Les Légendaires/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** Darkhell is referred as this, and indeed pretty much could fit the role: he is an [[Evil Sorcerer]] and a [[Mad Scientist]] with [[Ambition Is Evil|insane world-conquest ambition]], who considers people as his pawns, will kill anyone who is unwilling to join him (his conception of "alliance" being "enslaving") and [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|gladly killing his pawns once they are no more use to him, even when they are no danger to him]]. In Book 4, he display [[Omnicidal Maniac]] tendencies, attempting to destroy ''two'' worlds, one being for revenge. His [[Character Development]], however, reveal he [[Even Evil Has Loved Ones|does care for his daughter Tenebris]] {{spoiler|and even allow him to commit a [[Heroic Sacrifice]].}}
** Skroa has some shades of it too; while he lacked the time his rival Darkhell had to give himself a reputation, he was still shown to be willing to kill Danael after using him and the other Legendaries as pawns (granted, unlike Darkhell, he had reason to still see him as a treath). He treats his {{spoiler|"daughter" Shun-Day's father-like love}} with disdain, to the point of hitting her in the face. He was even shown [[Would Hurt a Child|killing a Jaguarian kid]] at some point.
** Anathos, on the other hand, takes the trope [[Up to Eleven]]. An [[Omnicidal Maniac]] with absolutely no code of honor, his [[Kick the Dog]] include [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown|crushing and savagely crippling the protagonits]], [[I Have You Now, My Pretty|mocking Jadina about her relationship with the now "deceased" Danael]], ordering his Hellions to torture [[Would Hit a Girl|physically]] and [[Mind Rape|mentally]] Tenebris for informations, and [[Plaguemaster|creating a plague attempted to exterminate people he wouldn't bother killing himself]]. Whereas Darkhell at least cared for his daughter and Skroa never went farer than slapping his, Anathos ''killed his own [[Dark Mistress]]''. And by ''blowing her head off just after pretending to forgive her defeat'', no less. Hell, this guy actually made Darkhell look sympathetic! Granted, considering he is this universe's [[God of Evil]], that shouldn't really be surprising.
** While he is subject to [[Even Evil Has Loved Ones]], Abyss' [[Yandere|conception of love]] [[Incest Subtext|is so twisted]] it prevents him from averting this trope: sure, {{spoiler|he was motivated by his love for Tenebris, but that doesn't really justify manipulating almost everyone, poisonning her mother, trying to kill her friends and ''brainwashing'' her though [[Puppeteer Parasite]]...}}
* [[Chickification]] : arguadably with Shimy; in the first books, she was portrayed as more of an [[Kuudere]], a [[Tomboy]] and a [[Deadpan Snarker]] who rarely express any feelings other than anger. After her [[Heroic BSOD]] in the Anathos Cycle however, she wears more girly clothes (which tends to make her the main [[Ms. Fanservice|fanservice source in the serie]]) and display more emotion than before, evolving toward [[Tsundere]]. This even more visible by the fact the original chick of the group, Jadina, [[Took a Level In Badass]] and became the leader, making her appear now almost mentally stronger than Shimy. Granted, this is justified because of all Shimy went through (including a [[Demonic Possession|possession attempt from]] a [[God of Evil]], getting her eyes burnt and learning her boyfriend was cheating on her), but this is still sad. She however averts [[Badass Decay]] by remaining a ''very'' competent [[Action Girl]].
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* [[Evil Is Sexy]]: Tenebris in her adult form. The opinions may vary concerning her child form;
** Conversely, Darkhell isn't exactly beautiful as an adult, but his child form is handsome in its own right. And {{spoiler|his [[Fusion Dance]] in the Anathos Cycle}} makes a hint that he might have once been a quite good-looking [[Bishonen]].
* [[Fan -Preferred Couple]]: Danael/Shimy seems suprisingly popular amongst fans. So does Shimy/Anathos, no matter how few sense it'd make.
* [[Fridge Logic]]: both Shun-Day and Shimy get embarrassed respectively when Gryf [[Accidental Pervert|accidentally puts his hands under her top]] and when Jadina steals the top of her swimsuit. If you consider the fact they are both trapped in 12 years old bodies, and as such possess no breast, it seems kinda weird to see them having such a reaction...
* [[Fridge Brilliance]]: Danael's infuriated reaction against Halan when discovering he led his men to a [[Fate Worse Than Death]] against the Darkhellions makes a lot more sense when you learn {{spoiler|his own childhood friend Saryn ended up with such as fate, most likely traumathizing him.}}
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* [[Narm]]: Dark-Gryf's very first line isn't really easy to take seriously...
{{quote| "My Name is Dark-Gryf and I'm veeeeeeeeery Evil ! Nyarf Nyarf !"}}
* [[Nightmare Fuel]]: Gryf's hallucination of Elysio having an especially scary [[Slasher Smile]] (coupled with [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]) before leaving him fall from a cliff. {{spoiler|bonus point due to it being some kind of nightmare.}}
** Anathos' [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown]] of the Legendaries in Book 10: {{spoiler|he [[Demonic Possession|reincarnates in]] [[The Hero|Danael]], [[Impaled With Extreme Prejudice|stabs]] [[Magical Girl|Jadina]], [[Scars Are Forever|scars]] [[The Lancer|Gryf]] all over his body, [[Eye Scream|pierce Shimy's eyes with a]] [[Flaming Sword]] and [[An Arm and A Leg|cut off]] [[The Big Guy|Razzia's]] arm}}. And [[It Got Worse]] when he defeats and murders {{spoiler|[[Anti-Villain|Darkhell and Elysio]]}}, kills ''[[Physical God|the Guardian]]'', turns the whole Island into the [[Base On Wheels|Castlewar]] and uses it to [[Shoot the Dog|NukeTheDog]] by killing a whole city with one shot.
** The victims of Anathos' plague in Book 11.
** Similarly, Dark-Jadina's hinted [[Mind Rape]] of Tenebris. All we get to see from it is Dark-Jadina licking her lips while wondering how though Tenebris' spirit is. Later, when Jadina arrives, she is shown a broken and heavily injured Tenebris. God knows what they did to her.