Magnificent Bastard/Video Games: Difference between revisions

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* The first ''[[Dawn of War]]'' campaign has Sindri Myr. Causing an entire planet to descend into slaughter and madness was merely a ''sideshow'' to his manipulations of Bale, Gabriel and Isador, constantly leading them exactly where he wanted them, none of them believing themselves to not be in complete control, all for the purpose of using an [[Artifact of Doom]] to [[One-Winged Angel|ascend himself to Daemon Prince status]] and unleash a [[Sealed Evil in a Can]], both of which were successes. He was defeated in the end, but as Daemon Princes are immortal he is probably still around somewhere, being magnificent.
* ''Demon Legacy'' has these three:
**[[The Grim Reaper|Shadar]] "The Malevolent Shadow" was once a prince of a destroyed kingdom who after merging with a sword manages to make himself [[The Dreaded|a figure of fear]] and he uses his position to outwit his opponents. He keeps up with Deimos and Apollo, and manages to thwart some of their plans. He manages to thwart Faust's attempt to force to kill him and Abel's attemptsattempt to kill [[The Hero|Slade]] in his goal [[Visionary Villain|to keep the world balance]] before going to his [[One-Winged Angel]] form.
** [[Light Is Not Good|Abel]] started as a nobody, but after getting a magical eye, he [[Villain With Good Publicity|got a good reputation]], trained Slade and got himself seemingly killed after revealing his agenda as a servant of Apollo, trying to kill Khan in Slade's mind, being only stopped by Shadar. He later returns by murdering Apollo, a [[Manipulative Bastard]] himself and came dangerously close to re-shaping the world in his favour. He also tried to go out with dignity, even if he ultimately didn't.
** [[God Is Evil|Proteus]] is the god the world. Once the humans become ungrateful, he gets sealed away, which causes his [[Start of Darkness]]. He tries to convince Galahanzer to join him, who refuses and becomes the above-mentioned Shadar. He later preys on Rhea and trains her to become a powerful warrior. When finally awakened, he summons his creations to defend himself, only failing when Loki betrays him and allows Slade's team to defeat him and takes his defeat with grace.
