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== Anime and Manga ==
* Subverted in the ''[[Gundam Wing]]'' [[The Movie|movie]] ''Endless Waltz''; Heero asks Duo to punch him as hard as he can; Duo happily obliges, and Heero punches him back twice as hard, knocking him out.
* In episode 6 of ''[[Samurai 7]]'', this is done with a mechanic whose been aiding the group. The way it's shown illustrates the personalities of the characters--Kambeicharacters—Kambei shows his [[Jerkass Facade]] by the fact that he immediately starts tying up the guy, telling him he'll thank him later. [[Boisterous Bruiser]] Kikuchiyo is the one who suggests giving him a punch or two.
* At one point in ''[[Inuyasha]]'', [[Anti-Villain]] Kagura is forced to pretend to fight Inuyasha so that [[Big Bad|Naraku]]'s wasps will not get suspicious, but she's grown to detest Naraku so much that she doesn't put any force at all in her [[Blow You Away|wind attacks]] and lets Inuyasha reach Naraku easily.
* In [[One Piece]], during the Impel Down Arc, Buggy and Mr. 3 are attempting to escape Level 4 by going up the stairs where Hannyable, the guard that they believe to be weakest, was guarding. Hannyable, wanting to get promoted, purposefully lets Buggy and Mr. 3 go up, hoping to blame Magellan later and get his job. [[Subverted Trope|However]], [[Wrong Genre Savvy|Mr. 3 and Buggy think that it's a trap, so it results in them getting brutally beaten up when they try to preemptively attack the guards.]]
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== Literature ==
* It's a Troll tradition in ''[[Myth Adventures]]'' -- the—the unique method of talking secrets publicly by making a spectacle of fighting. Because in few seconds after trolls begin punch and wrestle there's usually no one close enough to overhear quiet speech. With an added bonus of advertisement -- trollsadvertisement—trolls tend to be hired as a muscle.
* ''The Tomorrow War'' by Alexander Zorich. When a desperate employees running from [[Peace and Love Incorporated]] hijacked a freighter ship, the navigator set up a [[FTL|jump]] quickly, because she wasn't enthusiastic about having the corporate security assault on the ship, then detention while it's all sorted out if she survives in cross-fire. But insisted that a pirate struck her with a pistol handle -- onhandle—on cheek-bone, so that it will be visible.
* ''No one but President'' by Lev Gursky. The escaped abductee apologized to an innocent who noticed him about the upcoming [[Tap on the Head]]. The innocent being in an empty theater box on the spectacle he ''hated'' (because of his vow to the Fate for getting away from another trouble), he only asks to knock him out to the end of the show, if possible.
* In the fifth ''[[Harry Potter]]'' book, Dumbledore knocks out Shacklebolt, a member of the Order of the Phoenix, along with another Auror when the Ministry tries to arrest him, so it won't look suspicious while he makes his escape.
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== Toys ==
* Subverted in ''[[Bionicle]]''. A group of [[Boxed Crook|Boxed Crooks]]s trick a villager by offering him the claim to the capture of a wanted criminal in exchange for his boat. The leader of the group offers to do this to him.
{{quote|'''Brutaka''': But if you want people to believe you caught this dangerous criminal, you will need to look like you've been in a fight. A light [[Tap on the Head|tap to your head]] would do the trick, perhaps. My colleague, Vezon, can handle it -- you won't feel a thing.<br />
'''Vezon''': Ever Again. }}
