Life with Derek: Difference between revisions

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* [[Be Careful What You Wish For]]: Casey learns this the hard way on her sixteenth birthday when she wishes Derek out of her life. {{spoiler|But considering that it's all a dream, and the audience is well aware of it...}}
* [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]]: Speculation abounds regarding this between Derek and Casey. Thick enough between Truman and Casey to serve up with an ice cream scoop.
* [[Big Man Onon Campus]]: Max. Derek tries.
* [[Black Best Friend]]: Emily.
* [[Blah Blah Blah]]: When Sam is talking to Derek about his and Casey's recent argument, this is all Derek hears.
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* [[Imaginary Friend]]: Marti's imaginary friend Daphne, [[Tuckerization|named for series creator Daphne Ballon]].
* [[Jerk Jock]]: Played straight with Derek, and subverted with his modest, likeable hockey buddies Sam and Ralph.
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: Derek when he's not [[Jerkass|just a jerk]].
** Especially with [[Morality Pet|Marti]].
*** Also with Casey, [ especially when she cried.]
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'''Nora''': Hey! }}
* [[Loads and Loads of Characters]]: Seems to be a Canadian thing.
* [[Locked in Aa Room]]: Derek and Casey get locked in the bathroom in "The Party" and bonding ensues. Although... whether or not Derek was being sincere is up for debate...
* [[London England Syndrome]]: An interesting aversion, in that we eventually learn the show is set in London, Ontario (population 350,000, about halfway between [[Toronto]] and [[Motor City|Detroit]]), but they never come out and call it "London, Ontario".
* [[Not Blood Siblings]]: Often an excuse of the shippers.
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* [[Platonic Life Partners]]: In contrast to their elder siblings, Lizzie and Edwin have one of the best-written platonic relationships on television. Still doesn't stop the shippers, though, as the fans have made them into a [[Fanon]] [[Not Blood Siblings]] [[Beta Couple]].
* [[Precocious Crush]]: Lizzie develops one on her soccer coach in one episode.
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]: Sheldon, and later, Sally.
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: Principal Lasseter is a disciplinarian, but is also willing to consider more important things, such as the effect of expelling Derek on school morale.
* [[Recycled in Space]]: ''[[Even Stevens]]'' AS [[The Brady Bunch]]! IN CANADA!
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* [[Soapbox Sadie]]: Lizzie takes treehugging to a whole new level.
* [[Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome]]: Edwin's age jumped from 10 to 13 when Daniel Madger's voice dropped.
* [[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"]]: Casey's first clue that Derek had put his name on her math test (and vice-versa) was that he'd spelled her last name "Mac" rather than "Mc." His response:
{{quote| '''Derek''': Are you sure? Because "Mac" just feels right.}}
* [[Standardized Sitcom Housing]]: Delightfully averted. The McDonald-Venturi home is an older-style three story dwelling, of which multiple rooms are seen from multiple angles.
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* [[Victorious Childhood Friend]]: Patience really paid off for {{spoiler|Emily and Derek}}.
* [[Violent Glaswegian]]: Casey and Truman's fencing coach Fergus is a toned-down version.
* [[Visit Byby Divorced Dad]]: Casey and Lizzie's dad and the Venturi kids' mom both make appearances. They're as active as is practical in their kids' lives.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: Derek and Casey's relationship could be seen like this.
* [[Wacky Marriage Proposal]]: Two of them:
** In a [[Flash Back]] episode, Casey and Derek have such a lousy rapport that they try, and initially succeed, at torpedoing their parents' marriage plans. {{spoiler|[[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|In the end, Casey proposes on behalf of her mother, and Derek accepts on behalf of his father]]}}.
** At their junior prom, Sheldon proposes to Emily in front of the entire student body. {{spoiler|He's about to [[Put Onon a Bus|move to Newfoundland with his parents]], and is making a last ditch effort to hold onto Emily}}.