Living Statue: Difference between revisions

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** This happened to Odin and The Queen. Odin comes back to fight; The Queen just gives you tears from a stone.
** More noticeably, the Warring Triad (often referred to as "The Statues") which caused worldwide devastation in the War of the Magi 1000 years ago. They sealed themselves in stone voluntarily and set themselves in balance; breaking the balance breaks the world again. At the end of the game, the deities of the Triad are enslaved and robbed of their power by Kefka, allowing the party to finally destroy them.
* ''[[Act RaiserActRaiser]]'': the Master (i.e. God, i.e. ''you'') animates a statue to serve as an earthly avatar, and as the warrior with which to defeat the evil roaming the world.
* The second boss in ''[[La-Mulana]]'' is a reanimated statue of an extinct race of giants.
* Both the good and the evil variety appears in ''[[Legend of Kay]]''. In keeping with the game's vaguely Chinese feel, the dungeon contains [[Mooks|clay warriors]] that animate and attack when Kay gets too close. In the city above, Kay must reanimate two [[Taken for Granite|ancestor statues]] to solve a puzzle.