Maligned Mixed Marriage: Difference between revisions

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** Similar things happen whenever a human marries a non-human; Hagrid's parents, Tonks and Lupin, etc.
* While it's only a single reference and not relevant to the plot, [[Star Trek: Hollow Men]] features a Lissepian criminal mentioning his upcoming marriage to a Nausicaan woman. Her family are trying to put a stop to it, unable to accept the validity of a mixed-race marriage.
* [[Amelia Peabody]] Emerson had believed herself entirely above racial bigotry, especially bigotry against Egyptians. She was quite distressed when forced to confront the fact that, although she "thoroughly" approved of David Todros, her son's best friend, she found it unacceptable for him to be romantically involved with her blue-eyed blonde English niece. She got over it (the prejudice, that is) and soon seemed [[Self-Serving Memory|to have convinced herself that she'd never objected at all]].