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* Hagumi Hanamoto from ''[[Honey and Clover]]''.
* Fuko Ibuki from ''[[Clannad]]'' {{spoiler|after being awaken from the coma. She has a childish mind, understandably}}.
* In ''[[Spice and Wolf]]'', Holo's human form is explicitly described in every adaptation as that of a ''fifteen'' year old girl, in spite of being over four-centuries old and implied to be more experienced in "that" aspect of life than Lawrence (who has actually embezzled his mentor's treasury as a boy to visit houses of ill-repute). Though bear in mind the "legal age" does not quite exist in Medieval Times yet, so Holo's frankness with her sexuality is not so much [[Squick|squickysquick]]y as it is unusually "improper" for a young lady of her era and in-universe [[Values Dissonance]] due to lacking human social mores.
* Centuries old tree Goddess Nagi of ''[[Kannagi]]'' appears as a perky, flat-chested 15 year old schoolgirl.
* Mimi of ''[[Mnemosyne]]'' looks like a child but is really [[Older Than They Look|much older]] {{spoiler|thanks to her immortality.}}
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* Shizuku the Mizuchi of ''[[Omamori Himari]]''. Her exact age isn't specified, but she is at least 100 years old and looks about ten, gets just as many NSFW [[Fan Service]] shots as the more mature-looking girls, and has spent most of the series blatantly and obviously trying to get the teenage male lead into bed.
* ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]'' has Vita, a [[Ridiculously-Human Robots|Ridiculously Human Program]] who has the body of an eight-year old despite being a few centuries old. Her appearance is a bit of a sore spot for her and she gets annoyed whenever someone refers to her as a kid. This isn't helped at all by the fact that her "sisters", who are roughly the same age, both have permanent large-breasted 20-something bodies. There's also the combat [[Cyborg]] Cinque, who happens to be one of the oldest members of the [[Quirky Miniboss Squad|Numbers]] despite having the body of a child.
* ''[[Black Jack]]'' has [[Ship Tease|hints]] of BlackJackXPinoko. Pinoko looks like a second-grader, whereas she's actually 18-2218–22 years old in any given episode.
* In-universe example in ''[[Ouran High School Host Club]]'' with Honey, who looks about 6 and actually is the eldest of the Club, at about 18.
* ''[[Detective Conan]]'' gives us Haibara Ai, the biochemist who {{spoiler|is responsible for creating the drug that turned Shinichi into Conan}}, and is a victim of the exact same poison. Her real age, as {{spoiler|Miyano Shiho/Sherry}}, is approximately 18, but due to the effects of APTX-4869, she appears to be no older than eight.
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== Literature ==
* An often overlooked effect of prolong in ''[[Honor Harrington|Honorverse]]'' is that it prolongs not only the life, but development as well. It was explicitly mentioned in one book that third generation prolong receiver of 20 years would look 13 as per our experience,<ref>Given that third-gen prolong should be administered at around ten, this gives about three-to-one ratio</ref>, with consequent [[Squick|squickingsquick]]ing of various backwaters' inhabitants, unused to apparent children manning warships.
** It's considerably worse than three-to-one; as you get older, aging (and development) slows down, so at thirty you look about fifteen. The limit is not known, as no third-gen prolong receivers have yet noticeably aged beyond their twenties.
*** Allison Harrington (who just broke her second hundred) looks, from the descriptions, about thirty. Honor, who's also third-gen and 62, is barely in the twenties by the look alone.
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* In Charles Stross' ''[[Eschaton]]'' series there is a subculture of people who have themselves altered via nanotech surgery to look prepubescent. They have a symbiotic relationship with [[Ephebophile|another subculture]].
* In-universe example in [[Wheel of Time]]: the grandfatherly general Gareth Bryne is romantically involved with (and later proposes to) Suian Sanche, who is chronologically around the same age but due to a magical mishap appears young enough to be his granddaughter. A few characters mention how odd their pairing seems in passing, but nobody seems to have too big a problem with it. Possibly [[Justified Trope|justified]] in that magic-using women (and presumably men, not that that many survive long enough for it to be an issue) in that setting age more slowly; presumably they must be used to being seen with apparently much older men.
* In ''[[Replay]]'', during one of their [[Groundhog Day Loop|Groundhog Day Loops]]s, Jeff is 18 and Pamela is 14.
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* Remilia and Flandre Scarlet of the ''[[Touhou]]'' games both count, as they're 500 and 495 year old vampires, respectively, but have the bodies of ten year old girls. At least Remilia ''can'' act mature when she wants to. Flandre, on the other hand, amps up the [[Squick]] by having the mind of a child due to centuries of isolation. ''Touhou'' contains plenty of these characters, who range in age from Cirno, at least sixty years old, to Suwako, at least ''two thousand'' years old.
* ''[[Dirge of Cerberus]]'', the ''[[Final Fantasy VII]]'' "sequel," features Shelke. She's nineteen, but physically stopped aging, leaving her in the body of a nine-year-old but with a very mature behavior.
* In ''[[Shin Megami Tensei]]: [[Strange Journey]]'', Crewman [[Chivalrous Pervert|Anthony]] ''tries'' to invoke this trope to justify his attraction towards centuries-old female demons who happen to look like beautiful young women. It backfires horribly when the latest object of his affections, the demon [ Moh Shuvuu], not only has the body of a little girl but also the ''personality'' of one, and she's more than understandably [[Squick|squickedsquick]]ed. As is the player character.
* In the ''[[Blade Runner]]'' game, one of the endings features your character running off into the sunset with a suspected replicant that looks like a 14 year old girl. About [[Randomly Generated Levels|75% of the time]] it turns out she's [[Squick|actually human]], but when she's a replicant her real age (like all replicants) is under 4. As an android, [[Crapsack World|her age is probably not considered an issue.]]
* [[Our Vampires Are Different|Rachel]] [[Dracula|Alucard]] of [[Blaz Blue]] fame [[Really 700 Years Old|is thousands of years old]].
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* Strawberry Sweetcake from ''[[Drawn Together]]'' is a [[Dead Baby Comedy|very deliberate]] implementation of this trope. Too bad she's {{spoiler|[[A Nazi by Any Other Name]]}}.
{{quote|"I'm 18, silly, I only ''look'' eight!''}}
* The Warner siblings in ''[[Animaniacs]]'' are [[Older Than They Look]]. They appear to be between the ages of six and twelve, but are at least sixty. Dot is rather sexualized in the series. Outside of the series this is a common joke when characters count their age from the moment of creation rather than their character designs -- manydesigns—many child characters have outlived multiple generations of fans by this reckoning.
* In the "Live Filming" of an episode of ''[[The Cleveland Show]]'', 15 year old Roberta states in a drunken rant she is actually 25.
