MacGyvering: Difference between revisions

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* The British Home Guard was left to fall back upon its own resources in the early days, as priority had to be given to re-equipping the regular Army. Their most deadly anti-tank weapon was a sort of self-igniting [[Molotov Cocktail]], so one especially enterprising Home Guard officer designed and built a mortar from a length of old drainpipe and some black powder to launch one of these further than it could be thrown.
* Averted probably more times than not in Real Life. Many an ER attending and trauma surgeon has put away some retirement money from homemade [[MacGyver]] devices. The tragedy is that most lay people can scrounge together just enough information, skill, and resources to build something that gets themselves really, really hurt. What professionals have is not only the ability to build devices, but do so safely with a low margin of error. As Adam and Jamie would say, don't try this at home. They're what you call professionals.
* Medieval siegework was often a contest in MacGyvering. Invaders blow a breech in your wall? No problem, get some spare cobblestones, hire some beggers to plug up the breech with a mound and while you are waiting have some unfortunate redshirts stand in the breech and keep the bad guys away.