Losing Your Head/Playing With: Difference between revisions

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* '''Reconstructed''': Alice is just a head. The body is just something that allows her to move. Which would explain why both head and body are still alive.
* '''Zig Zagged''': Alice is frequently decapitated in a show with [[Negative Continuity]]; her head ''sometimes'' survives afterwards, but not always.
* '''Averted''': [[Off Withwith His Head|Decapitation is lethal, pure and simple.]] Alice gets her head chopped off and dies.
* '''Enforced''': Alice is a character in a show [[Merchandise-Driven|meant to sell a line of toys]] with detachable, swappable heads.
* '''Lampshaded''': "Wow! And I thought '[[Losing Your Head]]' was just a figure of speech!"
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* '''Discussed''': "So you can survive having your head cut off? [[Required Secondary Powers|You can stick it back on afterward, right?]]"
* '''Conversed''': "I don't care if it's magic keeping her severed head alive or not! ''Her head's got no lungs,'' so how the heck is she talking?"
* '''Plotted A Good Waste''': Alice's seemingly throwaway ability to survive decapitation on a regular basis leads to a source of existential angst for her [[Tomato in Thethe Mirror|as she's forced to confront the question of whether she's really human or not.]]
* '''Played For Laughs''': Alice's head gets chopped off [[Once an Episode]], and [[Hilarity Ensues]] as her severed head ends up [[Disaster Dominoes|in one sticky situation after another]], possibly with her headless body in hot pursuit.
* '''Played For Drama''': A magical spell allows Alice to shrug off being beheaded, but when her head is stolen before it can be reattached to her body, then it becomes a quest to reunite her head and body before the spell wears off and Alice dies for real.