Marvel Universe/WMG: Difference between revisions

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Both populations share a marked lack of survival instinct and an odd willingness to turn on those who've saved their asses time and time again.
== [[Howard the Duck (Comic Bookcomics)|Howard the Duck]] will be [[Retcon|Retconned]] into originating from the [[Disney Ducks Comic Universe]] ==
Obvious, what with [[Disney]] buying up [[Marvel]].
* That alone might make the whole thing worthwhile.
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== All event comics are Franklin Richards' fault. ==
First conceived of on [ this] scans_daily thread. Basically, every time Franklin wonders about something, bizarre changes to the status quo happen to reflect his thoughts, regardless of characterization, history, or logic. Ex, if Franklin wonders "What if the bad guys won?" BAM. Siege. "Nah, I don't like the bad guys winning." BAM. Age of Heroes. "Why are mutants treated like a minority?" BAM. House of M. "[[Iron Man|Uncle Tony]] and [[Captain America|Uncle Steve]] are really close. What if they fight?" BAM. Civil War. "I really wish [[Spider -Man|Uncle Peter]] had more time to spend with me." BAM. [[One More Day]].
** Perfect [[Author's Saving Throw]], because you can run with it forever without totally handwaving away the events. "The Hulk almost killed Uncle Ben! I hate him!" BAM. Planet Hulk. "The [[Fantastic Four]] are ''so'' much cooler than [[The Avengers]]!" BAM. Avengers Disassembled. "Why does everyone hate superheroes? Do they prefer supervillains or something?" BAM. Dark Reign. And his confusion over everyone flipping out like this all the time? "Are these guys all Skrulls, Daddy?" BAM. Secret Invasion.
== The silver age isn't 616 canon ==