Les Légendaires/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** Anathos, on the other hand, takes the trope [[Up to Eleven]]. An [[Omnicidal Maniac]] with absolutely no code of honor, his [[Kick the Dog]] include [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown|crushing and savagely crippling the protagonits]], [[I Have You Now, My Pretty|mocking Jadina about her relationship with the now "deceased" Danael]], ordering his Hellions to torture [[Would Hit a Girl|physically]] and [[Mind Rape|mentally]] Tenebris for informations, and [[Plaguemaster|creating a plague attempted to exterminate people he wouldn't bother killing himself]]. Whereas Darkhell at least cared for his daughter and Skroa never went farer than slapping his, Anathos ''killed his own [[Dark Mistress]]''. And by ''blowing her head off just after pretending to forgive her defeat'', no less. Hell, this guy actually made Darkhell look sympathetic! Granted, considering he is this universe's [[God of Evil]], that shouldn't really be surprising.
** While he is subject to [[Even Evil Has Loved Ones]], Abyss' [[Yandere|conception of love]] [[Incest Subtext|is so twisted]] it prevents him from averting this trope: sure, {{spoiler|he was motivated by his love for Tenebris, but that doesn't really justify manipulating almost everyone, poisonning her mother, trying to kill her friends and ''brainwashing'' her though [[Puppeteer Parasite]]...}}
* [[Chickification]] : arguadably with Shimy; in the first books, she was portrayed as more of an [[Kuudere]], a [[Tomboy]] and a [[Deadpan Snarker]] who rarely express any feelings other than anger. After her [[Heroic BSOD]] in the Anathos Cycle however, she wears more girly clothes (which tends to make her the main [[Ms. Fanservice|fanservice source in the serie]]) and display more emotion than before, evolving toward [[Tsundere]]. This even more visible by the fact the original chick of the group, Jadina, [[Took a Level Inin Badass]] and became the leader, making her appear now almost mentally stronger than Shimy. Granted, this is justified because of all Shimy went through (including a [[Demonic Possession|possession attempt from]] a [[God of Evil]], getting her eyes burnt and learning her boyfriend was cheating on her), but this is still sad. She however averts [[Badass Decay]] by remaining a ''very'' competent [[Action Girl]].
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: Shun-Day is seemingly quite popular amongst the fans, though she [[Die for Our Ship|has lastly grown some haters due to her becoming Gryf's fiancé and as such becoming an obstacle to his relationship with Shimy.]]
** [[The Atoner|Elysio]] is probably as popular as any Legendarie.
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** Sobral himself pretended there was one between Shimy and Akitten. It turned out to be an April's Fool.
** In ''Origines'', Jadina forces Saryn to comes in her tent and orders her to strip down. Next page, it's revealed she just wanted to use her as a replacement for her mirror to see if her new robes were fitting.
* [[Like You Would Really Do It]]: {{spoiler|played straight and horrifically subverted at the same time; Shimy ''did'' escaped her fate to become Anathos' reincarnation... only for ''[[The Hero|Danael]]'' to have the place instead. And even more subverted when the heroes fail to save him and Jadina has to kill him. Sure, [[Back Fromfrom the Dead|he came back]], but no longer as a member of the Legendaries, and [[Word of God]] has confirmed he wouldn't be part of the group again.}}
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]: Anathos. He is terrifyingly [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]], to the point he actually ''used'' the [[No Man of Woman Born]] trope to his advantage by putting a plan B based on it. This Plan B was part of a [[Plan]] he put in place ''years'' before his actual return, meaning he had been expecting someone to try interfering that long ago. When Tenebris pretends to confess the Legendaries' location in order to set a trap as part of Jadina's scheme, Anathos sees through it. Later, he deduces the Legendaries' assault on the Castlewar was a mere diversion by not underestimating them.
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: most main villains cross it at least once, but Anathos is especially good at it. As a matter of fact, he seems to be determined to cross it as often as he can.
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** {{spoiler|Saryn}}'s fate at the end of ''Origins'': {{spoiler|her father is killed by Raptor, and, while she gets to avenge him, she ends up being stung by a Darkhellion and [[Fate Worse Than Death|turns into]] [[The Heartless|a Chaos Shade]] who attempts to murder Danael, causing Jadina to kill her. And she didn't even get to confess her feelings to Danael...}}
** Jadina {{spoiler|being forced to slay Danael at the end of the Anathos Cycle.}}
* [[Took a Level in Jerkass]]: Jadina; in the first book, she was a nice and naive person, almost in a [[Good Is Dumb]] way, and while she could have [[Beware the Nice Ones|angry moments]], remained the nicest person on the team. After the Anathos Cycle, while she sure [[Took a Level Inin Badass|became a much more badass character]], she now tends to have overly jerkass moments, including beating up her own teammates to "test" them before the fight with the Hellions, mocking Shimy for her blindness and expressing no compassion for Razzia about Tenebris being captured (sure she let herself get caught on purpose, but still). At the end of book 14, she is revealed to have refused taking any time to take care of the Gamera Tree because she wanted to focus on Anathos, and brutally reject her mother's offer of reconciliation (something even Shimy accepted with her own mother in Book 4).
* [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks]]: suprisingly averted; the changes from the Anathos Cycle were actually well-received by most fans.
* [[The Woobie]]: Elysio and Razzia, because of their respective backstory;