Life on Mars (US): Difference between revisions

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* [[Help Your Self in The Future|Help Yourself In The Past]] - Sam saves himself a few times, in a few different ways.
* [[Hollywood Atheist]] - established in "Things To Do In New York When You Think You're Dead".
* [[HowsHow's Your British Accent?]] - Sam fakes an Irish accent for "All The Young Dudes"; naturally, he gets compliments on its realism. (Actor Jason O'Mara is Irish.)
* [[I'm Mr. Future Pop Culture Reference]] - Sam introduces himself as Detective Luke Skywalker to his mother because it was the first thing he could think of. The name follows him.
** When he has to cover as a pilot, he uses the name Tom Cruise. He uses Bono when he fakes being Irish as well.
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** Subverted in the series finale {{spoiler|when we learn his father isn't really his father.}}
* [[It Will Never Catch On]] - Ray Carling derides a man who lost all his money on a portable phone company. As he said, "Who wants to carry around a phone?"
* [[A Little Something We Call "Rock and Roll"]]: in "Things To Do In New York When You Think You're Dead", except by rapping [[Vanilla Ice (Music)|Ice Ice Baby]]. It works.
* [[Locked in A Room]] - more than once.
* [[Made of Iron]] - it's one thing when Sam left the hospital AMA to investigate leads on his personal situation. At least he waited. But Ray Carling is so eager to get revenge on the Irish Mafia for shooting him and Chris Skelton that he leaves immediately after his wounds are sewn up! {{spoiler|Though he's in a VR simulation, so this may be part of the program.}}
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* [[Modesty Bedsheet]] - A few instances, but the most baffling by far happens when a [[Hooker With a Heart of Gold]] seduces the protagonist by taking her bra off in front of him ([[Toplessness From the Back|with her back to the camera]]) and jumping into his bed. In the following sex scene she's enthusiastically bouncing away on top of him... with her bra put back on.
* [[Motifs]]: Many, most notably the little robots that see into your soul and the various rockets/spaceships seen in every single episode. Makes sense in the [[Grand Finale]].
* [[Name's the Same]]: As another connection between ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' and ''Life on Mars'' franchise, Sam Tyler's mom is called Rose.
* [[Not Named in Opening Credits]] - Inverted, {{spoiler|with Lisa Bonet named in the finale despite not appearing in that episode...probably so as not to give away the show's ending}}.
* [[Prophecy Twist]] - that coma Sam got visions of throughout the first half of the season is not necessarily ''his''.