Malazan Book of the Fallen/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[The Trickster]]: Definitely has some aspects of this trope. He alters his plans easily, and plays with mortals, Ascendants and gods with equal ease.
* [[Underestimating Badassery]]: People and gods do this to Quick Ben a lot. It doesn't usually end well for them.
** "He was Quick Ben. He thought outwitting gods was fun." (''Dust of Dreams'')
* {{spoiler|[[Taking You with Me]]: Quick Ben goes out in a literal blaze of glory in ''Dust of Dreams'' unleashing all his magic at once to eliminate part of a attacking Nah-ruk invasion force. It doesn't help the Bridgeburners much...}}
* [[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner]]: After Quick Ben unleashes half of his warrens (sources of magical power) to blast Korbal Broach through a wall, Bauchelain, partner of the aforementioned Korbal Broach, notes that Quick Ben's power is most impressive, but that, in retrospect, he ought to have saved at least half his warrens.
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* [[BBW]]: Described as such.
* [[Genki Girl]]: Possibly the only remotely upbeat character in the [[Crapsack World|Malazan Empire.]] {{spoiler|She doesn't last long.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Kill the Cutie]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[We Hardly Knew Ye]]}}
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* [[Gentleman Thief]]: How he sees himself.
* [[Knife Nut]]
* [[Love Hurts]]/[[Love Martyr]]: His relationship with Apsalar, which was initially portrayed as kind of cute, is more or less poisoning his life. All attempts to move on have so far, failed.
* [[Overshadowed by Awesome]]: Frequently. Against opponents in his own weight class, he's very capable. Against Ascendants and monsters, not so much.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Has he ever!
=== Rallick Nom ===
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* [[Not So Harmless]]: ''Everybody'' mocked Kallor as a bullying braggart. Right up until {{spoiler|he [[Face Heel Turn|joins with the Crippled God]] and performs an epic backstab on Brood's forces.}} Averted {{spoiler|in ''Toll the Hounds'' where he approaches near [[Hero-Killer]] status}}.
* [[Number Two]]: Serves as Brood's second-in-command.
* [[Precision F-Strike]]: Twice during his duel with Spinnock Durav in ''Toll the Hounds''.
* [[Pride]]: Kallor is arrogant, prone to overestepping his bounds, and ''very'' touchy about insults to his person. And then there's the whole, "allowing a continent to die rather than relinquishing control of it" thing, and the obsession with power and becoming an Ascendant.
* [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]]: He's older than most Ascendants, despite being completely mortal. He was cursed over 120 000 years ago and is still alive and kicking.
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** [[Badass Long Hair]]
** [[Four-Star Badass]]
* [[BFS]]
** [[Cool Sword]]: Not so much cool as [[Fate Worse Than Death|terrifying]]. Anyone killed by it is trapped next to the Gates of the Warren of Darkness for all eternity. And it's black with smoking chains attached.
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: One of the best examples in modern lit.
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* [[Warrior Prince]]
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]: A rare, black example.
* [[Who Wants to Live Forever?]]?: The reason he sells the services of the Tiste Andii off as mercenaries is to pevent them from becoming suicidal over the boredom of their eternal life; in effect, he is trying to inspire them to fight and live for something bigger than themselves in defiance of this trope, though he fears it is a losing battle.
* [[Your Soul Is Mine]]: Anyone killed by Dragnipur is sealed within the Warren inside it for all eternity.
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=== Tulas Shorn ===
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: Escaped Hood's realm while Death was otherwise occupied.
* [[Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons]]: Transforms into a gigantic, undead grey dragon.
* [[Shape Shifter]]
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* [[Big Bad]]: About as close to one as the series gets. {{spoiler|Arguably subverted in that he's treated with considerable sympathy, particularly in the later books, and in the end the protagonists end up having to ''save'' him when his plots get [[Hijacked by Ganon|Hijacked by the Forkrul Assail]].}}
* [[Black Cloak]]: Of sorts. He usually covers himself in dark-colored rags, rather than an actual cloak, but the look is very similar.
* [[The Corrupter]]: The Crippled God specialises in bringing out the worst in people, typically [[Deal with the Devil|offering them exactly what they want]] in exchange for their inclusion in his House of Chains. He seems to like driving his followers/victims mad.
* [[Deal with the Devil]]: Munug, {{spoiler|Kallor}} and many others have made them with him.
* [[Dysfunction Junction]]: His followers. It's entirely deliberate too. The Crippled God desires every member of his House to be as flawed, mentally and/or physically as he is.
* [[Evil Cripple]]: Evil due to crippling. The Fall destroyed his mind.
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: The Fall did not do good things to his sanity. The fact that most of the pantheon has periodically gotten together and chained him up for, from his perspective, no real reason didn't help either.
* [[God of Evil]]: Deconstructed. He's more like a god of ''suffering'', and that suffering includes his own. While he's initially presented as ''causing'' it, in the end {{spoiler|after the Bonehunters risk everything to save him from the Assail and ''succeed'', he ends up becoming the god who has sympathy for those who suffer}}.
** {{spoiler|well at least up until the point Cotillion kills him with a surprise backstab.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Good All Along]]}}
* [[Hidden Villain]]: For the first two and a half books.
* [[I Have Many Names]]: The Crippled God, the Fallen God, the Chained One. {{spoiler|But his real name is Kaminsod}}.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: His treatment of Ruhlad Sengar. See below.
* [[Mad God]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Narrator All Along]]}}
* [[Omnicidal Maniac]]: He's slowly poisoning Burn. Whether he genuinely wants her dead, or is hoping that someone will free him in order to prevent this isn't known for most of the series. {{spoiler|It's the latter}}.
* [[Pillar of Light]]: When {{spoiler|he's freed}}.
* [[Physical God]]
* [[Red Right Hand]]: The evil god is the [[Evil Cripple|crippled one]]. Go figure.
* [[Sadistic Choice]]: See [[Xanatos Gambit]] below. The best case scneario is his freedom, and the end of civilisation as they know it. The worst case scenario is the slow death of the entire world.
* [[Sealed Evil in a Can]]: Chained in place, to the sleeping goddess Burn, though his spirit can move around inside a Warren and has appeared in several places around the world.
* [[Start of Darkness]]: He was just a foreign god who fell to earth as the result of a trap meant for [[The Emperor|Kallor]]. And went stark raving mad as a result.
* [[Vader Breath]]: Has to constantly inhale incense in order to keep his lungs clear. Even then, his breathing is still ragged and wheezing.
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* [[Annoying Younger Sibling]]: Before the horror show began.
* [[Artifact of Doom]]: Mystically linked to one.
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]
* [[BFS]]: The aforementioned [[Artifact of Doom]].
* [[Blessed with Suck]]: He comes back every time he's killed, but only after having his soul tortured by the Crippled God.
* [[Body Horror]]: Covered in half-melted gold coins from a Tiste Edur death rite.
* [[The Caligula]]: Deconstructed. We're treated to a blow-by-blow account of his descent into madness, and it's treated as tragedy rather than menace.
* [[Cool Sword]]: Subverted. It's the [[Artifact of Doom]] that keeps bringing him back.
* [[Death Seeker]]: Gee, I wonder why?
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[[Category:Malazan Book of the Fallen]]