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* One of the main limitations on magic in the [[Dresden Files]] (or, rather, the mortal magic, as werewolves and faeries seem to sidestep the issue) is that you really have to know what you're doing for something to work. You can't transform someone into a frog without knowing an awful lot about the anatomy of frogs... and if you don't want to destroy someone's mind in the process you have to really know neurosciences. So, essentially, it's impossible. Also banned because it's so dangerous.
** Not sidestep so much as displace; weres get help (through bargain, artifact or rituals of communion) from something which ''does'' know all of that, and some nonhumans such as certain faeries fall into that category. Their minds and senses simply give them complete and accurate knowledge of all of the details of the relevant natural processes; for them extrapolating from a strand of DNA to a creature's adult form, natural environment and group dynamics may be as simple as pluralizing a word... and requires no greater intelligence than the latter feat would for a human. This actually carries its own [[Logical Weakness]] in that a being ''that'' aware of cause and effect is at base restricted by that awareness.
* The ''[[Mistborn]]'' series follows a very strong [[Magic aA Is Magic A]] system, so many powers can potentially be a double-edged sword. Someone burning tin (which gives [[Super Senses]]) can be incapacitated with loud noises or flashes of light, for example, and to be any good as a Coinshot (telekinetic control of metals), you'd better have a ''really'' good understanding of elementary physics- try and Push something bigger than you are and you'll be the one flying across the room instead.
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