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* [[Did Not Do the Research]]: Prevalent mainly in the older volumes and fully acknowledged by Himi who claims that when she first started the series she [[They Just Didn't Care|just didn't care]]. Some really glaring mistakes were revised and corrected later on though.
* [[Driven to Suicide]]: {{spoiler|Inspector Cordale, who was [[Mind Rape|driven to madness]] by Jack the Ripper, manipulating him to completely corrupt the entire police system just to demonstrate the Ripper's power. He exposits this to Hatsune, and then shoots himself in the head.}}
** {{spoiler|Jessica Queen.}} After months of being engaged to Louis Morecambe {{spoiler|attempts to throw herself into the Thames}} but is rescued by Jack.
* [[Disposable Fiance]]: Louis Morecambe to an extent, although he has yet to be disposed of.
* [[Dude, She's Like, in a Coma]]: Jack {{spoiler|to Tom in Volume 12.}}
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* [[One-Hour Work Week]]: While Tom would have to be at work constantly to afford the lifestyle he lives ([[Informed Attribute|Which it's constantly stated that he is]]) He still seems to have a strange amount of free time. And his schedule working as a delivery boy is altered as the plot demands.
* [[Only Six Faces]]: While there are some subtle differences like nose size and freckles and such and Jessica's lips are a lot thicker than the other characters, most of them look pretty much the same.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: More or less all of the main characters to varying degrees.
** Hatsune's father left for no particular reason when she was five years old, causing her mother to turn into a vacant, hollow shell who paid her no attention throughout her entire childhood. Hatsune considers her mothers negligence to be akin to complete abandonment.
** Tom has no memory of his parents save for one, of a woman crying and apologising. He was more or less raised by Sherlock's landlady Mrs Hudson who apparently kept a very nanny-like demeanour in an attempt to stop him getting too attached to her and vice versa.
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** So far there has been no mention of Morris or Jacks parents whereabouts.
* [[Parental Neglect]]: Hatsune has only ever briefly known parental love in her life, the rest has just been dealing with her cold and distant mother never saying a word to her. The main reason Hatsune is unhappy with her life in Japan is because of this. Hatsune tells Tom a story about how when she was a child she tripped and fell down the steps to her flat, had to haul herself all the way back up them and phone for an ambulance alone. Her mother didn't help Hatsune, rather told her to stop crying because she was being a distraction. Apparently Hatsune's mother wasn't always this way and was actually once a very loving mother, she just began acting like that when Hatsune's father left for unexplained reasons. Hatsune believes that she probably would've been better off if her mother had always been neglectful, [[Tear Jerker|as having love snatched away from her like that is much much crueller.]]
** Jessica is a slightly less drastic case, her mother doesn't pay much attention to her except to shout at her for being a disappointment.
* [[Police Are Useless]]: Lestrade and his men either seem contribute absolutely nothing or make matters much much worse whenever they get involved.
** In Volume 5, a group of American bank robbers hold up a bank that Hatsune just happens to be in then {{spoiler|rig the front door with dynamite to stop any of the hostages from escaping. Lestrade comes along and attempts to break the door down, and despite the protests of Hatsune and the hostages, eventually ends up blowing up the entire bank, fortunately after the hostages escape.}}
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** Also while Tom listens to Hatsune's iPod, the author claims he was listening to a [[Within Temptation]] song.
** Kyoko loves [[Magic Kaito|Kaitou Kid]]
** The movie that Hatsune decides to show Tom and Morris to show off her fancy technology is [[Alien]]. Probably not the best idea.
** Hatsune recalls she was too busy to go to her middle school dance because she'd just bought a [[Twin Peaks]] boxset.
** She also tells Tom that he'll look very sophisticated in a tuxedo. Like [[James Bond]].
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* [[They Fight Crime]]: The Irregulars. For the most part.
* [[Tsundere]]: Both Jack and Hatsune have shown shades of this. Jack and Hatsune both even [[Lampshade Hanging|call each out]] on how the others personality goes all sweet and mushy whenever Tom is in the room.
* [[Unmoving PlaidPattern]]: Hatsune's ball gown in Volume 4.
* [[Under the Mistletoe]]: Where Hatsune and Tom have their [[First Kiss]].
** So do [[Ho Yay|Watson and Sherlock]].
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