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This happens most with numbers, but can show up in factual explanations as well. When you ask your [[Robot Buddy]] if the air is breathable, odds are he'll go into more detail than you really need.
Note that in real life, the concept of [http://en.[ figures|significant figures]] means that, depending on the circumstances, ending a number with a lot of zeroes is both intuitive and practical. [ Use of overly precise statistics] to verify claims will often be a sign of [[You Fail Logic Forever|pseudoscience]] rather than proper scientific method. This is particularly true when the statistics in question could not have realistically been measured to that degree (i.e. the margin of error is being ignored) or if they are subject to major fluctuation anyway.
This is very frequent in [[Exact Time to Failure]] counts; this is largely because the more figures are shown, the faster the timer appears to be counting down. This, of course, lets the hero stop the timer at [[Always Close|exactly 0:00:01]].
See also [[Mouthful of Pi]] and [[Good With Numbers]]. Often used by characters like the [[Clock King]]. Sounds like, but is (usually) unrelated to, [[Improbable Aiming Skills]]. [[And Ninety Nine99 Cents]] is a trope that plays with this one.
== Anime & Manga ==
* L from ''[[Death Note (Manga)|Death Note]]'' is prone to giving exact percentage probabilities that Light is Kira. According to [[Word of God]] {{spoiler|they were all made-up anyway, as any time he said this he was almost entirely sure of it}}.
* Yuki Nagato from the ''[[Haruhi Suzumiya (Light Novel)|Haruhi Suzumiya]]'' series, who is a [[Ridiculously -Human Robots|ridiculously human alien]]. Probably the prime example of her ludicrous precision is the "Endless Eight" arc, where she breathlessly tells the rest of the SOS Brigade exactly how many times the past two weeks have [[Groundhog Day Loop|looped]] (Which is ''thousands'' of times, mind you) and ''how many times certain events did or didn't happen during these loops.''
* In the ''[[Sky Girls (Anime)|Sky Girls]]'' OVA, Karen uses this to show that she is the team's [[Smart Guy]].
* In ''[[Onidere (Manga)|Onidere]]'', Tadashi has calculated how long he can hug his easily excitable girlfriend so that she stops crying, but doesn't pass out (7 seconds).
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== Live-Action TV ==
* ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'': K-9 is prone to this, even needing to be snapped out of infinite repetition when a percentage goes into "three... three... three... three..."
* In the new ''[[Knight Rider (TV)|Knight Rider]]'', Michael is poisoned. KITT has a countdown to his death that goes into the hundreths of seconds.
** KITT would do this in the original too (though rather less ludicrously), by giving distances to the tenths place, correcting times if they were a minute off, etc.
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== Real Life ==
* The "normal" body temperature of humans is often given as 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. This is due to an adjustment to the original scale to a more precise division. It was originally based the freezing point of water (30 degrees by the previous scale he was basing his on) and human normal body temperature (90 degrees by the older scale). He adjusted it to 32/96 to make 64 intervals between the two. It was later adjusted again to make the freezing and boiling points more precisely 32 and 212, respectively, making body temperature 'about' 98.
* [http://en.[ of highest-grossing_filmsgrossing films#Worldwide_highestWorldwide highest-grossing_filmsgrossing films|Film box office figures]] (specially for recent productions) only lack cents to be more precise.
* John Stossel (Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity) reported in one of his books how the average weight of a bird was given in grams to one decimal place. This was done by converting the real estimate from Imperial to Metric and adding "drama digits." The real estimate was "about half a pound." It just goes to show what significant digits are for.
* When combined with [[Blind Idiot Translation]], this trope may lead to interesting conversions where a person may proclaim that something is e.g. "approximately 9.144 meters away" or "weighing at least 90.718474 kilograms".
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