Marvel vs. Capcom 3/Funny: Difference between revisions

(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Funny.MarvelVsCapcom3 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Funny.MarvelVsCapcom3, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
(9 intermediate revisions by one other user not shown)
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* [[It Makes Sense in Context|Deadpool getting stabbed in the ass by Morrigan's tentacles]] in the first intro movie of the game. Morrigan's reaction is priceless.
** His Level 3 Super.
{{quote| ''[{{=}}RshrT9qoaow "HEALTH BAR IN YOUR FACE! FEEL THE LOVE OF THE HYPER COMBO! And it's a HOOOOOOOOOOOOOME RUN! (sing-song) This is the Hyper Cooommmbo!"]''}}
** On defeat:
** On victory, he goes up to the camera and starts shaking it:
{{quote| ''"Hey! Yeah, you! I'm down here bustin' my ass, while you sit on YOURS, watching me jump around?! How is THAT fair?!"''<br />
''"I get the cover of the next [[Street Fighter]] for this, right Capcom? RIGHT??"''<br />
''"You WERE recording that, weren't you player? No?? Hehehe... WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WEREN'T RECORDING THAT?!"''<br />
''"I just beat Mag-[[Precision F -Strike|Freakin]]-Neto!! [[Memetic Mutation|Where yo curleh moustache at?!]]"'' }}
** When he triggers X-Factor:
{{quote| ''"ANIME POWER UP TIME!!"''}}
** And when Deadpool fights a ''[[Street Fighter]]'' character...
{{quote| ''"Hey, I frickin' love ''Street Fighter''! Autograph your spleen for me?"''}}
** Doing battle with Wolverine, both pre-fight...
{{quote| ''"Short and short on deodorant is a reeeeeal bad combination, Stabby."''}}
*** ...and post-fight.
{{quote| ''"See? ''That'''s how you beat Wolverine, people...[[X-Men (Filmfilm)|AND YOU DON'T EVEN NEED OPTIC BLASTS!]] AHAHAHAHAHAHA!"''}}
** One of his victory quotes:
{{quote| ''"Ya can't spell assassin [[A Worldwide Punomenon|without]] '''[[A Worldwide Punomenon|'sin']]''' [[A Worldwide Punomenon|- and twice the]] '''[[A Worldwide Punomenon|'ass']]'''"''}}
** His taunt:
{{quote| ''"This is my taunt! Heh, get it?"''<br />
Which can also be switched to ''"Taunt Button!"'' }}
** His taunt ''[[Breaking the Fourth Wall|deals damage with the speech bubble.]]''
** When he fights Magneto:
{{quote| ''[{{=}}thJpQApHOtg "Hahahaha! Magneto!] [{{=}}IdAmkx8eAos Welcome to die!]"''}}
** When he defeats M.O.D.O.K., we get this little gem
{{quote| ''"So... basically I just beat up Humpty Dumpty in a rocket chair, huh?"''}}
** When he defeats Arthur, he reminds us:
{{quote| ''"And THAT'S for lulling me into great side-scrolling adventures [[Nintendo Hard|that were never possible to beat!]]"''}}
** Change characters into him, then don't move and watch him make a fool out of himself.
* From the second intro movie: Amaterasu and Joe running up Super Skrull's arm, only to end up catching nothing and going [[Oh Crap]] when they find themselves learning that [[Gravity Is a Harsh Mistress]].
* Spencer and Iron Man's specific pre-match taunts:
{{quote| '''Iron Man''': Just the arm? Why? Can't afford the rest of the suit?<br />
'''Spencer''': How much of that suit is ''bionic''? }}
* M.O.D.O.K.'s [ attempt at a bicycle kick] results in him flying across the screen flailing his stubby little legs.
Line 42:
** Not as funny once you realize that Cap is referencing the Zero fighter planes from WWII. More awesome that way.
* Iron Man's pre-fight quote against any female character that isn't [[Okami|Amaterasu]]: (Yes, [[Ephebophile|that includes Tron]]!!!)
{{quote| ''"So, you doin' anything after this?"''}}
* [[Ghosts N'n Goblins (Video Game)|Arthur]] losing his armor in the third intro movie.
** When [[Resident Evil 5|Wesker]] and [[Resident Evil 5|Chris]] confront one another finally, who's the first to show up beside the badassness of Wesker? M.O.D.O.K.
** In the same movie. seeing M.O.D.O.K. get smacked aside by [[Incredible Hulk|the Hulk]] just before he catches X-23.
* In a recent trailer to showcase rivals, who gets put up against the Universe conquering Dormammu? Who else but [[Viewtiful Joe]]!
* If the last character Captain America defeats is Iron Man:
{{quote| ''"And ''that'' was for [[Civil War (Comic Book)|Civil War]]!"''}}
* One of She-Hulk's win quotes:
{{quote| ''"Somebody once called me [[Ace Attorney|Phoenix Wright]] with muscles... and then [[Curb Stomp Battle|I called an ambulance]]."''}}
** When she beats Deadpool to end a match, she says that if the game were made in the nineties, she would be the one hitting him with a health bar.
** Also her ending, where {{spoiler|she stars in a series called "Jen's Justice". The guests this time are [[Ace Attorney|Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth]]. When Jen gives her verdict, she breaks the table. The reaction of both Phoenix and Miles is priceless}}.
* [ Thor's command taunt.] [[Chewing the Scenery|Scenery-chewing]] has ''never'' been so '''[[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Awesome?|awesome]]'''.
** [[Shut Up, Kirk|Interrupting scenery-chewing]] has never been so hilarious [ as Galactus shows us.]
* During the intro, Haggar and Felicia trying and failing to save Haggar's mayoral campaign sign while battles are raging all around them.
* Deadpool's ending:
{{quote| ''"{{spoiler|Yeah, I beat Galactus' giant purple, pimply ass, so what. So what? So let's '''par-tay, bee-yotches!''' [[Breaking the Fourth Wall|I'd invite the player in front of the TV, but you got the Player Points for winning. That's all you need!]]}}"''}}
** {{spoiler|A few seconds later, a news report shows that Wade's party was...excessive. And [[You Bastard|the player's wanted as an accomplice]].}}
* Trish's ending: {{spoiler|Poor Nightcrawler.}}
* Tron's ending: {{spoiler|Sentinel becomes Servbot #42. Volnutt must be wondering why he didn't get [[TatsunokovsTatsunoko vs. Capcom (Video Game)|Gold Lightan and PTX-40A's]] numbers...}}
* X-23's ending, where she {{spoiler|confronts Logan on the smoking ruin of his front lawn, in front of the Elder God she just took down, and claims the title of Number 1 since ''he'' never did anything like that.}} His response is basically "Yeah, yeah, now get that thing off my lawn."
* M.O.D.O.K.'s ending, where {{spoiler|he puts on Galactus's helmet. [[Up to Eleven|It makes his head even bigger than normal.]]}}
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* Zero's ending, {{spoiler|he arrives in the ''[[Mega Man Zero]]'' timeline, instead of his ''[[Mega Man X]]'' timeline.}}
* In the Hulk's ending, {{spoiler|he goes through the Resident Evil 1 mansion [[Rivals Team Up|with Chris]], ''[[Curb Stomp Battle|curb stomping]] every single monster in his path.'' [[Resident Evil 1]] never looked so easy.}}
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Nemesis:''' Groaaaaar! ''(The Hulk grabs him by the neck)''}}<br />
{{spoiler|'''Hulk:''' Who is ugly man? Can Hulk smash?}}<br />
{{spoiler|'''Chris:''' Ah, him? I believe he's called Nemesis. He spent a lot of time trying to kill Jill.}}<br />
{{spoiler|'''Hulk:''' Then...HULK SMASH!}} }}
* A win quote from ''Sentinel'' of all people.
{{quote| '''Sentinel''': Battle data indicates excessive force was ''not'' required.<br />
'''(defeating X-23)''': "Wolverine DNA detected in female mutant. DOES NOT COMPUTE. DOES NOT COMPUTE. DOES NOT COMPUTE." }}
** And one of his taunts is "[[Trope Name|Undermine Target confidence]]!"
* ''Doctor Doom'' gets one as well in his win quote:
{{quote| '''Doctor Doom:''' The applause shall continue for another hour. The first person to stop clapping shall be executed.}}
** His intro against any of the X-Men, doubling as a [[Take That]]:
{{quote| "I'll make you ''wish'' you were fighting Magneto!"}}
* Shuma-Gorath's attraction to Hsien-Ko is hilariously disturbing.
{{quote| "'''(Intro)Shuma-Gorath:''' A living corpse! How quaint!<br />
"'''(Win Text)Shuma-Gorath:''' As a bride to one of the Old Ones you would be given many dimensions as a dowry! }}
** Not to mention her response.
{{quote| "Eww, I don't even wanna touch that!"}}
* Mike Haggar says, in his pre-fight dialogue against Shuma-Gorath, that an arm lock won't work on Shuma...but he can piledrive him like anyone else just fine.
** If he can piledrive Sentinel, a giant fucking robot twice his height, then Shuma-Gorath shouldn't be a problem.
* [ The comic book included in the Special Edition.] [[No Fourth Wall]] [[Up to Eleven]]. [[Take Our Word for It|You should read that by yourself.]]
** Actually, some dialog is edited. For example, the original line from the comic was:
{{quote| '''Deadpool:''' Where you from, pretty boy? Planets of the fabios?<br />
'''Dante:''' [[Insult Backfire|Jealousy will get you nowhere.]] }}
* [[Ghost Rider|Ghost Rider's]] victory quote. There's something funny about him saying it completely straight.
{{quote| '''Ghost Rider:''' "Hell hath no fury like a flaming skeleton on a motorcycle."}}
* Taskmaster's ending. {{spoiler|1=He starts a fitness program for people that want to "train with the guy who beat Galactus", and then goes on to create a bunch of exercise DVDs as well as ''a line of clothing named after him''.}}
* Nemesis' "time's up" loss animation? Standing still and...dropping his rocket launcher. Nothing else.
** Nemesis brings in a lot of surprising hilarity. For example, one of his text win quotes is simply "." and nothing else.
* One of Doctor Strange's [[Curb Stomp Battle]] winquotes:
{{quote| "Perhaps I've accidentally transported myself to an alternate reality where nobody but me can fight."}}
* This Nova winquote:
{{quote| "In case you had any interest in the Nova Corps, forget it. They wouldn't take you on the grounds that you have a bad case of suck."}}
* In the [ opening movie] for ''Ultimate'', among the moments of awesome, there's Deadpool surfing on top of Phoenix Wright's "Objection!" speech bubble. The attendant's reactions are priceless.
* [[Street Fighter III (Video Game)|Chun-Li gets to be the victim]] [[Running Gag|of the Parry system]]. [ By Ryu of all people.] <ref>In case you didn't know, this was Daigo "[[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|The Beast's]]" [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|EVO #37 moment.]]</ref>
* While most characters defeat quotes have then quietly muttering disappointment in themselves or the situation, or the usual [[Big No]], Rocket Raccoon will go out screaming at the top of his lungs: "''[[I'll Kill You!|I'LL KILL YOU]], YOU [[Curse Cut Short|SON OF A...!]]''" Oh and if you beat him with a light attack:
{{quote| ''"Promise me... no zoo."''}}
* Rocket Raccoon's win-quote against Chris Redfield.
{{quote| "That's for letting them mess up Raccoon City, you wanker!"}}
* Frank West's Level 1 hyper, which ''begins'' with him jamming a Servbot head onto his opponent and only gets better from there. For added hilarity, try it on M.O.D.O.K. (enormous Servbot head) and Shuma-Gorath (one-eyed Servbot head).
* [ Rocket Raccoon's ending], where he found that {{spoiler|Raccoon City isn't what he expected.}}
{{quote| '''Rocket Raccoon:''' {{spoiler|The guy with the guns mentions his hometown -- I figure it to be a paradise of my kind. Well, needless to say... It's not.}}}}
* [ Phoenix Wright's ending], where {{spoiler|he got a special defendant for his current case: Galactus himself, who barely fits into the courtroom, let alone the witness' stand.}}
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Galactus'''}}: I hereby renew my request for a change of venue.}}
* Rocket Racoon and Chris' intro quotes against each other.
{{quote| '''Rocket Racoon''': You've fought zombies, mutants, tyrants-but nothing's prepared you for A RACCOON.<br />
'''Chris''': (in utter confusion) There's armed woodland creature... }}
* Speaking of Rocket Raccoon, there's M.O.D.O.K.'s quotes against him.
{{quote| '''Before a fight''': You're cute. Time to die! <br />
'''After a fight, if he wins''': I defeated a Raccoon! SCIENCE! }}
* Jill, on the 'WINNER!' screen, delivers the thoughts of every [[Resident Evil 3: Nemesis]] player ever to Nemesis.
{{quote| '''Jill''': Stop. Following. ME!}}
* She-Hulk's new win quote against Deadpool, reminding us all that she's still aware of the fourth wall:
{{quote| '''She-Hulk''': If there's ever an [[Mv C 4]], I'll destroy you there too, Wade.}}
* Dante's new ending in ''Ultimate'':
{{quote| '''Dante''': (sitting lazily) I can smell you standing there, you know. Whaddya want?<br />
'''{{spoiler|Mephisto}}''': If you so desired, I could return your mother to you, alive and well. I could even mend your relationship with your brother -- make your family whole again. All I would require is --<br />
'''Dante''': (quickly put a gun under the guy's chin)<br />
'''{{spoiler|Mephisto}}''': Gyark!<br />
'''Dante''': I'm not really interested in mending fences with my brother, so here's my counteroffer: [[Mundane Utility|You give me a job that can pay my electric bill for the year]], and I'll leave you here with your head attached to your body.<br />
'''{{spoiler|Mephisto}}''': Actually, there's a fiend called {{spoiler|Blackheart}} who has caused me trouble to no end... <br />
'''Dante''': Done. But I'm charging you triple because you're such a tool. }}
* A lot of new dialogue in ''Ultimate'' references infamous events from the characters' home series in the most hilarious ways.
{{quote| '''Trish''': Maybe [[Memetic Mutation|I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with light.]] Just kidding. [[Lampshade Hanging|Who would say something that lame?]]<br />
'''Spider-Man''': (defeating Firebrand) You know, you sort of look like the guy who [[One More Day|ruined my marriage...]]<br />
'''Spencer''': One more crack about the hair and I'll pick you up and beat you down again.<br />
'''Chris''': Look, I deal with superhuman monsters on a daily basis. I would have been crazy not to hit the gym and bulk up a bit. }}
** All of Deadpool's dialogue when fighting Spider-Man has been changed to reference the [[Spider Man Turn Off the Dark (Theater)|Broadway musical incident]] which happened between the release of the two versions of the game.
{{quote| "Gonna rough you up like a Broadway musical!"<br />
"Aw, that was too easy! Maybe it would have helped if you'd turned off the dark!" }}
* One of Albert Wesker's new "Winner!" screen quotes has him bragging about how expensive his custom-made sunglasses were.
* Phoenix Wright convicting a bad guy? [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|Awesome]]. Phoenix Wright convicting a boldface, [[Face|Babyface]] GOOD GUY? (eg: [[Captain America (comics)]], Haggar or Thor) There's where the fun comes in accusing the good guys with something they might not have done, or [[Disproportionate Retribution|done so little and get huge damage as a payback]].
** Amaterasu is a known turnip thief. Doctor Strange is way behind on his taxes. And Iron Man should have known that hitting on Tron would come back to bite him.
* Nova: "Blue blazes! I'm AWESOME!"
{{quote| '''Nova:''' It's times like this I miss being a new warrior. Speedball would point and laugh at you right now.}}
** There's also "Really? I mean... REALLY?" when he faces Viewtiful Joe.
* Shuma-Gorath's ending. After defeating Galactus and being hailed as a hero, he goes native in a most hilarious manner- {{spoiler|he becomes the host of a Japanese game show.}}
{{quote| '''Shuma-Gorath''': Welcome, vile fleshling scum!}}
* The dissonance between a character's winpose and winquote can be very amusing.
{{quote| Ghost Rider (after beating Phoenix Wright or She-Hulk): ''So I have this contract with Mephisto I'd like you to look at for me...'' (rides away) <br />
Doctor Strange (after beating Hsien-Ko): ''Your condition... my magics might be able to help...'' (teleports away)<br />
Hsien-Ko (after beating Shuma-Gorath): ''Oh, my clothes are all slimy now!'' (smiles and winks)<br />
Hsien-Ko (after beating Nemesis): ''Oh man... that was really frightening!'' (smiles and winks)<br />
Galactus (after being defeated): ''How dare you! I now must squash you like the bug that you are!'' (falls off the stage) }}
* One of Rocket Raccoon's win quotes brings up the inevitable response to his inclusion in the game.
{{quote| '''Rocket Raccoon:''' Say how embarrassing it was to be beaten up by a raccoon one more time and I'm going to beat you up again.
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