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Usually played for laughs, but there is something disturbing when one thinks about what might happen if such a character had any real influence.
''[[Don Quixote (Literature)|Don Quixote]]'' is perhaps the [[Trope Maker]], and most characters of this type will end up fighting [[They Might Be Giants|windmills]] as a [[Shout -Out]].
See [[Failure Knight]]. Compare [[General Failure]], [[Miles Gloriosus]], and [[Modern Major-General]]. Lord Error Prone is a knight who errs, but should not be confused with a [[Knight Errant]].
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* Shuutaro Mendo (from ''[[Urusei Yatsura]]''), possibly Kuno's literary ancestor, is much the same. He's incredibly wealthy, carries a sword everywhere he goes, and generally acts the cool sophisticate, an act for which the local girls fawn over him in adoration. Scratch the gloss, however, and he's really no better than [[Loveable Sex Maniac]] Ataru Moroboshi himself. In fact, he's debateably worse, given that he's utterly afraid of the dark, claustrophobic, and a [[Dirty Coward]], while Ataru is capable of [[Determinator|insane acts of bravery and determination]].
* Leo from ''[[Scrapped Princess]]''.
* An episode of the ''[[Kirby]]'' [[Kirby of the Stars|anime]] features a guest character who is pretty much an [[Expy]] of (and [[Shout -Out]] to) [[Don Quixote (Literature)|Don Quixote]], replacing chivalric novels with comic books and cartoons. He ends up being treated sympathetically, especially because he's a senile old man whose delusions are pretty much his will to live. And then he helps Kirby fight a windmill monster.
* America in [[Axis Powers Hetalia]] is always loudly declaring that he's "The Hero" but in reality he's rather clueless and he only annoys the other countries. In fanfiction, this tralslates to him being anything from a hopeless idiot obsessed with superheroes to a genuinely well-intentioned but incompetent idealist.
* ''[[Darker Than Black (Anime)|Darker Than Black]]'''s Gai Kurosawa (not his real name; [[Awesome McCoolname|he chose it to sound cool]]) likes to think he's a gritty, badass gumshoe P.I. in the style of a [[Raymond Chandler]] novel, that he was kicked out of the police force for thinking outside the box, and his [[Perpetual Poverty]] is all part of the romance of his lifestyle. In actuality, his hardships are a result of being a [[Clueless Detective|pretty piss-poor investigator]] who jumps to whatever conclusion seems the most [[Film Noir|dramatic]], and [[Wrong Genre Savvy|the only connection he has to what's really going on is proximity.]]
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== Literature ==
* ''[[Don Quixote (Literature)|Don Quixote]]'' is the [[Ur Example]] here, and most of the windmill-jousting and chivalry-claiming that comes after is derivative - the rest is a [[Shout -Out]].
* Witchfinder Sergeant Shadwell from the novel ''[[Good Omens (Literature)|Good Omens]]''.
* Eyck of Denesle, the paladin/knight errant from one of A. Sapkowski's [[The Witcher]] stories.
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* Happens more often than one would think in ''[[Survival of the Fittest]]'', usually with a character who tries to be a hero and ends up getting either himself, someone he was trying to protect, or both of them killed. Sidney Crosby (yes, the hockey player) is the most famous example so far
** An excellent example in v4 would be Aaron Hughes. He decided right off the bat that he was going to start an escape group. Thing is, though, it's pretty obvious he isn't a good leader, as characters often point out flaws in his plans. Not only that, but he also shows signs of being a [[Manipulative Bastard]], to the point where some handlers call him "the true villain of v4".
* Stalwart, at [[Super -Hero School|Whateley Academy]] in the [[Whateley Universe]]. He even has power armor he's built himself, and a robotic horse which constantly malfunctions.
** And off the school grounds, in Boston, you have the Lamplighter -- basically a [[Green Lantern]] [[Expy]] who's not really quite living in the same 21st century America as everybody else and who the city's police would probably be happier to do without but can't really do much ''about'' either.
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* [[Inspector Gadget]]. Believes his own hype (and everyone else does, too), but in reality couldn't deduce his way out of a wet paper bag, or figure that the criminals surrounding him wearing the logo of his archenemy might in fact be enemies. (He gets a pass on not recognising his dog in disguise, since no-one else there can.)
* ''[[Invader Zim]]'' is a villainous version of this trope. Thinks he's the most badass Irken warrior there ever was. [[Too Dumb to Live|Couldn't be farther from the truth]].
* Captain Wrongway Peachfuzz from ''[[Rocky and Bullwinkle]]''. He's so consistently wrong that a tribe of island natives use him as a weather predictor--by [[Anti -Advice|expecting the opposite of his weather predictions]].
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