Man, I Feel Like a Woman/Playing With

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Basic Trope: A Gender Bender makes a manual inspection of his or her new equipment shortly after transforming.

  • Straight: Mike is turned into "Michelle" by Applied Phlebotinum. He cups his hands around his new breasts to see how they feel.
    • Michelle, originally female, is turned into "Mike" by Applied Phlebotinum. She cups her hands around her new crotch area to see how it feels.
  • Exaggerated: Mike strips down to perform a full inspection of his new parts right there.
  • Justified: Mike has always wondered what breasts would feel like.
  • Inverted: The new Michelle body probes Mike's brain to see how it reacts to the hormones it's feeding in.
  • Subverted: Mike completely ignores his new body shape in favor of advancing the plot.
  • Double Subverted: Because Alice is still in the room with him, and he wants to really get personal with his new body without being slapped.
  • Parodied: Mike discovers why none of his female acquaintances want him grabbing their breasts when he winds up squeezing way too hard. Ouch!
    • Alternatively, Mike feels his new breasts...and just keeps feeling them...and feeling them...and feeling them...even as he holds full conversations with the other people in the room.
  • Deconstructed: The trope seems to be played straight at first, but Mike's shock at being gender-bent causes him to go insane, possibly developing a dissociative disorder in order to cope with no longer having his own body.
  • Reconstructed: After some time and therapy, Mike comes to accept (and even enjoy) his new body.
  • Zig Zagged: A number of people are gender-bent. Some of them enact this trope, some choose not to, and others want to wait until they're alone first.
  • Averted: Mike's attitude changes along with his anatomy, and Michelle is no more interested in her own breasts than any other woman.
  • Enforced: "Michelle will be played by a really hot actress, so let's have her play with her own breasts and give all the fanboys in the audience a cheap thrill."
  • Lampshaded: "If we wind up switching bodies because of this junk, you better not do anything perverted with mine."
  • Invoked: Mike deliberately gets gender-bent for the sole purpose of trying this out.
  • Defied: Mike chooses not to acknowledge that he has changed body shape at all, because there's more important things to worry about.
  • Discussed: "So, what was the first thing you did once you noticed you were a girl now? Same thing I did, huh?"
  • Conversed: "I can't believe they made that poor actress feel herself up on camera! Pigs!"
  • Downplayed: Mike feels up his girl-body, but just for a moment and then gets on to business.

Back to Man, I Feel Like a Woman, that is if you have a free appendage.