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We generally don't feel too bad if such living batteries are plants or insects, but the more intelligent, humanoid and sentient the creature, the more likely this will be [[Played for Drama]]. The story may reveal the battery is being taken advantage of, if not outright enslaved, and the extraction of the '''Living Battery''''s energy is harmful, traumatizing, or even lethal. Often the justification for why it is necessary is some form of Higher-Species-Rights, [[Fantastic Racism]], the fact that the parasitic species created the '''Living Battery''' in the first place, or simple desperation and need on the part of the extracting species. Or the extractors might just be [[Villain]]s who don't care who they hurt in the name of gaining power.
A [[Sub-Trope]] of [[Power Source]]. [[Powered by a Forsaken Child]] is itself a subtrope. Compare [[Life Energy]], [[Sentient Phlebotinum]], [[Human Resources]] and [[Cast Fromfrom Hit Points]].
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== Tabletop RPG ==
* ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]''. The Spelljammer campaign setting had Lifejammer and Death Helms, which powered their ship's flight by draining the [[Life Energy]] of the victim strapped into them (in game terms they drained [[Hit Points]]).
* In ''[[Genius: The Transgression]]'', Geniuses can take the merit "Calculus Vampire" which allows them to drain [[Magic-Powered Pseudoscience|mania]] from living creatures (or other things). [[Artificial Human|Manes]] also have the ability to do so automatically.
* ''Dark Conspiracy'' supplement ''Darktek''. A number of the Dark Minion items can only be recharged by draining the user's [[Life Force]].
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* The webcomic ''[[Machine Gun Angel]]'' has the [[Mega Corp]] who took over the world [[After the End]] running power plants on energy harvested from genetically manipulated humans (originally, they used sentient human clones, but they caved to public pressure and made clones that were [[Empty Shell]]s).
* The Psiioniic from ''[[Homestuck]]'' was forced to [[Cast Fromfrom Hit Points]] to fuel the Condense's intergalactic ship.
* In ''[[Girl Genius]]'', Agatha drinks water from the Dyne and is super-charged as a temporary power source.
* In ''[[Breakfast of the Gods]]'', Cookie Jarvis the Wizard forsaw the coming of [[It Makes Sense in Context|Count Chocula and his forces]] and needed someone pure of heart to act as a battery to boost Cerelia's defenses. This turns out to be the reason {{spoiler|King Vitaman was missing for nearly the entire story}}: he volunteered to be the battery.
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