Magnificent Bastard/Film: Difference between revisions

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* In ''Wild Things'', Suzie Toller is a teenage girl from the wrong side of the tracks, masking her genius-level intellect by appearing as white trash. After one of her best friends was murdered by corrupt cop Ray Duquette, who then busted her on a bogus charge, Suzie vowed revenge. She hatches a plot wherein Suzie, her guidance counselor Sam Lombardo and Kelly Van Ryan, the rich girl Sam was sleeping with, are able to con Kelly's mother Sandra Van Ryan out of millions of dollars by having both girls falsely accuse Sam of rape, then cracking on the stand and opening the Van Ryans to a countersuit. Suzie also ordered Sam to draw Ray Duquette into the scheme by convincing him that he and Sam would get rid of both girls and split the money between the two of them instead of three-ways. After multiple betrayals and counter-betrayals and even faking her own death, at the end Suzie is the only conspirator left standing: a high-school drop-out responsible for several murders with a fortune safely stored away in an overseas account.
* The original working title for ''[[The Good, the Bad and the Ugly|The Good the Bad And The Ugly]]'' was ''The Three Magnificent Rogues''. If we assume 'rogues' is, here, an [[Unusual Euphemism]] for 'Bastards', it's a much more accurate description of the film's contents than ''The Good, The Bad and The Ugly'' ever was.
* If Mr. White of ''[[Quantum of Solace|Quantum]]'' isn't a [[Magnificent Bastard]] yet, he's getting ''very'' close. In ''[[Casino Royale]]'' he was an unremarkable "next-link-in-the-money-chain" type, by ''[[Quantum of Solace]]'', he's been upgraded to a [[Wicked Cultured]], total [[Deadpan Snarker]] who laughs in Judi Dench's face while being [[Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique|tortured]], can say "[[We Are Everywhere|we have people everywhere]]" and ''[[Paranoia Fuel|mean it]]'', and [[Karma Houdini|gets away scot-free]] at the end of the movie (though he'll probably get his comeuppance in the next one). Oh, and he was also the only member of Quantum to keep his head down when Bond was pwning all the other Quantum operatives during the [[At the Opera Tonight|Opera scene]].
{{quote| "Well, ''Tosca'''s not for ''everyone''."}}
** Dominic Greene. He fools the entire world by posing as friendly environmentalist, tricks Americans into helping Quantum couping Bolivian government for supposedly "oil" rights, and, ''[[Crowning Moment of Awesome|finally and the most terrifyingly]]'', totally rips Medrano off when the General disagrees with water contract. Should ''[[Paranoia Fuel|the General backs off, he'd wake up with his balls on his mouth]]'', and ''[[We Are Everywhere|his willing replacement stands over him]]''. Medrano is just dumbfounded.
** Elliot Carver from ''[[Tomorrow Never Dies]]''.
** Gustav Graves of ''[[Die Another Day]]''.
* Lee Woo-jin from ''[[Oldboy]]'' is this, through and through. Imprisoning Oh Dae-su for 15 years was only the ''start'' of his plan to ruin his life.
* Arguably Jareth from ''[[Labyrinth]]''. The [[Large Ham]] aspect of this trope is ''definitely'' present. As is the [[Manipulative Bastard|manipulative]] part, as evidenced by his plan with the drugged peach. He's also ''very'' charismatic, and manages to keep Sarah from realizing he can't directly influence her until events are down to the wire.
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** Gabriel is essentially an amalgamation of James Bond, Tyler Durden, and Keyser Soze, the ultimate Magnificent Bastard. To quote Axl Torvalds- " He exists in a world beyond your world. What we only fantasize, he does. He lives a life where nothing is beyond him.But it is all an act. For all his charisma and charm. For all his wealth and expensive toys. Beneath it all he is a driven, unflinching, calculating machine,who takes what he wants, when he wants, then disappears "
* Speaking of [[James Bond]], Agent 009 has gone up against a number of these in his films:
** ''[[Dr. No]]'': Dr. Julius No is one of SPECTRE's top operatives and a man of charm and charisma who rules Crab Key, Jamaiaca with his two metal fists. Seeking to disrupt a shuttle launch from America, No outplays everyone sent to the area until Bond's arrival, and even for much o the film Bond is entirely within No's power, only surviving thanks to outwitting No's assassins. When encountered by Bond, No reveals how he completely outwitted the Tongs after crawling up from nothing in Hong Kong as the son of a German missionary and a Chinese woman. Joining SPECTRE, No seeks to help overthrow the orders of east and west blocks alike, and remains one of the most dynamic and striking villains Bond ever faces.
** ''[[The Man with the Golden Gun]]'': Francisco Scaramanga was once a circus boy who loved an elephant. When the elephant was abused to death by its trainer, Scaramanga murdered the man and discovered a love for, and talent at killing. Becoming a master assassin, Scaramanga keeps his skills sharp by having his sidekick Nick Nack hire assassins to kill him so he can always test himself with his life on the line. Scaramanga also outplays the ostensible villain of the film, the industrialist Hai Fat, killing him to steal the powerful solar device to sell to the highest bidder and retire. When he has his hands on Bond, Scaramanga demonstrates his respect and wish to challenge Bond by challenging him to a duel, gleeful to show his own talents against the world's greatest secret agent.
** ''[[Goldeneye]]'': Once James Bond's best friend, Alec Trevelyan was the son of Cossacks who killed themselves after the betrayal of the British and Stalin's execution squads. Seeking revenge, Alec faked his death, betrayed the British and formed the Janus Crime syndicate. Alec proceeds to manipulate and organize several schemes to get his hands on the Goldeneye Satellite, even completely outwitting Bond and nearly killing him on several occasions, all while intending on robbing the British bank and then using the Goldeneye to erase the records, also nearly collapsing western civilization. One of Bond's most personal adversaries, Alec Trevelyan conducts himself with pure charisma, able to get under Bond's skin like no other by knowing him better than anyone else.
** ''[[Skyfall]]'': Once one of M's finest agents named Tiago Rodriguez, betrayed by her to the Chinese and tortured to the point of a bungled suicide that left him hideously disfigured, Raoul Silva escaped, joined SPECTRE under his new name and became a cyber-terrorist who plays the entirety of MI-6 perfectly. Using a series of terrorist attacks to lure out Bond, Silva proceeds to play mind games with him from their meetings, and allows his own capture so his encrypted laptop allows his men access to MI-6's systems. Escaping MI-6's custody, Silva hunts down M with the intention of achieving a mutual suicide with her, to end his pain with hers and secure his revenge against the woman he sees as a mother who betrayed him. One of Bond's most effective and brilliant adversaries, Silva even dies achieving almost everything he sets out to do, with M following him to death moments later.
** If Mr. White of ''[[Quantum of Solace|Quantum]]'' isn't a [[Magnificent Bastard]] yet, he's getting ''very'' close. In ''[[Casino Royale]]'' he was an unremarkable "next-link-in-the-money-chain" type, by ''[[Quantum of Solace]]'', he's been upgraded to a [[Wicked Cultured]], total [[Deadpan Snarker]] who laughs in Judi Dench's face while being [[Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique|tortured]], can say "[[We Are Everywhere|we have people everywhere]]" and ''[[Paranoia Fuel|mean it]]'', and [[Karma Houdini|gets away scot-free]] at the end of the movie (though he'll probably get his comeuppance in the next one). Oh, and he was also the only member of Quantum to keep his head down when Bond was pwning all the other Quantum operatives during the [[At the Opera Tonight|Opera scene]].
{{quote| "Well, ''Tosca'''s not for ''everyone''."}}
*** Dominic Greene. He fools the entire world by posing as friendly environmentalist, tricks Americans into helping Quantum couping Bolivian government for supposedly "oil" rights, and, ''[[Crowning Moment of Awesome|finally and the most terrifyingly]]'', totally rips Medrano off when the General disagrees with water contract. Should ''[[Paranoia Fuel|the General backs off, he'd wake up with his balls on his mouth]]'', and ''[[We Are Everywhere|his willing replacement stands over him]]''. Medrano is just dumbfounded.