Characters listed below are from the Marvel Comics universe.

Cosmic Beings and Characters that appear across multiple works

The One Above All

The One Above All is the Marvel multiverse' Top God and the creator of everything within the Multiverse. The One Above All is benevolent and often helps by moving In Mysterious Ways. Rarely is he/she seen and rarer still is when he/she intervenes. The One Above All watches over everyone and is intrigued by mortal life, ever curious about where the paths of his creations will lead.


I see with many eyes. I build with many hands. They are themselves but they are also me. I am all powerful. My only weapon is love. The mystery intrigues me.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • All Powerful Bystander: The One Above All is the absolute power in the multiverse and a literal Deus Ex Machina. There is no problem he/she/it could not solve and so is rarely ever seen to interfere with the mortal world directly.
  • God Is Good: He/she/it only wants the best for his/her/its creations and is not callous or indifferent to their pain. The One Above All has helped Beta Ray Bill, helped restore Peter Parker's faith in humanity, and gave life back to Ben Grimm.
  • Top God: It's in his/her/its name. There is nothing greater and nothing more powerful.

The One Below All

The Ultimate Evil in the Marvel multiverse. The Evil Counterpart to the One Above All. The One Below All is the One Above All's equal and opposite. A dark reflection of creation and the multiverse. It's qualities are reversed from the One Above All's in many ways save for power. It trapped outside of the Multiverse and will stop at nothing to enact it's goal...the destruction of all life and creation itself so that it can become the last and only being in a hollow, dead, and dark universe/multiverse.


I howl through many mouths. I break with many hands. They are themselves but they are also me. I have all the power you give me and my weapon is hate. The mystery frightens and disgusts me!

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • A Form You Are Comfortable With: This is an Inverted Trope with the One Below All. While it takes the form of something a mortal can see without going mad or starting to bleed from the eyes, ears, and nose, the form it takes is meant to instill terror and revulsion from the viewer. This makes sense as the more negative emotion someone has, the more power the One Below All has over them.
  • Almighty Idiot: While the One Above All is the ultimate in empathy, understanding and comprehension, The One Below All is a creature of dark, destructive ID with no true mind only evil impulses. It needs a host soul to control and wear like a mask in order for it to be more directed and enact its plans. Without a host, it is simply a dark force that influences everything in the multiverse towards evil and destruction. It possesses Omniscience but lacks true understanding and awareness without a host.
  • Eviler Than Thou: It is this to EVERY other evil being in existence. Mephisto once commented that, even trapped outside of reality, The One Below All's power is FAR stronger than him.
  • "It" Is Dehumanizing: The One Below All, unlike the One Above All, never takes a form with a gender and indeed, goes of it's way to be as unrelatable as possible to the mortal creature that sees it. The One Below All is always referred to as it which further drives home the point that this is a creature removed from anything we can understand.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: It's final and true goal is to destroy all life and snuff out all light. To be the last and only thing in a dead, dark, and hollow universe/multiverse.

The Living Tribunal






Master Order & Lord Chaos

Characters by Work

The Fantastic Four



The Avengers

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