Magnificent Bastard/Anime: Difference between revisions

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* ''Attack On Titan'' gives us Erwin Smith, the Commander of the Survey Corps. Drawing partial inspiration from the tropenamer, Erwin is a handsome and charismatic leader, noted to always lead from the front and hailed as a strategic genius for greatly improving the survival odds of the army he commands. He is also completely and utterly ruthless, willing to do whatever it takes for the good of humanity -- described in the narrative as a man willing to cover his hands in blood and a man willing to throw away his humanity to win against monsters. Even with humanity facing utter extinction and many a [[Pyrrhic Victory]], Erwin stays cool as a cucumber and remains unshaken in his resolve. When brought before a council and told to explain himself, he states without hesitation that his plan -- which left a major city badly damaged and many dead among both the military and civilian population -- was a ''success''. The council is forced to agree with his reasoning and let him keep his command.
* Sir Isaac Ray Peram Westcott in ''Date A Live'' is seen developing a gambit to throw Tohka Yatogami over the edge of the [[Despair Event Horizon]] and invoke her Inverse Form that he's been trying to harness after thinking up several ways to get her to do so, including [[Cold-Blooded Torture]]. He subtly manipulates everyone to get what he wants. First, trying to murder Shido just to evaluate Inverse Form Tohka's power. Then, when Roger Murdoch and a few other DEM executives conspire to remove him by all means necessary, he indirectly forces Shido and the Spirits into foiling the assassination plan, given they had to prevent said plan from causing any harm to the city.
** Kurumi Tokisaki was once a normal, human girl. After being turned into a Spirit and lied to by the First Spirit after killing her best friend, Kurumi resolved to undo the First Spirit's existence no matter what it took. Introduced as a mysteriously charming transfer student, Kurumi stays one step ahead of Shido Itsuka and Ratatoskr, ultimately engineering a [[Sadistic Choice]] where either a spacequake destroys the city or her "City of Devouring Time" consumes Shido's entire school. After being saved from aan rampaging "Efreet" by Shido, her next appearance sees her help Shido against Miku and DEM while trying to uncover Nia's location. Helping Origami go back in time to stop her parents' murder, Kurumi learns the horrible truth and uses her time powers to help Shido correct the mistake, including convincing her past self to offer aid. Against the overwhelming might of Mio Takamiya and Isaac Westcott, Kurumi put a clone back in time as a contingency to impart critical knowledge to Shido in case she's killed and steals back Nia's Qlipha Crystal from Westcott to even the odds. Brimming with self-confidence to match her enigmatic nature, Kurumi was both a deadly enemy and a pivotal ally.
* ''[[Blood-C]]'' has {{spoiler|Fumito Nanahara, the secret [[Big Bad]] of the story who orchestrated the entire [[Truman Show Plot]], keeping Saya Kisaragi brainwashed and under his control by posing as a [[Nice Guy]] cafe owner and giving her coffee and pastries that hazed her mind, wiping her memory and keeping her in her false persona whenever she wasn't in contact with the blood of Elder Bairns. Not only did he effortlessly control Saya, Tadayoshi, the Elder Bairns and all the cast members, but he also predicted Kanako's betrayal and had her killed along with her co-conspirators. In the show's last episode, he casually shoots Saya in the face when she's going in for the kill, managing to escape the set totally scot-free until [[The Movie]], where even then ''his death'' at Saya's hands is dictated according to his desires.}}
* Director Kakuzawa from ''[[Elfen Lied]]''. He practically has everything fall into his hands, has people dance in the palm of his hands and almost always has a stoic face and lets little bother him. He's practically a textbook example of what a good corporate villain might be like and one can't deny that he's got some style. Whether it’s using his own employees like pawns, firing off vector virus missiles or having a second diclonius son at the ready, he seems [[Crazy Prepared]] for pretty much anything.