Masters of Horror: Difference between revisions

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* [[Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane]]: At one point, Walter ponders that the witches' abilities came from having mastered [[Magic From Technology|quantum mechanics to travel within dimensions]].
* [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog]]: {{spoiler|Just as Walter kills the witch and saves little Danny, Brown Jenkins comes out of nowhere and kills the baby}}.
* [[Shout -Out]]: [[The Shining|The witch acquires the image of an attractive naked woman to seduce the protagonist, and reveals her true old, hideous image when she has done it while laughing her ass off]]. Also, the [[Ominous Latin Chanting]] heard during this scene contains the line [[Cthulhu Mythos|"Iah! Iah!"]]
* [[Tome of Eldritch Lore]]: The Necronomicon.
* [[What Could Have Been]]: [[Re Animator|Frequent]] [[From Beyond|collaborator]] [[Jeffrey Combs]] was Gordon's original pick for the role of Mr. Dombrowski, but was unavailable.
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* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: There are references to the Iraq War, Guantanamo and the 2000 Florida voting controversy.
* [[Ghostly Goals]]: The undead soldiers only drop dead after being allowed to vote. They come back to life when the government decides to not consider their votes valid.
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]]: President Shelly is an obvious stand-in for [[George W. Bush]] while Jane is a parody of Ann Coulter.
* [[Our Zombies Are Different]]: Talking (though it hurts), fully conscious, can't be killed and do not want brains.
* [[The Reveal]]: {{spoiler|Philip didn't die in the war. He was killed at home by the infant David, who was playing with his gun.}}
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* [[Death By Sex]]: The Deer Woman's MO.
* [[Fan Service]]: The Deer Woman always goes topless before she kills.
* [[For the Evulz]]: Just like in the [http://en.[ Woman|original legend]], the Deer Woman kills horny men for absolutely no reason. This is lampshaded by Faraday when he is first introduced to the legend.
* [[Gorn]]: The Deer Woman's victims, most notably when Faraday picks up what's left of the trucker's lower jaw at the beginning.
* [[Half-Human Hybrid]]: The Deer Woman has the upper body of an attractive Native American woman, and the lower body of a deer.
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* [[Oh Crap]]: "Have you seen her feet?"
* [[The Schlub Pub Seduction Deduction]]: The first indication to the Deer Woman's identity.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Suspecting an incidence of animal transformation, Faraday cites the events of ''[[An American Werewolf in London]]'', also directed by Landis, as a documented case.
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: {{spoiler|Reed, knowing full well that there might be a mythological monster woman running around killing hapless men, doesn't bat an eye when a gorgeous, mute, girl whose feet he hasn't seen swoons over him, and wants to come back to his place with him. When Faraday calls him up and points this out [[Oh Crap|he finally realizes]], but it's already too late.}}
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* [[Our Angels Are Different]]: {{spoiler|In this case, angels are corporeal creatures and can be tortured, and the one seen in the episode is quite uglier than one would expect at first. It's heavily implied that the film's evil is the result of documenting the desecration of said angel.}}
* [[Snuff Film]]: Dalibor, one of the persons visited by Kirby while searching for the film is a Snuff director, while ''La Fin Absolue du Monde'' features the torture of {{spoiler|an angel}}.
* [[Shout -Out]]: The film playing at Kirby's cinema is [[Dario Argento]]'s ''[[Deep Red]]''.
* [[Shrouded in Myth]]: The movie itself.
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* [[Boy Meets Girl|Girl Meets Girl]]
* [[Face Full of Alien Wingwong|Ear Full Of Insect Wing-Wong]]
* [[Girl -On -Girl Is Hot]]: Ida's partner Max constantly pokes fun at his colleague's sexuality and begs her to tell him everything about her dates in time for [[A Date With Rosie Palms|the morning shower]]. He also keeps his hand in a "special place" while talking to her on the phone.
* [[Lipstick Lesbian]]: Both Misty and Ida.
* [[Soundtrack Dissonance]]: The happy music at the end.
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* [[Fan Service]] / [[Fan Disservice]]: Elise's sex scene.
* [[Hollywood Atheist]]: Haeckel.
* [[Shout -Out]]: In the beginning, Haeckel and his teacher discuss the experiments performed by some German doctor called [[Frankenstein]]. Haeckel tries to replicate then his attempt to revive a cadaver using electricity but only manages [[Take That|to burn it]].
* [[Twist Ending]]: {{spoiler|[[Narrator All Along|Miss Carnation is Elise]].}}
* [[Ugly Guy, Hot Wife]]: Wolfram and Elise, as he admits himself. {{spoiler|Even moreso when he becomes a zombie.}}
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* [[Bad Boss]]: The madame.
* [[Big Guy, Little Guy]]: {{spoiler|The disfigured prostitute's siamese "sister" is clearly the one in charge}}.
* [[Big Screwed-Up Family]]: The nicest thing to say about the disfigured prostitute's one.
* [[Blood From the Mouth]]: The disfigured prostitute's father.
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== The V Word ==
Directed by Ernest R. Dickerson. Two bored teenagers, Kerry (Arjay Smith) and Justin (Branden Nadon), sneak into a morgue one night and are attacked by a vampire, [[Shout -Out|Mr. Chaney]] ([[Michael Ironside]]).
* [[And Starring]]: Michael Ironside.
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* [[Black Best Friend]]: Kerry.
* [[Black Blood]]: Only the vampires.
* [[Depraved Homosexual]]: Mr. Chaney is a (former?) [http://en.[ |ephebophile]]. Conveniently, he is only interested in [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|turning male teens]].
* [[Early Films]]: [[Universal Horror|Universal's]] ''[[Dracula]]'' is playing on the TV when Justin arrives home.
* [[Eye Scream]]: {{spoiler|Used to bring down Chaney}}.
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Mr. Cheney: "'''''Or something'''''." }}
* [[Our Vampires Are Different]]: These have black eyes and extremely pale skin, but normal looking teeth and do reflect on mirrors. Also, staking them in the heart does not kill them {{spoiler|but decapitation and sunlight does.}}
* [[Shout -Out]]:
** "[[Night of the Living Dead|They are coming to get you, Barbara!]]"
** "[[Dracula|I do not drink... wine]]"
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* [[Badass Normal]]: Dr. Kiefer faces the Burcells alone and wins the first two assaults against them.
* [[Boom! Headshot!]]: Not one, not two, but '''three''' of them!
* [[Can You Hear Me Now]]: The Burcells cut the clinic's phone line before getting in. Still, [[Fridge Logic|it was very convenient that nobody was carrying a cellular]].
* [[Cold-Blooded Torture]]: Dwayne Burcell does this to Kiefer when he finally gets him.
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* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Shanna.
* [[Pretty in Mink]]: Shanna opens to Feldman after being given the chance to wear the coat made out of the raccoons fur.
* [[Shout -Out]]: The [ DVD cover] is reminiscent of PETA ads starring Naomi Campbell.
* [[Soundtrack Dissonance]]: La, la-la la, la laaaa....
* [[Temple of Doom]]: The ancient city is either a very ruined version of this or an [[Indian Burial Ground]].
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* [[Hate Plague]]: A male-centered one, {{spoiler|engineered by aliens}}.
* [[Human Resources]]: Anne, [[Sweet Polly Oliver|disguised as a man]], reveals herself to the male clients of a hunting shop when she can't hide her horror at looking at a bag made out of a woman's breast. This prompts the men to go after her.
* [[Instant Marksman, Just Squeeze Trigger]]: Used completely straight, as a mother trains her daughter to fire a gun.
* [[Neck Snap]]: Used by a male flight assistant to "control" a scared woman.
* [[Not Himself]]: Anne's husband after he becomes infected. Defied with {{spoiler|Barney, who chemically castrated himself to prevent this}}.
* [[No WomansWoman's Land]]: Quite literally in the "liberated" areas of the world.
* [[Religion of Evil]]: The Sons of Adam.
* [[Shout -Out]]: In one scene, a group of test subjects is shown different types of porn to investigate the development of the disease. The violent porn movie is actually footage from season one's ''Imprint'', an episode that was censored from broadcast in the US.
* [[Sinister Minister]]: The priest in the Canadian hospital.
* [[Sweet Polly Oliver]]: Anne disguises herself as a man to prevent being murdered on sight by the next infected man.
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