• Baber having an issue with his daughter's clothes:

Baber: "You look like a Protestant!"
Layla: "Don't you mean prostitute?"
Baber: "No! I mean Protestant!"

  • During a heated argument, Baber tries to get Rayyan to move and ends up almost shoving her (note that they both regard touching non-family-members of the opposite sex as being a major taboo):

Rayyan: "You can't touch me!"
Baber: [backs off, looking shocked] "A thousand apologies, sister Rayyan! [[[Beat]]] Somebody get me a stick to poke her with..."

  • From 6x01:

Yusef: "You have colorful pillows!"

  • "Dating Game" - the whole episode.
  • To Amaar, after Rayyan checked Baber's temperature.

Baber: "Your wife just tried to get to second base with me."