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* [[Gadgeteer Genius]]: Practically every inventor or engineer in the series can whip up new devices or radically modify and rebuild existing ones in a matter of minutes, often in the middle of a raging battle. Justified in Fred Rhodebush and Lyman Cleveland's case, since they are the acknowledged world experts in their fields.
** Kinnison (a combat officer) plays the role himself to a degree, on Velantia, but even here it's justified because the technical breakdown of the captured Boskonian battleship has already been performed by experts and the Velantian engineers are mostly duplicating from blueprints. When it comes to tapping the enemy's communications, however, he has to wait until his Chief Communications Officer arrives. Later in the series, he has technical experts to do the work for him.
* [[Gender -Restricted Ability]] - Smith's stories had only one woman who was deemed worthy of the Lens. ''First Lensman'' had the Arisians [[Hand Wave]] it by explaining that the Lenses were intrinsically "masculine". Some of the authorized sequels just threw other Lenswomen in anyway. And a canon Lenswoman ''did'' eventually appear, throwing the original claim somewhat into question, but that's Arisians for you... they [[From a Certain Point of View|say whatever]] [[Batman Gambit|elicits the desired reactions]].
** The Arisians told the first crew of Lensmen Candidates that there would be, eventually, just one human woman Lensman, which was Clarrissa. Her daughters {{spoiler|are not fully human, therefore the Arisians were not lying.}}
* [[Gladiator Revolt]] - In ''Triplanetary'', a small group tries to overthrown Emperor Nero (who is really {{spoiler|Gharlane of Eddore}}.)