Magnificent Bastard/Western Animation: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Star Wars: The Clone Wars]]'': Pirate leader Hondo Ohnaka seems like a drunken, idiotic pirate at first. However, so far he's managed to capture the very powerful trio of Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Count Dooku in an attempt to ransom them to the Republic. Dooku never truly explains how he was captured (only warning the Jedi that Hondo's more clever than he looks), and Hondo manages to drug Anakin and Obi-Wan even after they are aware he's trying to do so and take measures to avoid it. During their attempts to escape, [[Affably Evil|Hondo keeps his jovial personality and insists that it's nothing personal, and that once he has his money they can all go back to being friends]].
** How about Palpatine? He's responsible for engineering this entire massive war and will win ''regardless which side triumphs,'' either with the Republic as the Chancellor or the Separatists as Darth Sidious, with a powerful new sith follower (either Dooku or Anakin) as icing on the cake.
** Cad Bane is a master of this from the get-go, managing to successfully take the Galactic senate hostage, break Ziro out of prison, and get away completely scot-free in his first episode. From that point onwards, his plans get crazier and clever as they go on, from disguising himself as a clone trooper and hiding aboard a dropship of actual clones, leading two Jedi masters into a booby-trapped space station, to breaking out of prison again by instigating no less than Boba Fett himself into starting a riot... Every time he appears, he one-ups his previous insane plan, and almost every time, he gets away.
** Maul earns the title in "Eminence". Over the course of a single episode, he goes from near-death in the void of space to commanding a veritable army of criminals through little more than words and a careful application of force. He definitively earns the title in "Shades of Reason", successfully concocting a plan that allowed Pre Vizsla to conquer Mandalore with the public's support, then using Vizsla's pride to manipulate him into a duel that ended with Vizsla dead and Maul, as per Mandalorian tradition, as the new leader of Death Watch, and, through a puppet Prime Minister who Maul himself installed, ruler of Mandalore.
** Barriss Offee' plan in the Season 5 finale qualifies her as one. If it hadn't been for Ventress (and a moment of Bond Villain Stupidity in leaving Ventress alive), Barriss would have gotten away with bombing the Temple while Ahsoka was executed for the crime.
** Count Dooku during "Rise of Clovis" and "Crisis At The Heart". He and Darth Sidious are both working on the scheme, but he's the one that carries the plan out and plays Clovis like a flute the whole time.
* Rataro from ''[[Thundercats 2011]]''. Elegant, sophisticated, and tyrannical, Rataro has his own agenda for domination and couldn't care less about Mumm-Ra, who may also be a strong contender for this trope.
* Ed Wuncler Sr. from ''[[The Boondocks]]'' is a combination of this [[Complete Monster]] and [[The Chessmaster]]. And keep in mind this is a fat, rich old man, who would normally not be the least bit threatening but let's look at all the shit he's done shall we?