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* Subverted in Ursula Vernon's ''[[Black Dogs (Literature)|Black Dogs]]'', where a character is raped for the sake of producing a powerful heir, but she aborts the zygote and to ensure that it never happens again she sterilizes herself.
* ''The Iron Star'' has a thief who does ''not'' want to be a housewife or a mother or any kind of family woman. A Goddess overrules her (but the [[Arranged Marriage|husband the goddess chose for her]] agrees to make life luxurious for her).
* The ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' novel ''The Eyeless'' takes place on a world where 99% of the population has been wiped out. The couple of hundred remaining survivors have worked out a plan for how many children each women must have in order for the species to survive long term -- and the loss of just a few children or potential parents could be devastating. The repopulation attempt is presented as an unfair, but necessary process, as it really ''is'' the only way their race is going to stay alive. At least one of the main characters, Alsa, is understandably upset about it, and her unwillingness to be a birthing machine for the rest of her life shows.
** What happens if you refuse? Some extremely [[Unfortunate Implications]], there.
*** The society is portrayed as level headed and moral, as well as pragmatic so it's probably meant to be an unrealistic idea that the issue would be ''forced''. However in reality, who knows what could happen in such a situation.
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== Live Action TV ==
* On ''[[Lost (TV)|Lost]]'', Claire Littleton, left pregnant after her boyfriend walks out on her, plans to give the baby up for adoption, but a fortune teller advises her to take flight 815, which ends up stranding her on the island, where there are no adoption agencies.
* In [[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined (TV)|the new version of Battlestar: Galactica]], a civilian approaches Doc Cottle looking for an abortion, since she's pregnant out of wedlock and her home colony (Gemenon?) has taboos against it. But since the entire human race is now small enough to fit in a football stadium, President Roslin makes a tough call: outlawing abortions but allowing any expectant mothers can bring their child to be adopted, no questions asked.
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[[Category:The Parent Trope]]
[[Category:Mandatory Motherhood]]