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Juto is your typical [[Identity Amnesia|amnesiac]] [[Idiot Hero]], carefree and without purpose in life. He spends his days lazing around his home of Highwind Island being prodded by his guardian Melissa and trying to overcome a crippling aversion to swords. His peaceful days come to an end when a war between two armies vying for control of the throne of Lanzheim crashes onto the shores of his home.
Former Prime Minister Schuenzeit has assassinated the queen and seized the throne for himself. [[Everything's Better Withwith Princesses|Princess Rzephillda]]- the late queen's last surviving heir- raises an army to oppose him, only to find themselves out-gunned by the powerful [[Living Weapon|Sentinel weapons]] deployed by Schuenzeit's "Northern Forces". Seeking the secrets to Sentinel creation, Rzephillda's "Southern Forces" follow a tip-off that leads them to Highwind Island. When the Northern Forces, led by a notorious assassin called "Elgar the Regicide", catch up to them, the island is plunged into conflict and Juto is swept into the war.
''Magna Carta 2'' is a [[Surprisingly Improved Sequel]] to the original ''Magna Carta'', getting rid of a lot of problems of the original while offering an epic- if [[Cliché Storm|cliched]]- story and a real-time battle system with no random encounters. Oh, and a ''lot'' of eye candy.
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* [[Artificial Human]]: {{spoiler|Juto and Elgar}}.
* [[Beard of Evil]]: Schuenzeit {{spoiler|and Alex}}.
* [[As Long Asas It Sounds Foreign]]: In ''Magna Carta 2'', several names are ridiculously German-sounding, such as [[Big Bad]] Schuenzeit and the world called Lanzheim.
* [[Big Bad]]: {{spoiler|Strass, aka Schuenzeit, aka Srats, aka Taats, aka whatever the hell name he uses whenever he produces a duplicate of himself and uses it to start a war}}.
* [[Bribing Your Way to Victory]]: The DLC weapons (price: 400MS) are the most powerful weapons in the game, and you can equip them almost immediately. Worse still, they're ''required'' if you're trying to get all the achievements, including the ones for collecting every single weapon.
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* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Everyone tries to get {{spoiler|Zephie}} to do one. Even ''she'' tries to pull the trigger.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: The English Dub features a veritable who's who of American voice actors, including full cast-reunions of the American dubs of both ''[[Cowboy Bebop]]'' and ''[[Suzumiya Haruhi|The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya]]''.)
* [[Hero Withwith Bad Publicity]]: Your party gets this treatment after {{spoiler|Schuenzeit convinces the populous that sacrificing Zephie to La Strada is the only way to stave off destruction, effectively leaving the Mare as your only real allies. The effect remains after you take down La Strada, though not as bad by the time three years have passed, as the people have noticed that they are still alive, despite Schuenzeit's claims}}.
* [[Hidden Elf Village]]: Cota Mare. Subverted in that while everyone knows about it, very few people go there since the Mare are wary of other races. And by wary, we mean that the welcoming party includes spears and paralysing incense.
* [[Human Resources]]: {{spoiler|This is how Sentinels are made. Life force is also used to power La Strada, which keeps Lanzheim prosperous}}.
* [[Idiot Plot]]: Most of the conflict in the game arises because everyone in Lanzheim (including the heroes) [[Villains Never Lie|believes what the villains say without question]], even after it becomes [[Devil in Plain Sight|bloody obvious how evil they are]].
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: Celestine uses a bottle of incense to fight with in her "Aroma" fighting style.
** Zephie uses a fan. Not a battle fan like [[Mortal Kombat 2 (Video Game)|Kitana]], but a fan on a long stick she shoots magic from.
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: Celestine and Argo.
* [[It Is Pronounced "Tro -PAY"]]: Mare is pronounced "mahr-ray", Trewa is "tray-wha", Huaren is "hue-are-ren".
* [[Journey to Thethe Center of Thethe Mind]]: The party embark on one {{spoiler|to free Juto from Schuenzeit's control}}.
* [[Kill It Withwith Fire]]: Crocell.
* [[Lethal Chef]]: Zephie.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: Rue. Literally.