Marvel vs. Capcom 3/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** There's also the exclusion of the original Mega Man, with the devs saying that they don't want to put him in the game due to the previous game's mediocre moveset as well as representing the series with the aforementioned Zero. Many people have accused the devs of laziness and hypocrisy, due to the fact they completely changed Jill's moveset, and wondering why the devs couldn't apply this same treatment to him. <ref>It should be noted that Jill's moveset is changed because they use [[RE 5]] Jill, not the [[RE 1]] one (the one in [[Mv C 2]]). Still, it's widely seen as a weak excuse.</ref>
** [ An interview to Seth Killian made by Newsarama] becomes ironic when it was confirmed that Iron Fist and Ghost Rider are playable in ''UMvC3''. A snippet:
{{quote| ''"When you look at characters like [[Ghost Rider]], and [[Immortal Iron Fist|Iron Fist]], and [[Black Panther]], those are great characters but it's the backstory that makes them. From a gameplay point of view they're all just punchy dudes. We didn't want you to be able to say, 'this guy is just another one of this guy but a little faster or with a different fireball'. So that was the final pass" that Capcom took off the Marvel list.''}}
** The ''existence'' of ''UMvC3'' is a point of contention for the fanbase. In one corner, you have fans decrying an [[Updated Rerelease]] being announced no less than ''five months'' after the original game's release; the other side more or less says, [[Capcom Sequel Stagnation|"This is Capcom. You should have seen it coming."]] There's also a subset that falls somewhere in the middle of this that believes that while a psuedo-sequel is the usual business for Capcom and is not ''too'' irked by it, it probably would have been better for them to have just waited until everything was ready to go since the window between vanilla and ''Ultimate'' was only about eight months. Explanations given in later interviews (such as Japan's 2011 Earthquake ruining the DLC plans for MvC3 and giving UMvC3 as a result) helped to abate some of the backlash, [[Fan Dumb|but alas...]]
*** The trailer, especially considering the leaked list of fighters appearing (or better yet, ''not'' appearing) for each company.
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** [[Eldritch Abomination|Shuma-Gorath]] [[I Love the Dead|wants to freakin' marry]] [[Chinese Vampire|Hsien-Ko]]. Apparently, he finds the whole living corpse thing [[Freaky Is Cool|"quaint".]]
** Rocket Raccoon hits on ''Amaterasu''.
{{quote| ''So... you doing anything after this, cutie? Rowwwr!''}}
* [[Crazy Awesome]]:
** Deadpool is so crazy that he attacks in nonsensical ways like using the HUD to attack opponents.
** Dante, of his own admission.
{{quote| (''after beating Deadpool'') ''"Sometimes you gotta out-crazy the crazies if you wanna beat 'em."''}}
* [[Creator's Pet]]: Some argue that Wesker is such, seeing as though he's got more buffs than nerfs despite being top tier already.
* [[Crossover Ship]]:
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** [ Dormammu/Trish] (the [[Crack Pairing|high dosages of crack]] are even [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]] by the fan artist). If anything, his game is quickly proving one infallible truth: if you can think it up, you ''can'' ship it.
** Chun-Li/Thor.
{{quote| (''after defeating Thor'') ''"Tall, Blonde, you're my kinda guy. But do you have to carry that hammer around everywhere?"''}}
** Doctor Strange greets a female character (except Hsien-Ko) by inviting her to join his team of "all-female Defenders". He also throws a rose to female fighters as his taunt. How much have you picked up from Tony, Stephen?
* [[Designated Hero]]: The character select screen is labeled as "'''Hero''' Select" despite the presence of Deadpool, Super-Skrull, Dr. Doom, Dormammu, M.O.D.O.K., Taskmaster, Wesker, and, [[Anti-Hero|to some extent]], Akuma and Magneto, Shuma-Gorath, {{spoiler|mind-controlled}} Jill, Firebrand, Nemesis, and last but not [[My Friends and Zoidberg|Zoidberg]], Vergil.
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* [[Epileptic Trees]]:
** In Wesker's ending, due to him {{spoiler|capturing some Marvel heroes (shown in picture: Phoenix, Spidey, and Cap) and placing them in [[People Jars]], as well as infusing them with Uroboros virus}}, many fans think that he's the one who caused the ''[[Marvel Zombies]]'' plot. His slightly-modified ending in ''Ultimate'' touches this deeper, as per his quote:
{{quote| '''Wesker''': {{spoiler|The fantastic specimens from this new world should yield zombies to be truly... [[Pun|marvel]].}}}}
** In a similar vein, some fans speculate that Sentinel's original ending from ''X-Men: Children of the Atom'' triggered the ''Days of Future Past'' stage in ''Ultimate''.
** [ A interview to Ryota Niitsuma], when asked if a Wii version would ever come out, prompted a response that can be summed up as "Maybe", fans believe that this ''might'' mean that the game will be released on the Wii or a Nintendo based system at some point.
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* [[Flanderization]]: Phoenix, especially in contrast with the other X-Men. All of her battle quotes seem to revolve around her fear of Dark Phoenix, whereas Storm, Wolverine, and X-23 all have surprising degrees of characterization for a [[Fighting Game]].
* [[Fountain of Memes]]: ''Anything'' [[Deadpool]] says is liable to [[Memetic Mutation]]. He has given us more phrases than EMP '''[ "IT'S MAHVEL,] [ BAYBEE!"]''' Yipes, and is giving [[Fatal Fury|Terry]] [[The King of Fighters|Bogard]] a run for his money as the most memetic character in [[Fighting Game]] history.
{{quote| '''Deadpool''': ''[[Cloudcuckoolander|I love me some]]--[[Cloudcuckoolander|pineapple!]]'' <ref>Done by performing his medium Ninja Gift ("Pineapple!") immediately after his Trigger Happy ("I love me some guns!"). Both quotes are unused in the actual game, though.</ref><br />
'''Deadpool''': ''[[Trigger Happy|I love me some guns!]]'' <ref>Not present in the final build of the game, instead replaced by the below quote.</ref><br />
'''Deadpool''': ''[[Trigger Happy|Have gun, will shoot!]]''<br />
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* [[Hilarious in Hindsight]]:
** [[Deadpool]]'s "You ever play ''[[Street Fighter]]''? [ SHORYUKEN!]", which made it in as one of Deadpool's moves. And to twist the knife further, there's his winquote when he beats Ryu:
{{quote| ''"I get to be on the cover of the next'' [[Street Fighter]] ''for this, right Capcom? RIGHT?"''}}
** Chris said to Wesker in ''[[Resident Evil 5|RE5]]'', "Do you take all your ideas from comic book villains?"
*** In a similar vein, in ''[[Mega Man Legends]]'', Volnutt says a poster of Zero looks like a comic book hero.
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** On gameplay videos featuring Galactus, people would often post the comment, [[Memetic Mutation|"Much like the Fantastic Four, I am not playable."]] Cue ''Ultimate'', where Galactus really IS playable!
** Iron Man flirts with all the ladies in the roster... sans Ammy. Cue ''Ultimate'', where Ammy is finally the target of flirting... by Rocket Raccoon of all people. With the similar quotes, too:
{{quote| '''Iron Man's intro against female character''': ''So, you doing anything after this?''<br />
'''Rocket Raccoon's winquote against Ammy''': ''So... you doing anything after this, cutie? Rowwwr!'' }}
** Felicia having [[Battle Circuit|Yellow Iris]] as her DLC alt. makes sense given that they're both [[Catgirl|Cat Girls]], but then there's the fact that the two appeared side-by-side in Felicia's ''[[Capcom Fighting Evolution]]'' ending...
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* [[Internet Backdraft]]: ''The sole mention of the game'' is enough cause for a heated debate. Poor Capcom...
** Usually happened when characters are confirmed not to be in the game, although a lot of the newcomers receive a good chunk of it as well. Admittedly, some arguments are actually reasonable and well-thought out, but it mostly tends to [[Flame War|get WAY out of hand]]. It pretty much comes in one of four flavors:
{{quote| "X is [[Game Breaker|BROKEN!]]"<br />
"X [[Tier-Induced Scrappy|sucks]] and is a waste of a character slot."<br />
[[The Unexpected|"Wait, why did X get in over Y?"]]<br />
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* [[Never Live It Down]]:
** Cap and Tony haven't got over ''[[Civil War (Comic Book)|Civil War]]'' yet:
{{quote| '''Captain America''' (''before fighting against [[Iron Man]]''): You think I'm going down to some pampered punk like you?<br />
'''Captain America''' (''after winning against [[Iron Man]]''): And that's for ''Civil War''.<br />
'''Iron Man''' (''before fighting against Captain America''): [[Powered Armor|This armor]] knows your next move before you do, Steve.<br />
'''Iron Man''' (''after winning against Captain America''): It's like ''Civil War'' all over again. }}
** Doctor Strange vs. the Hulk
{{quote| '''Doctor Strange''': I imagine you're still upset about us [[Planet Hulk|shooting you into space]]...<br />
'''Hulk''': Dumb Magician once friends with Hulk -- but now Hulk Smash! }}
** As for from the game itself, fans labeled Iron Man for being an ephebophile because he hits on Tron... Despite that he actually hits on all the girls as well.
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*** To rub salt in the wound? Should you lose to him, and wait on the [[Game Over]] screen (which in vanilla you HAD to do if you wanted to get the Galactus ending), the screen [[Visual Pun|literally RIPS IN HALF,]] {{spoiler|just to remind you that the Marvel and Capcom worlds are now in Galactus' stomach acids.}}
** Dormammu's Level 3 Hyper. He traps the opponent in a dark bubble (Dark Dimension), then he goes big (or the bubble goes small, we can't be sure) and then pops the bubble with his fingers, with the opponent inside.
{{quote| ''"Welcome... To my realm..."''}}
** Likewise, Shuma-Gorath's Level 3 Hyper starts with a nasty closeup of his face [[More Teeth Than the Osmond Family|getting all bitey]], and then finishes by teleporting the opponent inside of Shuma-Gorath, who now looks like a colored balloon with an eye sticking out.<br /><br />In ''Ultimate'', with his [ new costume], it's all made creepier with the [[Extra Eyes]].
** To a lesser extent, the effect of the X-Factor in ''Ultimate MvC3''. It turns the user into a black silhouette with red outlines and aura. It's a bit unnerving to some.
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* [[Unfortunate Implications]]:
** Captain America's victory quote against villains. It can take a whole [[Fantastic Racism|other meaning]] when said against Magneto.
{{quote| '''Captain America''': ''Your kind's got no shot, not while I'm around.''}}
** Ghost Rider beats Doom out with the line [[Your Mom|"Hell is exactly where your mother belongs. You'll follow her there soon enough."]] Doom's mother ''actually went to Hell'' in one storyline (thanks to Doctor Strange, they did manage to save her, though).