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    MESS (full title Multi Emulator Super System) is a suite of emulators for a variety of computers and games consoles. It originated as a sister project to MAME, which focuses on emulating Arcade Games, and has since become part of MAME.

    The list of emulated systems is too extensive to include here, but it covers over a thousand unique systems with the emulation in various stages of development ranging from barely started (more recent or obscure systems) to virtually perfect (older or well-known systems).

    Like MAME, MESS focuses development of the emulation on accuracy rather than speed with the overall goal of preserving computing history. Where the two projects have emulated hardware in common, it'll be implemented in MAME first, then filter through to MESS the next time the developers synchronise the shared branches of the source tree.

    The most recent version (v0.234) was updated in July 2021. You can download MESS and the rest of MAME from the MAME release page.