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* In Alison Goodman's "Eon: The Last Dragoneye", Ryko, probably Eon/Eona's most faithful friend, spends all of about a chapter hating her after [[Sweet Polly Oliver|finding out the truth]]. Then she stays to save him instead of running after her former friend Dillon, who has stolen the black folio, which they were trying to keep away from him and his master.
{{quote| Ryko: "You should have run after him. You should have run after him. But I'm glad you stayed."}}
* ''[[The Time TravelersTraveler's Wife]]'' is basically constructed of these - but the most poignant scene was Henry's "meeting" of Alba in the museum - and her joy at seeing him since {{spoiler|he has been dead for several years}}
* The end of [[The Bartimaeus Trilogy|Ptolemy's Gate]], when {{spoiler|Nathaniel's heroic sacrifice}} is just like Ptolemy's.
* ''[[Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn]]'' pulls one of these off at the end when Rachel the Dragon is {{spoiler|reunited with Simon}}.