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== Anime and Manga ==
* Avoided in ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]'', where seasons usually end with a [[Where Are They Now? Epilogue]] that show the various characters being promoted or switching to the branches they've been striving for, even if it breaks up the entire cast. Isn't really too big an obstacle that a [[Time Skip]] and a big enough incident that requires their branches to work together can't fix.
** Though in the epilogue of ''StrikerS'' it is revealed that Nanoha declined a promotion to remain as a Captain and a training officer. Signum, however, despite only being a 2nd Lieutenant in [[Striker S]], catches up to Nanoha in rank by [[Vi Vid]].
* Followed in ''[[Full Metal Panic!]]'' with Sousuke, who, throughout the entire series, despite being incredibly competent and single-handedly saving the day numerous times, stays a [[Almighty Janitor|sergeant and receives no promotions]]. Most likely, however, he actively avoids moving up ranks, and apparently prefers to simply [[Obfuscating Stupidity|keep a low profile]] and do his work. Another possibility is that his organization is [[Genre Savvy]] enough to know that to promoted him would take him out of situations that only he can resolve. Interestingly, Mao gets promoted to second in command (despite not doing ''nearly'' as much as Sousuke).
* Played straight in a canon chapter of ''[[One Piece]]'' made to promote the tenth movie: Vice-Admiral Garp refused promotion to Admiral, despite having the strength and renown for such a promotion to be possible, because being an Admiral would give him less freedom to do what he wanted.
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== Comic Books ==
* Captain Haddock, which is lampshaded in ''[[Tintin]] and the Picaros''
* [[Judge Dredd]] frequently turns down the Chief Judge's job, as it means taking him off the streets and leaving him with a lot of paperwork.
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** Carrot's <s>girlfriend</s> friend-with-whom-he-has-an-Understanding Angua becomes a Sergeant; she might have been said to overcome the double glass ceiling of being a werewolf and a woman, if anyone who actually determined promotions were biased that way. Between ''[[Discworld/Unseen Academicals|Unseen Academicals]]'' and ''[[Discworld/I Shall Wear Midnight|I Shall Wear Midnight]]'' she gets promoted to Captain, previous novels having noted that the expanded Watch needs more than one.
** Even Cheery Littlebottom (despite disliking shouting at people) is made a Sergeant because she's good at thinking. Detritus the troll (despite, as he puts it, "them two short planks bein' as fick as Detritus") becomes one because he's good at shouting.
** The (reluctant) king (and he'd refuse the title) of this trope, however, has to be Vimes himself. When first encountered, he's a captain of the three-man Night Watch, who hide from criminals. The next time we see him he plans to retire after getting married. However, intrigued by the notion of a Watch that truly ''matters'', he accepts the rank of Commander--and, though he has to grit his teeth, the knighthood which goes with it. Later, after stopping a war (by arresting the armies involved) and demonstrating his willingness to do his duty no matter the consequences (by arresting the Patrician), he's made Duke of Ankh, rendering him the most powerful nobleman in the city (save Vetinari himself, though he isn't really a descendant of a noble family, as far as we know).
** The notable [[Double Subversion|exceptions to the exception]], Sergeant Colon and Corporal Nobbs, are characters you wouldn't ''expect'' to be promoted--Nobby could never rise above Corporal on merit, and there would be little point to demoting him as his behavior would remain unchanged (in his introduction, the narrator notes that every force has a Nobby, and they take care never to be promoted above corporal, since rank comes with responsibilities); while Colon is one of "nature's sergeants"--big, loud, red-faced, and a good trainer. When Colon is reluctantly [[The Neidermeyer|made Acting-Captain, he screws up completely]].
* In the [[Star Wars]] [[Expanded Universe]] [[X Wing Series|X-Wing series]], Wedge Antilles frequently passes up chances for advancement, preferring the rank of Commander and leading Rogue Squadron to taking a greater role. Eventually, though, he realizes he's being a bit selfish--that he could contribute at a much greater level. Ackbar also notes that for an upcoming campaign, he'll need rank to pull. That, and the fact that some generals are allowed to stay on commanding elite squadrons instead of flying a desk all the time, convinces him. (It's notable he's a general, and one with no small influence over the supreme commander, before he's 30, though.)
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** Harkness has reached the top of the NCO ranks. He ''can't'' advance any higher without "going mustang" and becoming an officer, for which he has a towering lower-deck disdain (and which usually is very difficult, though in his case probably not so much). That said, he's been stated several times to hold responsibilities equivalent to a Commander's in the new, org-chart-still-being-written LAC wings he serves in; he's basically a chief engineer. Worth noting that everybody still calls him "Chief", even though that is emphatically ''not'' a title that a CWO would normally be entitled to. He gets to keep using it only because he is [[Memetic Badass|Sir Horace Harkness]]. Previously, he had been promoted many times, and busted down in rank just as many times, for his inability to stay out of trouble or to avoid beating up [[Space Marines]].
** Citizen Rear Admiral Lester Tourville apparently spent a great deal of effort trying to avoid getting promoted any higher, due to the increased political oversight that would bring him.
** The extension of lifespan brought about by pro-long has meant that several flag-rank officers have been asked to go to reserve status to open up opportunities for juniors. Presumably in the face of a needed naval build-up they are to be called back.
** The books pay special attention to the trope of officers (especially Captains) ''refusing'' promotions that would take them from hands-on command to desk jobs. Simply put, if you tell the Navy you're not up to the next responsibility it offers you... It agrees '''completely'''. Enjoy civilian life.
* In the ''[[Harry Potter]]'' series, Albus Dumbledore, the most powerful wizard alive and a shining light for the anti-Voldemort movement, is content to spend the rest of his life working as the headmaster of a school. It's mentioned that he's been offered the position of Minister for Magic a number of times, but turns it down even as it continues to go to annoying [[Obstructive Bureaucrat|Obstructive Bureaucrats]]. In ''[[Deathly Hallows]]'', it's revealed that this is because {{spoiler|Dumbledore doesn't trust himself with power due to [[Dead Little Sister|a tragic incident]] in his youth.}}
** He ''was'' Chief Warlock of the Witangemot, which appears to be something like a cross between Speaker for Parliament and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, leaning toward the Chief Justice side. But when politics takes that away it doesn't seem to bother him much.
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== Live-Action TV ==
* William Riker on ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Star Trek the Next Generation]]'' waited 16 years to get a promotion. Oh, and said promotion takes place in a deleted scene of [[Star Trek: Nemesis|a movie]]. Riker turned down several promotions along the way, as he prefers being first officer on the flagship rather than captain of some unimportant bucket of bolts. Riker at least managed to top off that last promotion refusal by saving the whole Federation from ''[[The Virus]]'', which had already destroyed the ship he'd been about to become the captain of and a bunch of others, effectively giving the higher-ups a darn good reason to not force him into retirement.
** Riker's refusal to be promoted is a frequent plot point however, he gets flak from his father and Picard himself questions him about it. It is also a bit of [[Fridge Logic]] in that there is a demonstrated in-universe need for experienced officers to replace those lost in battle or accidents, and alternate timelines and futures show several other-universe Rikers have reached the rank of Captain.
*** In "The Best of Both Worlds", Commander Shelby outright states that she wants Riker's position and suggests that Riker is holding up the careers of other qualified officers by refusing to move up, since First Officer is a necessary springboard to receiving a command (the hole in her logic is evident, as one need not be a full commander to be a first officer; and then the 2009 ''[[Star Trek (film)|Star Trek]]'' film had Kirk going from Cadet to Captain all in one go). Shelby also states that, after the fleet is built up again, Riker will doubtless have his choice of commands (since he just got done, you know, ''saving the Earth''). It inexplicably never happens.
*** It is even worse, in "Best of Both Worlds" Riker was promoted Captain. Count the pips on his collar, he's got four. Then in "Family", he's back to Commander again. [[Fridge Logic|The only explanation]] is that he's somehow engineered a demotion for himself. Maybe he got Troi to say he was psychologically incapable of command or something. It'd explain why it took so long for him to get back to captain again.
** Jean-Luc Picard, as well. He spent 22 years as commander of the ''Stargazer'', followed by 7 years on the ''Enterprise''-D, with 9 years in between. One can see how the production staff would be unwilling to promote characters past their beloved Captain. Picard did however take over the ''Stargazer'' at the rank of Lieutenant Commander. It being a smaller ship he may have been able to command it at a lower rank, getting promoted to Commander and later Captain during those long years. It's also clear that when he lost his ship the resulting inquiry took more than a few years to clear him of wrongdoing.
*** Those who like to [[Fan Wank|spend more time thinking about this than is generally considered healthy]] might notice that the period between the [[Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country|Khitomer Conference]] and [[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Picard taking command of the Enterprise]] was by all evidence a rather stagnant one. There were, for the most part, evidently few major conflicts (the only one we hear about, aside from a few Romulan incursions against the Klingons, was a war between the Federation and the Cardassians that [[Expansion Pack Past|didn't bear mentioning until the sixth season]]), and we see quite a few ship designs from Kirk's era still in service (the ''Excelsior''- and ''Miranda''-class being some impressively long-lived ship designs, still in front-line service late in ''[[Deep Space Nine]]'''s run). It's entirely possible that there literally have been few advancement opportunities in Starfleet, especially with the highly advanced state of medicine meaning that if a [[Negative Space Wedgie]] doesn't get you, heart disease probably won't either. In fact, ''Admiral'' Leonard [[McCoy]] was still performing Starfleet duties at the age of 137.
** Ditto for Data, who remained a Lieutenant Commander during the whole run of the series ''and'' the spin-off movies. Arguably, Data's career stalled out because he's an android, and the brass are unsure how he'd perform in a command role. Indeed, the few times he does, he does some pretty unorthodox things. In all seriousness, though, it's implied (sometimes even more than implied) that there's an [[Fantastic Racism|element of racism]] involved in Data's current rank. It was said prior to his posting on the Enterprise he spent years on a starbase being treated as a computer. This is most blatantly seen in the second half of the "Redemption" 2-parter where A) Data had to directly confront Picard in a rare display of ambition/pride in order to get a temporary command and B) Upon receiving said command, encountered severe resistance on the part of his temporary XO, well beyond the point of insubordination into outright insolence. Thankfully, it would appear that Data learned from that experience and, upon temporarily commanding the Enterprise a few seasons later, tore his temporary First Officer ([[The Worf Effect|Worf]] in this case) a new one for similar actions. For a being with no emotions, he sure knows how to deliver an ass-chewing when it's justified.
** In the prequel comic to [[Star Trek (film)|the 11th movie]], Picard has become Ambassador to Romulus, Riker commands the ''Titan'', and Data is now captain of the ''Enterprise'' itself. It means that Data's gotten further ahead than Riker, as he's now captain of the flagship.
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** Nurse Chapel's initial rank is never revealed, but she's a full Lieutenant in TAS and a full Commander by ''[[Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home|The Voyage Home]]''. Plus she goes from a nurse on ''[[Star Trek: The Original Series|TOS]]'' to an M.D. ([[Too Many Cooks Spoil the Soup|much to McCoy's annoyance]]) in ''[[Star Trek: The Motion Picture|TMP]]''.
** Even Yeoman Rand, an enlisted crewman, eventually becomes an officer. Due to several costuming and scripting errors, it's unclear ''how'' high she rises in the ranks, but let's be generous and make her Lieutenant Commander and First Officer, as depicted in the ''Voyager'' episode "Flashback".
** Subverting this particular trope with the TOS crew created another sort of problem. By [[Star Trek V: The Final Frontier|Star Trek V]] The ''Enterprise'' had three crew members--Kirk, Spock, and Scotty--who held the rank of captain. It was also non-canonicly suggested that Mr. Sulu had been granted command of the ''Starship Excelsior'' by this time, but retained his commander rank until he actually transferred to the vessel; making him an unofficial fourth captain.
* This has been (partially) avoided on ''[[Stargate SG-1]]'', in that Captain Samantha Carter was promoted first to a Major, then to Lieutenant Colonel -- though throughout these promotions, she stayed with the same team. In an attempt to decrease Richard Dean Anderson's screen time (he's slowly retiring), his character was promoted to Brigadier General for season 8 and he started running Stargate Command rather than going on missions. In seasons 9 and 10 he heads up Homeworld Security in Washington as a Major General, which leaves him to appear once or twice a season as a guest star.
** In fact, only two regular cast members have not been promoted: Daniel Jackson a (civilian) and Teal'c. Daniel ''did'' get that whole ascension thing going, though, and Teal'c's "promotions" may be the permission to intermingle with human society. Neither, though, is part of the normal US Military structure (formally, at least), so they're not in any position to get promotions.
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** McGee starts as a Probationary Agent and it is a big dealt for him to get promoted to full agent (although Tony still calls him 'probie' for a while). Timothy McGee has been promoted twice after that, first to senior field agent after Gibbs left and Tony became supervisor. The other was when Vance took over and made him head of cyber-crime. However he willingly to a demotion back to junior agent when he had the chance to.
** When Ziva leaves Mosad and applied to join NCIS she has to go through the application process and then starts out as a probationary agent even thought she has been part of the team for years. The fact that she is not a US citizen complicates things even more.
*** NCIS Directors Shephard and Vance both started out as field agents and were at one point equal or junior in rank to Gibbs.
*** Gibbs could have been director but hates the paperwork and politics involved<ref> Jenny admits he would deal with politicians in more efficient ways than her, by just shooting them.</ref>. He regularly becomes acting-director when the regular director is away for an extended time or incapacitated.
* Averted in ''[[Scrubs]]'', where all of the main characters have advanced and been promoted consistently throughout, except where certain characters are happy with their positions or are already at the top.
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*** He is transferred due to his exceptional ability at figuring out how the person died. Ostensibly because he killed so many people as an intern.
* In the eleven-season course of ''[[MASH]]'', only Mulchahy and Klinger get promoted, despite having an episode where Hawkeye, B.J., and Charles serve as the promotion board. Mulcahy actually spends an(other) episode lamenting the lack of advancement opportunity. This is largely [[Truth in Television]]. Klinger makes Sergeant at some point, which is as high as he can expect to go, since outside of very unusual circumstances, non-commissioned officers are rarely promoted to commissioned officers. Not to mention that the main characters are almost all draftees, who wouldn't expect to be promoted to high rank only to lose it in a year's time.
** This was justified in an episode where the staff learn of a new MASH unit being prepared and they are afraid that they would be split up, even if that presumably could come with promotions for the gang. When the evaluator for the staff finally learns of this concern, he makes clear that the 4077th staff is considered too valuable in its current composition to break up.
** They did an episode where Hawkeye and B.J. got Radar promoted as a joke/gift; in the end, Radar begged them to get him busted back down.
** In "Fade Out, Fade In", Hawkeye learns that Frank Burns was actually [[Kicked Upstairs|promoted]] to Lieutenant Colonel and assigned to a stateside VA hospital after his departure from the 4077th.
** In another episode, a general who happens to be an old acquaintance of Margaret tells her he wants to take her to work for him in Hawaii. The transfer would come with a promotion to lieutenant colonel. She refuses on the basis that the transfer and promotion are rewards for granting the general sexual favors. This appears to be a form of character derailment/development. In earlier seasons, Margaret wouldn't have cared and probably wouldn't have noticed the quid pro quo sexual harassment issue. She would have taken the promotion and would have argued that she deserved it.
* Mostly averted with ''[[JAG]]'' - almost everyone gets promoted at least once.
** Harmon Rabb starts the series as a Lieutenant, is promoted to Lieutenant Commander midway through Season One, becomes a Commander in Season Five, and finally reaches Captain in the second-to-last episode of the series.
** Sarah Mackenzie starts the series as a Major and is promoted to Lieutenant Colonel by the fifth year.
** Bud Roberts starts off as an Ensign, is promoted to Lieutenant JG (and the opening credits) when he joins JAG in the second year, reaches Lieutenant in the fourth season, and is promoted to Lieutenant Commander in Season Nine.
** Harriet Sims' career path follows Bud's pretty well, going from Ensign to Lieutenant JG by Season Four to full Lieutenant at the end of Season Six.
** Even recurring characters such as Thomas Boone (first Commander Air Group- or CAG- aboard aircraft carrier ''Seahawk'', then a Rear Admiral) and Caitlin Pike (first Lt. JG, later a full Commander) get a promotion or three, albeit offscreen. Episode 200, in addition to promoting Petty Officer Jennifer Coates to Petty Officer 1st Class, even showed a what-if scenario where Cmdr. Alison Krennick, unseen since the first year outside of a flashback to a [[Lost Episode]], was Rear Admiral and heading JAG.
** One example of [[Truth in Television]] in relation to promotions comes with the final season - upon Adm. Chegwidden's retirement, a new character, Col. Gordon Cresswell, is promoted to Maj. Gen. to fill his position as JAG. A variation comes earlier when the first Secretary of the Navy is forced to resign and a new one is appointed to fill his position.
** Several characters went without promotions however, but these were either due to seniority (Chegwidden), being late additions to the series (Turner), being unpopular with their coworkers (Cmdr. Lindsey, Lt. Singer), or being murdered (Lt. Singer, {{spoiler|''by'' Cmdr. Lindsey}}).
*** One episode has Cmdr. Lindsey up for promotion but Adm. Chegwidden will not recommend him to the promotion board despite Lindsey being a favourite of the old Secretary of the Navy.
* ''[[Major Dad]]'' had in its final season made the 'Up or Out' system an important plot point. The Major was up for promotion the second time. There is no third time. Lieutenant Colonel Dad doesn't have the same ring to it.
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* This is technically [[Justified Trope|justified]] in the case of [[House (TV series)|Gregory House]], as he IS a genius doctor, but also batshit insane, and no one besides Cuddy would hire him. As well, his position as "Chief of Diagnostics" means he's as high up in that hospital as he can get, "answering" directly to Cuddy.
** {{spoiler|Until he drives his car into her living room.}}
* Rimmer from ''[[Red Dwarf]]'' prior to the titular ship's crew being wiped out, holds the rank of Second Technician after fifteen years in the Space Corps. Rimmer is outranked by the ship's service droids and "the man who changed the bog rolls." and every attempt to get a promotion ends in abject failure. Lister, on the other hand, despite being the only person that Rimmer has any authority over, has no interest in being promoted whatsoever. He did toy with the idea of earning a promotion to Ship's Cook once, just so he could technically outrank Rimmer. (yes, even the cook could [[Butt Monkey|order Rimmer around]]).
* ''[[Blue Bloods]]'' avoids this trope by having most of the characters start out as high up the promotion ladder as they can reasonably get.
** Frank is already the police commissioner and the next step in advancement would be for him to run for mayor
** Henry retired as police commissioner
** Danny is too much of a [[Cowboy Cop]] to ever get higher than his current position as a Major Case detective
** Erin is an assistant district attorney prosecuting major cases and working closely with the District Attorney.
** Jamie is just a rookie cop but given his intelligence, drive and of course family connections he could be police commissioner himself one day.
* Donald Cragen of ''[[Law and Order|Law & Order]]'' and ''[[Law and Order Special Victims Unit|Law & Order: SVU]]'' has been a Captain in the NYPD for almost a quarter of a century.
** His replacement on the original series, Anita Van Buren, never rose above the rank of Lieutenant in her seventeen-year tenure, which actually becomes a plot point: she had applied to become a Captain but, despite having seniority, was passed over for a white woman. She then sued the NYPD, which unsurprisingly has limited her prospects.
* On [[Law and Order: Criminal Intent]] despite being 50, having spent two decades on the force and being one of the most brilliant officers at one PP, Robert Goren is still only a Junior Detective. This was lampshaded by a [[Corrupt Bureaucrat]] that was in cahoots with a [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]], she said that because of his instability he would never be promoted to senior partner and that Eames would never make captain because of him.
** Eames is actually offered the position of captain but ends up declining partly because it was a bribe and partly because Goren left the police force.
* Averted in ''[[The Wire]]''. Throughout the series, several people are promoted, sometimes more than once, including policemen, politicians, and street hustlers.
* ''[[The Office]]'' (US) has few opportunities for promotion. They try to subvert it a few times but most of the time it does not stick. Micheal will not get promoted past branch manager and while he has that job nobody else is really moving up. Most of the other people have specialized individual positions with only Micheal above them.
** Pam gets a promotion by essentially creating the position of office administrator herself and then bullying and conning everyone else into accepting this.
** When Ryan and Jim manage to get promotions, it does not stick for long
** When Michael leves the company for good, the new manager is brought in from the head office. When that fails {{spoiler|Dwight}} is given a shot at the job but also fails spectacularly. A wider search is conducted and Dwight, Andy and Darryl compete for the position against outsiders. {{spoiler|Andy is promoted}}
** This is completely inverted with Robert California. He is about to be hired as the new branch manager but to everyone's suprise manages to talk his way into becoming the new CEO of the whole company.
* ''[[Suits]]'' plays with this. In the pilot Harvey is promoted to Senior Partner which highlights his rapid rise through the firm's ranks. At the same time Louis is still stuck as Junior Partner which is a major source of frustration for him. Mike could rise rapidly in the company due to his talents but if he screws up he could be stuck as a Junior Associate forever.
* Justified on [[The X-Files]], especially with Mulder. Though he was advancing quickly up the VC's career ladder, once he became involved with the X-Files he was shut away in the basement just to get him out of everyone's hair. And since he runs that department, there isn't really anywhere up he can go. Not to mention he doesn't really give a damn whether he even keeps the job, let alone gets promoted. However, he does often lament that Scully's involvement with him on the X-Files essentially kills any opportunity she has for advancement, since it will be seen as a dark mark on her record. However, Scully never seems to express any desire to climb the ranks and eventually becomes just as invested in the X-Files as Mulder.
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* In the ''[[Crusader: No Remorse|Crusader]]'' games, after slaughtering hundreds of enemy soldiers, destroying dozens of enemy mechs, demolishing more than half a dozen WEC installations and stockpiles, saving the Earthbound Resistance, assassinating a member of the WEC's board of directors, and ''capturing the goddamned Moon''... the Silencer is still a Captain. This may be justified given that his Captain rank was given by the WEC before he defected to the rebels, who really don't care as much about rank.
** On the other hand, Sergeant Brooks from the first game is promoted to Lieutenant, according to an email the Silencer receives between games.
* Granted, he's at the top of the NCO rank ladder, but someone should probably have thought to give [[Halo|Master Chief Petty Officer John-117]] a commission before they sent him off to save the world for the fourth freakin' time. Yet, as an officer, it would be Master Chief's (or rather, Ensign's) job to send and lead other people in saving the world, rather than doing so himself so there may be gameplay reasons for this. This may also be a reflection of real life Master Chiefs essentially being the "gods" of the real life Navy. Master Chiefs cannot be "promoted," make way more money than low-level officers, and basically run the ship the way they want since their careers no longer hinge on "making nice" with the officers.
* [[Wing Commander (video game)|Maniac]]. The one time he makes it past Major, at the end of ''[[Wing Commander (video game)|Wing Commander]] IV'' (more in [[Wing Commander (novel)|the novelization]] than the game), off-screen he gets busted down again. Possibly justified on the basis of him being a complete idiot (indeed, this is [[Lampshaded]] in IV when it's pointed out just how catastrophic giving him a squadron command would be), but why he hasn't been retired -- or court martialed -- long ago remains a mystery.
** Even better, in ''Prophecy'', he ''does'' get a squadron command, and promptly gives it up as too much responsibility.
** Though Maniac's career stalls at Major, that's not too bad considering he started out at 2nd Lieutenant in the first game. Blair himself also begins at the rank of 2nd Lieutenant and ends off as a Commodore (equivalent to the rank of Brigadier General). Angel starts off at Captain and is a Colonel by ''Wing Commander III'' - only two promotions in many years for a decorated war hero could be an example of this trope. Paladin starts off as Major and becomes a General before leaving the service entirely and getting a high-ranking position in the Senate. Tolwyn, a Vice Admiral in the second game, manages to get himself promoted to Space Marshal in ''Wing Commander IV''.
** The answer to the Maniac mystery is that he was supposed to be just that damned good that an army in the midst of a genocidal war that Confed was losing for much of the time couldn't afford to get rid of him.
* In ''[[Ghostbusters the Video Game]]'', Winston Zeddemore, once just the working stiff latecomer to the business, had gone back to school to earn a Doctorate and so is now, "Dr. Zeddemore."
* Adachi, of [[Persona 4]]. {{spoiler|This is the reason why he snapped.}} {{spoiler|Apparently he made a [[Noodle Incident|'mistake']] that got him sent to Inaba as an informal punishment. Also the characters call him out on the fact that he killed two people because he snapped over not getting promoted. If this was true, frustrated office workers would be killing everyone left and right.}}