Marvel Universe/Fanfic Recs: Difference between revisions

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Proof that [[SturgeonsSturgeon's Law|the remaining 10% is worth dying for]] here:
These are recommendations made by [[TROPERTroper|Tropers]] for [[Fanfic|Fan Fics]], all of which have been signed. After a few samples, you will be able to judge whether you might be interested in the 'fic, based on who recommended it. ''No-name recommendations will be '''[[Zapped]]'''.'' Nobody would back up the rec. Discussion of the recommendation is welcome on the discussion page. As such discussion is important, do remember to add the discussion page to the watchlist, if need be.
Do warn when a fanfic may head into [[Everyone Is Gay|homosexual]] or [[Better Than Canon|non-canon]] territory. Some people just don't like it, and as we all know, [[Shipping]] is [[Serious Business]].
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[ elspethdixon] and [ seanchai]
* Recommended by [[Tropers/Rain Krystal|Rain Krystal]]
* This dynamic duo team already have their names all over this page and I cannot simply find a way to stress just how amazing they are. The authors have an [[One True Pairing|OTP]] in the form of [[Captain America]]//IronMan, and though the shipping is important, their stories stand up on their own power and quality writing. These stories are frankly, well, [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|awesome]]. On top of the sheer awesome of the plots and their ability to make marvel plots work, there is also the spectacular [[Crowning Moment of Funny|funny]] that is woven into all their stories in the sort of way that you don't realize half the moments until you read them over again. The characters in their hands are living, breathing people and have forces of personality that shine through no matter the circumstance. The authors have an amazing grasp of characterization, as well as plot, pacing and how to make a character-driven ensemble peice work without turning into [[Four Lines, All Waiting]], and still managing not to neglect the fact that this ''is'' a superhero fandom and it deserves action sequences that are as awesome as the character plots. They also have an impressive working knowledge of Marvel Canon and aren't afraid to [[Armed With Canon|weaponize]] it if need be. On top of being absolutely fantastic when they team up, Elspethdixon and Seanchai are both excellent writers for this fandom when taken at their own merit, so I would recommend checking them out individually as well as together.
== [[Gen Fic|General Fics]] ==
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* ''Pairings:'' [[Deadpool]]/Ms. Marvel, hints of [[Fantastic Four|Franklin Richards]]/[[X-Men|Hope Summers]], numerous others mentioned (all het).
* ''Synopsis:'' Generic Christmas party at the X-Mansion, [[Loads and Loads of Characters]] invited. Turns out Ms. Marvel enjoys dancing, but has no partner. Cue Deadpool.
* ''Comments:'' This fic is [[WAFF]] to the core, and shows a much more benevolent side of [[Jerkass|Dead]][[Anti -Hero|pool]].
''[ Sea Stars]'' by Muccamukk
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* ''Pairings:'' [[Captain America|Steve]]//[[Iron Man|Tony]]
* ''Synopsis:'' After being dead for two and a half years, Steve wakes up to find himself floating in the sea off of the coast of British Columbia. Things have gone from bad to [[It Got Worse|worse]] since he died, and to make matters even better, Tony thinks he's a Canadian mechanic from Toronto, has no clue about this whole superhero gig, and would really rather it left him alone.
* ''Comments:'' Intriguing, with a very interesting plot to deal with how Steve came back this time. Deals with Tony and his [[Laser -Guided Amnesia|memory issues]], with a nice background being that since Steve has been died things have really gone to shit for America, namely with everything being in utter turmoil. Unfortunately, the story is set in Canada instead. However, it's very worthwhile, with Tony's characterization being very interesting as who he was shines through, even though he has no clue what's going on. Plus, [ fanart.]
''[ Instant karma's gonna get you]'' by Dorcas_Gustine