jag.
* [[Complete Monster]]: Caedus, by the time all is said and done.
** Although going by what was revealed in the ending of [[FateoftheFate of the Jedi|Apocalypse]] (specifically, that he saw in the pool of knowledge that his daughter would be at Darth Krayt's side when he took over the throne of balance, and that he became Darth Caedus specifically so that, at the very least, he'd prevent the part of the future where his daughter would be aligned with Krayt), it is subverted and makes Caedus an extremely dark interpretation of both a [[Papa Wolf]] and a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]].
* [[Crack Pairing]]: Go [[Squick]], guys
* [[Crowning Moment of Funny]]: Early and often, though it's [[Signature Style|to be expected]] since <s> [[Joss Whedon]]</s> [[Aaron Allston]] wrote the first book.
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* [[Narm]]
{{quote|"My parents are terrorist scum, and ''that'' is why I have turned my back on them."|Jacen Solo, ''Tempest''}}
* [[Rooting for Thethe Empire]]: It is [[Star Wars]].
* [[Sequelitis]] (big time)
* [[Ship -to -Ship Combat]]: Just pick someone, Jaina! Gah... {{spoiler|Worst of all she picks nobody! The subject is never resolved in the last book after Zekk's disappearance.}}
* [[Spotlight-Stealing Squad]] Each of the authors had their own, as mentioned in the summary, but Traviss and the Mandalorians were particularly egregious.
* [[Squick]]: Read [http://gabri-jade.livejournal.com/167587.html#cutid1 this] and CTRL+F "chapter ten"
[[Category:Legacy Ofof Thethe Force]]