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***** It's debatable which ones are fignments of their imaginations and which ones aren't. Those that come out of nowhere like Jack's Son probably have a stronger argument that they're not real. Ana-Lucia is in the Purgatory, too, but isn't ready to move on, nor Ben, which suggests it has an existence independent of the Losties. I'd say there's a decent possibility that ''some'' people in the Purgatory are being ''punished'' for what they did: Keamy winds up dead again in a case of live by the sword, die by the sword (and possibly might 'reincarnate' so he can get shot again and again), and quite possibly Anthony Cooper is there as a vegetable to pay for his sins as well -- he truly ''can't'' move on until [[Your Mind Makes It Real|his mind believes his body has given out from old age.]]
***** Literally EVERYTHING from the purgatory is debatable because it doesn't really seem to make any sense. Lots of the people there were pretty happy with their lot in life upon their deaths so there doesn't seem to be much of a plausible reason for a mind wipe with a side helping of personality regression. Charlie, for example, worked pretty hard to stop being a junkie and earn the affections of Claire, so why bother being his old terrible self again instead of simply being aware from the get go? Hurley anyone? Heck the stated purpose in-show of the purgatory which it's said THEY THEMSELVES created is to serve as a meet-up point for all of them to remember the "most important part of their lives." And what's that part they are all so reminiscent about? That would be the Island they all jammed at the bottom of the ocean in the world they created to celebrate it's impact on their lives. My head hurts.
* So you need to be on the right bearing to enter/leave the island by sea or air, or else [[Timey -Wimey Ball]] happens. So how come the Ajira flight can just take off, or for that matter Oceanic 815 and Ajira 316 were both able to fly to the Island without time travelling?
** Basicaly the [[Timey -Wimey Ball]] is one of the affects of getting too close to any of the pockets of electromagnatism, which are spaced all around the island and inside it. It's not that you need to follow a right bearing to get on/off the island, it's that you need to avoid certain spots or else get hit with the full force of whatever the electronmagnatism will do with you. Between the beach and the frieghter happened to be one such pocket, so Faraday was trying to make sure the helicopter avoided it. Ajira 316 didn't go anywhere near that particular pocket and was relatively safe.
* What happened to the polar bears, and the Dharma experiments? What was the point in focusing so much on the Dharma experiments (especially with the web games during the off-season) if they turned out to be really inconsequential to the plot? WHY does the smoke monster give Rousseau's party the strange 'sickness' or craziness or whatever it is that makes them turn on each other? And what ever happened to Ben's friend Annie?
** [[Twin Peaks|"How's Annie...? ]] [[Wild Mass Guessing|*giggle*]] [[Nightmare Fuel|HOW'S ANNIE?"]]
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