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[[File:machine-worship1_3242worship1 3242.png|link=Futurama|frame|Our motherboard who art in native mode,<br />hallowed be thy circuits...]]
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== [[Comic Books]] ==
* In the [[Wildstorm]] Universe, the Church of Gort is a religion for cyborgs built on this very premise.
* This is the main source of the conflict between the Dark Legion and the rest of the Echidna species in [[Archie Comics]]' ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog (comics)|Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' series; the latter, for various reasons, decided to ban excessive technology in their society, and the former -- notformer—not willing to conform -- wereconform—were exiled. Naturally, part of the Legion's love for technology manifests itself in their replacing body parts with [[Artificial Limbs|Prosthetic Limbs]], but - in a subversion to [[Mad Scientist|the other villainous group that holds technology in a similar regard]], said augmentations don't result in [[Cybernetics Eat Your Soul]].
* Exemplified in ''[[Transmetropolitan]]'' by Channon's boyfriend, Ziang. Given Transmetropolitan's style, it's treated more as a sexual fetish than a religion, but for some people religion is an experience on par with sex. Ziang has copious wires hanging out of the back of his head, some cybernetics surely (possibly internal), and treats going "foglet" (uploading his mind into a nanobot colony) as a transcendent experience which he's been "ready for since his first orgasm."
* The Techno-Techno order of the [[Metabarons Universe]] are firm embodiments of this trope, under an organization explicitly derived from the Catholic Church, with a Techno-Pope served by Techno-Bishops and so on. They mix this with elements of the Harkonnen and the Tleilaxu, as despite their technical knowledge, they ultimately wish to gain more wealth and influence rather than foster innovation, understanding and creativity.
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== Live Action Television ==
* Cavil in ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined|Battlestar Galactica]]'' resents being trapped in a human form, and wishes he had been created as a machine--hemachine—he wants to feel solar wind, see gamma rays...
** And still he just whines about it, instead of actually trying to augment himself, despite of all the technology at his disposal...
*** [[Word of God]] says Cavil probably wouldn't be happy as a full machine either. His resentment is directed at his creators themselves rather than having the form of a human (though it is certainly a factor). The "machine" business is mainly his way of justifying his hatred to himself.
**** Also, despite their technology, Cylons seem to have trouble successfully merging humans with machines. Thats why the creation process of Hybrids is so [[Nightmare Fuel|Nightmare Fuellerriffic]]lerriffic and the results are so [[Mad Oracle|erratic]].
* The Borg in [[Star Trek]] believe their machine/flesh combo platter form is "perfect". The offshoot who left the Collective to follow Lore are trying to achieve a 100% machine form.
* This was the original rationale for the evolution of the Cybermen in ''[[Doctor Who]]'', where a race on a dying planet began replacing their bodies with machines to survive, then decided to chuck out their emotions as well later on. Over the course of the series this got [[Flanderization|forgotten]] and the [[Lost in Imitation|new series Cybermen]] are examples of [[Cybernetics Eat Your Soul]] instead.
