Mark Twain: Difference between revisions

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** [[Shaggy Dog Story]]
* ''The Innocents Abroad'' (1869)
** [[Adventurer Archaeologist]]: During the Holy Land leg of their journey, Twain's fellow passengers on the USS ''Quaker City'' fancied themselves as this. In real life, they were just a bunch of [[Hawaiian -Shirted Tourist|prototypical yuppie tourists]] who had a disturbing penchant for breaking off and stealing pieces of historical monuments, such as Judas' tomb and the arch that Christ walked under on Palm Sunday. As Twain put it, "Heaven protect the Sepulchre when this tribe invades Jerusalem!"
** [[Inexplicably Identical Individuals]]: Twain refers to every tour guide he encounters on the European continent as 'Ferguson'. This also counts as a [[Running Gag]], and, eventually, a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]]. Really.
** [[The Nicknamer]]: Twain himself gave nicknames to most of the Quaker City's passengers. One of these, a seventeen-year-old tourist who was nicknamed 'Interrogation Point' and was described 'young, and green, and not bright, not learned, and not wise', later became Twain's brother-in-law.
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** [[The Plan]]
* ''To the Person Sitting in Darkness'' (1901)
** [[As the Good Book Says...]]: The title is an ironic reference to Matthew 4:16, "The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light."
** [[Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped]]
** [[Take That]]: Like most of Clemen's later works, it's a denouncement of imperialism.