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== There will be a [[Knights of the Old Republic|"meatbag"]] reference in ''ME3''. ==
* Probably by Legion, something along the lines of "Why would a form of media that was [[Take That Us|clearly made by organics]] use such a derogatory term for them?"
** Also, Legion ''NEEDS'' to say something about how the Reapers desire [[Memetic Mutation|COMPLETE]][[This Is Sparta|...]][[Hey, It's That Voice!|GALACTIC]][[This Is Sparta|...]][[Resident Evil 5|SATURATION]].
** No...have Legion glitch out. Then we'd get this.
{{quote| [[Hilarious Outtakes|"I don't need anything else. I have big balls. In less than five minutes we will reach Vader's Death Star. George Bush will be released into the atmosphere, ensuring complete global masturbation. Oh fuck it! We'll do it live!"]]}}
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== By the time ''Mass Effect 3'' ends, the series will have used [[Troperiffic|every]] [[Trope Overdosed|trope]] in existence, as well as [[Trope Maker|making]], [[Trope Namers|naming]], and [[Trope Codifier|codifying]] more. ==
The series' main page had to be split into six different pages to handle all the tropes, so it seems pretty obvious that Bioware wants to use as many tropes as possible. But wait! How will they use any fantasy tropes? Well, halfway through ''ME3'', it'll turn out that the Reapers can't be stopped, so Shepard and company will go back in time several million years, to whenever the Reapers were created, to try to stop their construction. This society will have [[Schizo -Tech]], an [[Anachronism Stew]], and all sorts of other stuff that doesn't appear in the present, but enables [[Bio Ware]] to try new things. It may or may not be based on ''[[Dragon Age]]'', for crossovers, and it immediately gets [[Halfway Plot Switch]] and several [[Time Travel Tropes]] as well. Near the end, the characters will realize they're in a video game for all the fourth wall tropes, and they'll abuse that to defeat the Reapers.
* Slightly less wild expansions of the above: the planet [ Eingana] is stated to have ''animals'' with biotic powers, due to massive amounts of dust-form element zero in its atmosphere. Missions there would be more like fantasy than sci-fi. A series of Cyberspace missions similar to [ the ending of Overlord] would be [[Inside a Computer System]], enabling Joker to snark endlessly about "You aren't supposed to look at this wall, you know that?".
* No no no no no. Please no. The players, myself included, will say [[Ruined FOREVER]] faster than you can blink.
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== The vehicle will be a combination of the Mako and the Hammerhead. ==
What most people hated about the Mako was its bad traction. While the Hammerhead fixes that by being a hover tank, it brings up new issues. Combining the two into a hover APC will get the best of both worlds: it'll have the strength and combat capability of the Mako, and the climbing capability of the Hammerhead. It won't necessarily need to be as fast as the Hammerhead (especially since it has more armor), but it'll have the boost feature to cross large, featureless areas quickly, in addition to being able to pick up/scan resources without leaving it. In keeping with the [[Theme Naming|shark theme]], it could be called the Izak, after the [http://en.[ catshark|Izak catshark]] for a [[Genius Bonus]], but other suggestions are welcome.
* The Wobegong, AKA Carpet Shark, AKA the most embarrassing name to give and ambush predator. Getting killed by a tank called the Wobegong would add a little extra humiliation factor.
* No vehicle at all, actually.
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* No, but one of the endings sorta plays with that.
== You will find an [[Doctor Who (TV)|undamaged police box]] in London. ==
Assuming that you go to London, of course. And in a later mission it will have vanished mysteriously.
* Sadly, no, but there are red phone boxes scattered about.
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* '''...But Who's The New Backup Singer?''': Re-recruit as many members of your ''ME2'' crew as possible (minimum of 3).
* '''Favor To The Universe''': Help clan Urdnot dispose of a rival clan.
* '''[[Genius Bonus|Hope It's]] [http://en.[ Shark|Not]] [http://en.[ Shark|Another]] [http://en.[ shark|Lemon]]''': Acquire the new reconnaissance vehicle.
** Genius.
* '''Towers of Hanoi, ''Again?!'' ''': Manually repair a computer system instead of using omni-gel.
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** Alternatively alternatively: '''Requiescat in Pace''': Kill 5 enemies with stealth take-downs.
* '''[[X-Men (Video Game)|Welcome to DIE!]]''': Kill 6 enemies with a single biotic power.
* '''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Basically... run.]]''': Convince the Reapers to leave non-violently.
* '''[[Scarface|Say Hello to my Little Friends]]''': Kill an enemy with each heavy weapon.
* '''Told You So''': Escape the Reapers' first attack on Earth.
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****** And why would it matter that Joker treats ManShep and FemShep the same? Bioware have already said there will be same sex relationships in [[ME 3]] for all we know Joker may be bisexual.
* When asked, [[Bio Ware]] responded, "you have to play it to see it." So, maybe?
** [[Hey, It's That Voice!|Wait a minute,]] a romance between [[Knights of the Old Republic|Bastila]] and [[Buffy|Oz?]] Mind. Blown.
* This troper thought it would be impossible for the same reason Wrex and Grunt aren't romanceable: someone's going to need hospitalization afterward.
** Joker would need hospitalization if he was in a romance with fem!Shepard even without brittle bone disease.
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*** After the events of ''Retribution'', this is highly likely. If Anderson DOESN'T become a recruitable party member, then it seems to be pretty heavily implied that he and Kahlee will play some sort of role in the third game.
**** That would be too awesome for words. An added bonus is as a parting gift from the Council finally Anderson will be granted Full SPECTRE status. He would be the old war horse on board that both Paragon and Renegade Shepard could talk to about his choices and his romances.
**** Perhaps not, I can't see him becoming a Spectre. As he mentioned himself, he is "too old to go gallivanting across the galaxy" and won't become a Spectre but I can see him as retiring the council and becoming [[Four -Star Badass|Admiral Badass]], perhaps being Hackett's replacement, and leading Humanities charge against the Reapers.
**** Considering the fact that the trailer showed London getting decimated by no less than EIGHT Reapers, and that Anderson was born and raised in London, I want him at my side firing an assault rifle as we take back the city.
*** Looks like Anderson serves as a temporary squadmate on the first mission, but ultimately stays on Earth to rally humanity.
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*** Removing his biotics would sort of turn him into another Garrus, though, wouldn't it, a turian with tech abilities and is a sniper (I believe in the prequel novel, there is a scene that establishes Saren is a sniper, but I'm prepared to be wrong about that)? Wait, that's it! They'll do it like they did {{spoiler|Loghain}} in ''[[Dragon Age]]''. You CAN recruit Saren, but if you do, a party-member who's been with you since the beginning, and may even be your lover, will not be able to forgive that, or you, and leave forever. But of course, since Saren does everything Garrus did, party balance isn't affected {{spoiler|just like how Loghain takes over from Alistair}}. This of course assumes Garrus lived at the end of ''Mass Effect 2''. If not, then you can recruit Saren with minor fuss.
*** The decision to save or fight Saren was unaddressed in [[ME 2]], whereas a lot of the other choices (rachni queen, Shiala, Parasini) were incorporated. If Saren returns inn-full, that decision could affect what happens.
*** This would allow them to do an awesome [[Shout -Out]]:
{{quote| '''Shepard''': Excuse me, Mr Mercenary Agent, do you have any powerful folks I could hire to fight the [[Eldritch Abomination|Reapers]]?<br />
'''Agent''': If you seek to take the fight to the evil ships from beyond Galaxy's End, you will need an ally that knows those monsters. (slowly pulls back a curtain)<br />
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** Actually, she does show up. She tells you what was on the grey box, and she helps you deal with a hanar who decides to worship the Reapers.
== [[Doctor Who (TV)|The Doctor]] will feature in [[ME 3]]. ==
* If not as a squadmate, then as a non-combat member of the team. He will most likely be encountered in London, and FemSheps have the option to be his companion.