Mega Man Star Force/Characters: Difference between revisions

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=== Geo Stelar/Mega Man Geo-Omega ''(Subaru Hoshikawa/Shooting Star Rockman)'' ===
{{quote| ''"EM Wave Change, Geo Stelar, On The Air!"''}}
[[File:Geo_Stelar_2266Geo Stelar 2266.jpg|frame]]
The main character of the series. A 12-year old boy who lost his father Kelvin three years prior the start of the story. Because of this, he becomes a social outcast that spends his entire day at home messing with gadgets and studying instead of going to school. His dream is to one day become an astronaut, so he can go to space to find his father, who he believes is still alive.
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* [[Arm Cannon]]: An interesting variant; instead of the straight-up [[Cool Guns|buster-style]] cannon, the first two games had Geo's arm swallowed by Omega-Xis' [ head].
* [[Badass]]: Not so much in the first game, but he grows into it by the 3rd game.
* [[Brown Eyes]]
* [[Character Development]]: [[Took a Level Inin Badass|Lots]].
* [[Clark Kenting]]: Ohhhhhh, yes. He takes absolutely no measures in adjusting his voice and he's the only person with that particular hairstyle in all three games, so this banks almost entirely on a personality-disconnect between his lives.
* [[Cute Shotaro Boy]]: At [[Kid Hero|twelve years old]], Geo's this by default, but he's especially cute when we see his ''little'' little kid appearance in ''Black'' and ''Red'' flashbacks.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: A moment occurs, here and there. For example: At the end of the Noise Wave, Geo and Mega wonder if they've found Dealer's Base. They then see the giant King Card Matter Wave.
{{quote| Geo: Yeah, I think we found it.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Et Tu, Brute?]]}}: {{spoiler|Pat's betrayal prompts Geo's [[Achilles in His Tent]] moment in the first game.}}
* [[Fighting Your Friend]]: This happens whenever he is forced to fight against Luna, Sonia, Bud, or [[Played for Drama|Pat]], which tends to happen [[Once an Episode|once per game]], but mostly with Bud; by the third game neither Queen Ophiuchus nor Gemini Spark are present and Harp Note can't be fought.
* [[Finishing Move]]/ [[Limit Break]]: 14 in all (over the course of the games, 3 in Star Force 1 and then 7 in both Star Force 2 and Star Force 3), including
** [[BFSBig Freaking Sword]]: Thunderbolt Blade and Elemental Blade
** [[Death From Above]]: Meteor Light Barrage
** [[Flechette Storm]]: Demon Flurry and Enma Gale Garrison
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* [[Mysterious Protector]]: Serves this purpose for Luna, though only for the first game.
** His dedication to protecting Luna helps him actualize his Star Force (Star Break) powers in the first game, and when Luna gives him a [[Cooldown Hug]] in the second game, it helps him take control of his [[Amulet of Concentrated Awesome|Tribe]] [[Artifact of Doom|form]], which was making him go crazy.
* [[One-Way Visor]]: Yep, and normally most of the time it's see thru-through, except for the image on [ the box] for the crossover game Operate Shooting Star with [[Mega Man Battle Network]].
* [[Panty Thief]]: Poor boy has trouble wrenching himself away from the "[[Unusual Euphemism|little girl's secret]]" he finds in Luna's wardrobe in ''Black'' and ''Red''.
* [[Perpetual Frowner]]: While transformed, he also barely smiles for most of the first game.
* [[Red Baron]]: Starts getting nicknamed the "[[Ascended Meme|Blue Bomber]]" during his rise to fame in ''BerShiDin''.
* [[School Play]]: How Luna gets him to school.
** [[You ArePlaying a Tree Charlie Brown]]: The important, absolutely necessary part she needed him for.
** Later, when Pat is unable to perform, Geo inherits the [[Cheap Costume]] for [[Hilarity Ensues|major irony points]] as Luna shoves him into the lead role of... [[Loves My Alter Ego|himself]].
* [[Wacky Parent, Serious Child|Serious Child]]: Even as MegaMan, he can't get a handle on his mother's quirks.
* [[Red BaronSobriquet]]: Starts getting nicknamed the "[[Ascended Meme|Blue Bomber]]" during his rise to fame in ''BerShiDin''.
* [[Somebody Else's Problem]]: ''Averted'' in the anime, where Geo's natural sense of heroism suffers less from the prolonged depression of the games. The kid will often run ''into'' manifestly dangerous situations in the hope that he can do something, even if Mega isn't around to help. To date, these situations have included: Luna almost falling from a damaged skytram, Gemini Spark causing trouble, and a mass virus outbreak.
* [[Team Dad]]: Keeps the gang from breaking down during the third game after Luna is taken from them.
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=== Omega-Xis ''(War-Rock)'' ===
{{quote| ''"Hey kid, stop screaming like a girl and hear me!"''}}
[[File:Omega-Xis_5238Xis 5238.jpg|frame]]
An alien that (literally) fell from the sky on Geo's head. A loud-mouthed FM-ian that seems to know what happened to Geo's father but refuses to tell him. He is the one who fuses with Geo in order to form the Mega Man of this continuity. Unlike the other FM-ians, Omega-Xis cannot control Geo's mind while they are fused, and so he has to depend on the kid's ability to fight.
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* [[Anti-Hero]]: Type III. He has very few qualms doing things like pulling Geo around, erasing information that could get either of them in trouble, or doing really dick moves (like knocking people out with a pitching machine) in the name of getting his goals accomplished, but at heart he's a decent being who genuinely wants his human partner to live a little.
* [[Artifact of Doom]]: The OOPart(s) from the second game (which varies depending on the [[One Game for the Price of Two|version]]), whose power Rockman imbibes sometime after Omega-Xis ''swallows it''.
** Its not entirely certain what the deal is with the OOParts - they were known to have destroyed the tribes they originally belonged to, but when they speak to Geo and Omega, they use a definite plural in self-reference, which implies that the tribe may have been absorbed into the artifacts.
* [[Badass]]
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=== Sonia Strumm/Harp Note and Lyra ''(Misora Hibiki/Harp Note and Harp)'' ===
{{quote| ''"That stupid manager! Songs have to be written with heart!"''}}
[[File:SoniaStrumm_9897SoniaStrumm 9897.jpg|frame]]
A 12-year old girl who is also a famous singer and actress. Like Geo, Sonia also has an alien partner named Lyra, and can fuse with her in order to form Harp Note (called Lyra Note in the English dub of the anime.)
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* [[Green Eyes]]
* [[Idol Singer]]: She is one of these in the first game, but quits under her manager after meeting Geo, by the beginning of the second game, she began singing again.
* [[Manic Pixie Dream Girl]]: She starts off as a [[Deconstructed Trope|deconstruction]] -- her—her perpetually happy mood was really a mask, but a good deal of Geo's character development is kicked off by [["I Know You Are're in There Somewhere" Fight|helping her come to terms with her situation]]. After that, she's pretty much non-stop buoyant and perky.
* [[Musical Assassin]]: Harp Note -- herNote—her and Lyra's combined form.
* [[Musical Theme Naming]]: Her last name in the Japanese version (Hibiki) means echo and you first witness her form in Echo Ridge. Her first name (Misora) references the three notes from the solfege; also, her last name in the English version falls under this as well.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: With Luna - Sonia's much more perky and outgoing than Luna is, and for bonus points, Sonia's color is red (her hair is purely this, plus her jacket and other clothes are various shades of red and pink), while Luna exhibits a great deal of blue (her uniform jacket and swimsuit).
* [[Rose-Haired Girl]]
** [[Hair of Gold]]: [http here] (right above [[Mega Man Battle Network|Higsby]])
* [[Noblewoman's Laugh]]: A character she plays on TV lets one out in the anime.
* [[Sailor Fuku]]: Wears one during [[Bullfight Boss|Taurus Fire]]'s rampage in the third game.
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=== Luna Platz/Queen Ophiuca and Ophiuca/Vogue ''(Luna Shirogane/Ophiuchus Queen and Ophiuchus/Mode)'' ===
{{quote| ''"GO TO SCHOOL!"''}}
[[File:Luna_Platz_8598Luna Platz 8598.jpg|frame]]
[[Class Representative]] of Geo's class, Luna aims to the next [[Student Council President]] ellection and her main goal is to get Geo back at school in order to raise her status by making "the bad apple" going back to class. Luna is a very heavy [[Base Breaker]] and one of the members of the Sonia-Geo-Luna love triangle. Despite being quite popular in Japan, [[Americans Hate Tingle|she isn't that lucky in America...]]
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* [[The Beautiful Elite]]: Is the richest and most fashionable out of all of Geo's associates.
* [[Big Fancy House]] - She has one in the anime (complete with [[Gender Swap|Butler]] [[Maid Corps|Corps]] -- wait—wait, a [[Fridge Logic|preteen girl with]] ''[[Fridge Logic|that]]'' [[Fridge Logic|many men at her beck and call?]]). In the games she only lives in a condominium with her parents, who do own a whole department store, mind you.
* [[Biting the Handkerchief]]: In the anime.
* [[Class Representative]]: And she's absolutely hell-bent on being elected to the student body presidency. Winning the election<ref>If you check her Transer, there's a comment about not letting 6th graders get in her way.</ref> is her primary motivation for doing anything for the first half of both the first and third games, and is the reason she goes after Geo at the start of the series (it would look very good for her she could demonstrate she was responsible for making sure all of her class was present, including a certain [[The Hero|bad egg]]).
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* [[Fan Girl]]: To [[Loves My Alter Ego|Mega Man]], [[Insistent Terminology|definitely]] not Geo, [[Clingy Jealous Girl|especially]] in the anime.
** [[Flanderization]]: The anime focuses too much on her ''tsun'' side...
* [[Giftedly Bad]]: She tries, she really does. But ''do not'' put her in charge of anything that requires creative talent. Three famous instances: The [[Cheap Costume|infamously bad]] Mega Man costume in the first game, which Geo actually ends up able to walk around in without being recognized; naming her team in ''3'' "Luna 4 Prez", and naming Zack's dog "Catnip".<ref>which is more backstory than anything</ref>.
** Interestingly, this doesn't particularly affect what appears to be some impressive talents at both the piano and fencing. She has a case full of trophies set into the wall of her room.
* [[Girls Love Stuffed Animals]]: Has a frog "stuffie" in the games, and an assorted collection of large plush in the anime.
* [[Hair of Gold]]: After she and Geo start getting along.
* [[Hazel Eyes]]
* [[Kirk Summation]]: Tries this on [[Ax Crazy|Jack Corvus]] in the third game. It doesn't work -- thework—the alien half of the monster tells her that [[Shut Up, Kirk|his host just wants to destroy stuff]]. [[Double Subverted|And then Jack snaps at Corvus, yelling about how he hates being ordered around.]]
* [[Lamia]]: Ophiuchus Queen takes the cake and eats it before you even knew it was there.
** [[Clingy Jealous Girl]]: In the anime, Ophiuca initially subjugates Luna, but RockMan's presence is enough to pull out a chunk of Luna's personality... which leads us to a scene in which Queen Ophiuca becomes rather obsessive with RockMan's attention.
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* [[Student Council President]]: She pursues Geo initially to score major student body politic points for the upcoming election. {{spoiler|She wins and becomes one in the third game.}}
* [[Team Mom]]: The end of her introductory scene in the second game sees her fussing over Geo's, Bud's, and Zack's health and welfare. Judging from their responses, it would seem this is pretty routine.
* [[Through His Stomach]]: Late in the first season of the anime, she spends her portion of a shared [[Day in The Limelight]] learning how to cook -- forcook—for RockMan, from Akane, and [[Hilarity Ensues|using Geo]].
** Her job in the post-game of ''BerShiDin'' is an attempt to try and cooking a pastry. Geo, [[Ship Tease|for once eager]] [[Out-of-Character Moment|to assist someone]], cheerfully gathers ingredients from ''around the world'' for her -- actuallyher—actually going so far as to invert their usual dynamic and making her demand he [[Stop Helping Me!|Stop Helping Her]].
** [[Feminine Women Can Cook]]: The anime incident was spurred on by a weekly televised poll for "Most Desirable Women". The next time she catches it, the results indicate a "Woman Who Can Clean House", so Luna ends up trying to kick Subaru out of his own room so she can clean it. Akane apparently likes it when there's more noise in the house.
** [[Lethal Chef]]: Her early efforts do ''not'' bode well for our hero.
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=== Bud Bison and Taurus ''(Gonta Ushijima and Ox)'' ===
{{quote| ''[[Did Not Get the Girl|"Game over for me."]]''}}
[[File:Bud_Bison_814Bud Bison 814.jpg|frame]]
One of Geo's friends and a... erm... follower of Luna alongside Zack. He seems to be a tough guy, but the just really wants friends. He gets possessed by Taurus very early in the first game, and in the third {{spoiler|becomes a team with him.}}
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=== Zack Temple and Pedia ''(Kizamaro Saishouin and Pedia)'' ===
{{quote| ''"I must tell this to the Prez!"''}}
[[File:Zack_Temple_5366Zack Temple 5366.jpg|frame]]
One of Geo's friends and a... erm... follower of Luna alongside Bud. He is small and smart, and the only one of Geo's close circle of friends to never get possessed by an EM-being. He does have a Wizard names Pedia in the third game, but is unable to EM Wave Change (altough a Mr.Hertz in his room says that he often train poses for EM Wave Change in front of his mirror).
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=== Hope Stelar '' (Akane Hoshikawa)'' ===
{{quote| ''"Please, just come back home safely."''}}
[[File:Hope_Stelar_598Hope Stelar 598.jpg|frame]]
Geo's mother. Unlike her son, she has more-or-less moved on after her husband's disappearance, altough she still hopes for him to come back.
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* [[Cool Big Sis]]: She and Luna have a solid rapport with each other in the anime, starting when she teaches Luna how to cook.
** She also has a strong sense of mischief and isn't above letting life be difficult for her son. She stops short of outright antics, however.
* [[Distressed Damsel in Distress]]: Phantom Black kidnaps her and [[Male Gaze|makes good on his deal with the cameramen]].
* [[Education Mama]]: Not much of one, though she certainly approves of Geo's return to school. One thing to consider is how, for Geo, going back to school is more of a reflection of his emotional state.
* [[Feminine Women Can Cook]]: Akane has a couple of cooking moments in the anime, primarily receiving her mail-order saucepan and teaching Luna how to cook.
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=== Aaron Boreal ''(Mamoru Amachi)'' ===
{{quote| ''"I still haven't lost hope that I'll find Kelvin someday"''}}
[[File:AaronBoreal_11AaronBoreal 11.jpg|frame]]
An associate and former [[Sempai-Kohai|underclassman]] of Kelvin's, Aaron may be the one man left on earth still trying to find his old friend. The head of the space research institute, "AMAKEN", Aaron proves to be one of Geo's greater allies during his adventures, even going so far as to get things started by presenting Geo with the Visualizer, which he found among Kelvin's old things. Cheerful and outgoing, he tries hard to make friends with people, going out of his way to make friends with one of his workers, the reclusive Tom Dubius.
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=== Bob Copper ''(Detective Goyouda Heiji)'' ===
{{quote| ''"Goyouda, Goyouda, Goyouda!"''}}
[[File:Bob_Copper_1258Bob Copper 1258.jpg|frame]]
An agent working for Satella Police, he gets only minor appearances on all three games, but recieves a bigger role in the anime.
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* [[The Determinator]]: "This light has called us to defeat this evil!" proclaimed in the face of the '''[[Planet Eater]]''' Andromeda.
* [[Drives Like Crazy]]: In the anime Copper has some truly insane driving skills, being able balance his car at a forty-five degree angle on a railguard and still be able to drive forward. Omega-Xis was most impressed.
* [[The Inspector]]: Generally finds himself involved in cases that deal with superhuman activities. He doesn't succeed, but he gets pretty darn close.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: See [[Catch Phrase]].
* [[Memetic Badass]]: This was the fan response to the release of [ this wallpaper].
* [[Occult Detective]]: Well, extraterrestrial detective, maybe.
* [[Overshadowed by Awesome]]: Copper is actually quite competent, he's just utterly out of his league. Even in the anime, which gives him more screen time, MegaMan evades his clutches only through the virtue of his superhuman abilities. Again, Geo and Mega probably aren't helping things with their [[Idiot Ball|unquestioning distrust]] of the badge.
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=== Damian Wolfe/Wolf Woods and Wolf '' (Juro Ogami/Wolf Forest and Wolf)'' ===
{{quote| ''"I can only calm down fighting!"''}}
[[File:Damian_Wolfe_5839Damian Wolfe 5839.jpg|frame]]
Damian Wolfe is an optional boss character employed as a gardener in Star Force 1 and 3; he generally avoids crowds, partially because he scares people, and partially because he hosts a [[Blood Knight|belligerant]] alien named Wolf whose presence agitates Damian's own fight-happy inclinations, ''especially'' during [[Our Werewolves Are Different|the full moon]].
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* [[Morality Pet]]: Wolf gives us an [[Inverted Trope|inversion]]; he gets his [[Pet the Dog]] moments by becoming ''someone else's'' pet.
* [[Touched by Vorlons]]
* [[Turns Red]]: The Wolf Woods battle in Star Force 1 has a unique element to it -- whenit—when the background full moon comes out, Wolf Woods literally [[Powerup Full-Color Change|turns red]], his claws lengthen, he moves faster, and he hits harder. And when the full moon hides again, he reverts to normal. So we have an interesting example of a '[[The Berserker|pissy boss]]' mode on a timer.
* [[Truly Single Parent]]: In the anime, Wolf leaves behind an FM puppy to a girl who mistook him for a normal dog and took care of him for some time. Best not to think about that one too hard.
* [[Our Werewolves Are Different]]
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=== Hyde/Dark Phantom and Phantom '' (Hyde/Phantom Black and Phantom)'' ===
{{quote| ''"This wasn't in my script!"''}}
[[File:MegaHyde_1513MegaHyde 1513.jpg|frame]]
One of Doctor Vega's henchmen in the second game. He wants to be a film director, always refering to his schemes as "scripts", and tends to get a little carried away with them. He only serves Vega in the games, while in the anime he is a [[Ascended Extra|stand-alone Villain]]. His EM-partner is called Phantom, and they fuse together to form Dark Phantom.
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** {{spoiler|[[Villainous Breakdown]]: With each failed script, his grasp of the world around him slips a little. His last failure in 3 sees him give way to a [[Laughing Mad]] [[Freak-Out]] and fall over the edge of a cyber-world platform. Geo and Omega expect he'll be back.}}
* [[Sissy Villain]] - Especially in the anime.
** [[Giftedly Bad]] / [[Nightmare Fetishist]]: In the anime, he possesses a fascination with the grotesque and the distorted -- hedistorted—he's simply not content unless a piece of art has something... ''off'' about it (His painting 'A Girl Playing with Her Dog' depicts the split second between the leaping of a rabid little dog and its teeth sinking into the eponymous girl's flesh) . He is honestly convinced that he is world-class artist, but the fact that people are repulsed by his taste in art leads him to believe that he's one of the great artists whose work won't be appreciated until centuries after his death. And then he is visited by a [[Our Ghosts Are Different|little phantasm]] who offers him immortality.
* [[Those Two Bad Guys]] - Notably creates an Anime-based milieu with the even further [[Ascended Extra]] Gori Monjirou, even though they technically work against each other as much as they work with each other. Bonus points for the [[Sensitive Guy and Manly Man]] element.
=== Solo/Rogue and Laplace ''(Solo/Burai and Laplace)'' ===
{{quote| ''"Clinging to others as you do is an ignoble existance."''}}
[[File:SoloRogue_5140SoloRogue 5140.jpg|frame]]
The last alive member of the Murian race, Solo is <s>one of Doctor Vega's henchmen</s> a guy that works by himself. Being the [[Last of His Kind|last one of his kind]], he hates the world and will slash down anyone who uses technology of his lost race for evil. He wants to bring back his lost civilization to its greatness, and works with Vega in the second game because they have the same goal and so "would be more efficient".
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* [[The Unintelligible]]: Laplace
* [[Tsundere|TsunTsun]]: Ohhhhhhh, yes. Solo's not going to kill Geo because he has a bond with Mu, he's going to kill Geo ''[[Insistent Terminology|because it's fun]]''.
{{quote| Solo: Shut up, Laplace.}}
* [[Turns Red]]: After he gets the Indie Proof in the second game, he'll put out a [[BFSBig Freaking Sword]] and change his [[Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs]] for a rapid sword strokes. [[Subverted]] after Laplace joins him, he'll use both sword and fisticuffs in accord.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: [[Cool Sword|Swords]] and [[Good Old Fisticuffs|Martial Arts]].
** Rogue's martial arts apply the following tropes: [[Armed Legs]], [[Dance Battler]],<ref>Part of his full combo involves a gratuitous backflip. Not that the opponent will be able to dodge that well after he landed the first blows.</ref>, [[Elemental Punch]]/[[Rocket Punch]], [[Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs]], [[Shockwave Stomp|Shockwave Punch]].
** The sword from the Indie Proof applies the following tropes: [[Ancestral Weapon]], [[BFSBig Freaking Sword]], [[Blade Spam]], [[Evil Weapon]], [[One-Handed Zweihander]], [[Sword Beam]].
** The Laplace Blade applies the following tropes: [[Black Swords Are Better]], [[Empathic Weapon]]/[[Mons]], [[Oddly-Shaped Sword]] --> [[Serrated Blade of Pain]]/[[Sinister Scimitar]][[hottip:*:,<ref>The Laplace Blade is designed to gore the opponent rather than just cleave them into pieces. One of Rogue's attacks with it is a large, direct slash that causes multiple lesser wounds and [[Standard Status Effects|temporary paralysis.]],</ref> [[Throwing Your Sword Always Works]].
* [[We ARE Struggling Together!]]: This more or less defines the relationship between him and Geo.
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=== Pat/{{spoiler|Rey}} Sprigs/{{spoiler|Gemini Spark and Gemini}} ''(Futaba/{{spoiler|Hikaru}} Tsukasa {{spoiler|and Gemini}})'' ===
{{quote| ''"So you're Geo Stelar. I always wondered how you were."''}}
[[File:PatrickRey_9184PatrickRey 9184.png|frame]]
A quiet, cheerful and very mysterious student that Geo meets after Luna finally manages to get him back to school. While he and Geo almost immediately hit it off, we learn late in the first game that all is ''not well'' with Geo's new best friend. And, guess what, it's a two-fer: {{spoiler|first, there's the matter of his murderous alter-ego, Rey, but that's nothing compared to learning that he is [[The Dragon|Gemini's]] human host - and ''willingly'' at that.}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Hate Plague]]}}: [[Justified Trope|Justified]]. {{spoiler|Gemini Spark can magnify and alter the specific electrochemical reactions in other people's brains. In the game, this power is used to induce violent rage, with the specific purpose of destroying Brother Bands. In the anime, G.S. Black can induce rage, while G.S. White can induce violent euphoria and laughing spells - this causes causes a severe downtown traffic accident.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}: [[Downplayed Trope|Non-fatal]], {{spoiler|but Pat shows up to take the hit when Gemini tries to kill Geo.}}
* {{spoiler|[["I Know You Are're in There Somewhere" Fight]]}}: Subverted viciously. {{spoiler|Pat's doing this because he ''really wants to''. Even when he's defeated, Pat leaves without any sort of reconciliation. This prompts the first of Geo's famous [[Achilles in His Tent]] moments, in turn causing him to snap at real friends of his.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Fridge Brilliance]]: Rey wanted to destroy Brother Bands. He did.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope]]}}: In the anime, {{spoiler|Pat goes for a double twist in the Pike position. While the Gemini Spark twins run around killing the FM-ians to fuel the Andromeda Key, they don't have enough power to fully manifest Andromeda. And then Pat stabs Gemini and feeds him to the key, which fills the key and restores Andromeda. [[Fridge Logic|Somehow, he's able to maintain his form as Spark White]].}}
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* [[Sixth Ranger]]: Over the course of the first game, it's hinted strongly that Pat ''would've'' joined Geo's circle of friends, though he feels as though he isn't worthy and refrains from officially joining the "team". He's still working through those issues in the second game. The third? [[Brother Chuck|Well...]]
* {{spoiler|[[Split Personality]]}}: {{spoiler|Of the [[Jekyll and Hyde]] variety.}}
** {{spoiler|And it becomes a case of [[StarfishLiteral CharacterSplit Personality]] during [[Henshin Hero|Wave Change]].}}
** {{spoiler|[[Gollum Made Me Do It|Gollum And I Were In This Together]]}}: {{spoiler|Pat's perfectly content to send the world spiraling into chaos - his major conflict is that [[Big Bad Friend|he doesn't want Geo involved]]. Rey helps him get over it.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Character Development]]}}: When you [[Easter Egg|Happen Across Him]] in the afterstory of the second game, {{spoiler|he's finally realized Rey isn't doing him any favors. As a bonus, Rey is [[Scrappy Mechanic|no longer your only target!]]}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Touched by Vorlons]]}}
* [[Useless Accessory]]: Most characters use a Transer. In the anime, Pat uses a Wave Scanner that he feeds headphones into. No real reason is ever given for this.
* [[Wham! Episode|Wham Scene]]: Oh, hey, look -- Itlook—It's Pat! Cool! Hey. what's he talking about... hey, wait a minute. Did he just ''beat the crap'' out of that guy? Whoa. Scary.
=== Mitch Shepar/Libra Scales ''(Michimori Ikuta/Libra Balance)'' ===
{{quote| ''"All right class, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to come to me!"''}}
[[File:Michimori_Ikuta_2541Michimori Ikuta 2541.jpg|frame]]
The main characters' homeroom teacher. A teacher well liked among his students for his alternative ways of teaching that produces great results among the students. He is taken over by the FMian Libra and becomes Libra Scales. He also appears in the third game, although without Libra.
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=== Tom Dubius/Cygnus Wing ''(Shinsuke Utagai)'' ===
Aaron's research assistant in the first game. A former co-worker formed a Brother Band with him for the sake of stealing his inventions; since then, he was unable to trust anyone. After he gets his job with Aaron, Cygnus appears, who inquires about his past, and then tricks him into thinking that Aaron had stolen his latest invention. This drives Tom to fuse with Cygnus and trap Aaron (as well as Geo and others) in a space simulator with the intent to kill him. After discovering that he can, in fact, trust Aaron, he defuses from Cygnus and returns to his job.<br /><br />He comes back in the third game working for WAZA, with Cygnus as his Wizard. He can be fought as an optional boss.
He comes back in the third game working for WAZA, with Cygnus as his Wizard. He can be fought as an optional boss.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: In the sense that he finds people trying to befriend him ''dubious.''
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=== Lady Vega / Doctor Orihime ===
[[File:Doctor_Vega_6654Doctor Vega 6654.jpg|frame]]
Vega is a brillaint scientist that pioneered [[Hard Light|Matter Wave]] technology. {{spoiler|She is also the [[Big Bad]] of the second game, with designs on the powers of the dormant Le Mu. The Matter Waves she's credited for were actually the commercial fallout from her attempts to resurrect Altair, her deceased lover. Altair's death also spawned a hatred of the sense of entitlement she found in otherwise worthless people, and so she vows to create a world in which only those she deems worthy may live.}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Bad Samaritan]]}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Card-Carrying Villain]]}}: {{spoiler|Motivations aside, Mega finds her ultimate goals to be rather laughable. In the anime, where her motivations are never discussed, she comes off poorly for it. "Well, maybe you shouldn't trust bad adults!"}}
* [[Chuck Cunningham Syndrome]]: She disappears after the second game. This is mildly disconcerting, considering how the epilogue saw her intimate that there was going to be
* [[Compressed Adaptation]]: The anime runs itself out of juice before it gets a chance to explore her origins. {{spoiler|So her reveal as the villain is sapped of most of its weight, though people who know her game story will be able to pick up on why she has that [[Freak-Out]] over Empty's death.}}
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: Oh, man. She is ''not'' a happy lady.
Line 575 ⟶ 577:
* [[The Reveal]]: {{spoiler|Hollow is the animate [[Super Prototype]] of the technology known as Matter Waves, and functionally the world's first Wizard. Also, in case you didn't catch it above, he's also Vega's attempt at resurrecting her lover, though she refuses to admit that he's a different person.}}
* [[Robe and Wizard Hat]]: With a Murian Shamanic motif, at that.
* [[Shock and Awe]]: Most of his attacks will either aim or [[Lightning Gun|shoot]] lightning at you. [[BFGBig Freaking Sword|And lots of it]]. Outside of that, he'll also choose to delegate responsibilities to viruses or co-opted Murian soldiers.
* [[Villain Sue]]: In the anime. In battle, if you are ever within the radius of Empty's leash, [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown|you will lose]]. (And even if you aren't, he can and will use ranged attacks to take pot shots at you). [[NoWon't SellWork On Me|Nothing you can do will hurt him...]] unless you take out the [[Weak Spot|machine his leash (and power source) is generated from]]. On the other hand, he's only vulnerable until Orihime feeds him the OOPArts, after which he [[Oh Crap|no longer needs his leash]].
* [[The Worf Effect]]: Again in the anime. When Dr. Orihime sends him into battle to retrieve the OOPArts, [[Curb Stomp Battle|he sees no particular need to be gentle]].
Line 582 ⟶ 584:
=== Mr. King ===
[[File:Mr__King_2740Mr King 2740.jpg|frame]]
The leader of the organization Dealer. King's public persona is that of a kind millionaire that donates money to charity and is the owner of the King Foundation.
Line 599 ⟶ 601:
* [[Evil Mentor]]: A side of him only seen in the [[No Export for You|Noise Modification Gear]] functionality. He will encourage MegaMan to aspire to take advantage of Noise Cards and create hands at the highest levels he can. He may even muse over offering MegaMan a seat at Dealer's table.
* [[Expy]]: Early concept art draws deliberate connections between him and [[Mega Man Battle Network|Dr. Regal]]. The two are remarkably similar, down to the natures of their plots, though King's is a bit more fleshed out this time around.
** He is also one to Mayor Cain as both are well renowned public figures maintaining a genuine facade whose true identity have strong ties to the criminal organization with the agenda to destroy society though King wanting to merge with Crimson Dragon akins to how Cain wants to capture the Cybeasts.
* [[The Faceless]]: Like Vega, his face is hidden in shadow for the first few chapters. It's much less dramatic when he emerges this time, however.
** [[Facial Markings]]: Has strange blue stylings down the sides of his face. No real reason is ever given for these.
Line 616 ⟶ 619:
=== Heartless ===
[[File:Heartless_862Heartless 862.jpg|frame]]
King's personal assistant, with all the stylings of a secretary. She handles most of his personal affairs and has even been known to distribute his orders to the membership of Dealer. King trusts her the most of all his subordinates, and has even been known to banter playfully with her. {{spoiler|Sap. The woman who goes by "Heartless" actually works for WAXA and is actively working to bring her old friend Kelvin Stelar back to Earth.}}
Line 625 ⟶ 628:
** {{spoiler|[[Reverse Mole]]}}
** {{spoiler|[[Heel Face Turn]]}}
* [[The Dragon]]: Mr. King's personal assistant.
** [[Co-Dragons|Shares]] this with Joker later on.
* [[Establishing Character Moment]]: Walks hand-in-hand with her [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]]. Bonus points for occurring at the beginning of the final chapter. {{spoiler|King has just disabled Jack's and Queen Tia's Wave Change, bringing a screeching halt to their plans of revenge. He demands Heartless dispose of them, only for her to turn her back on him then and there, spend a moment detailing precisely how utterly wrong he's been, and then she dumps him through a portal ''into the heart of Meteor G''.}}
Line 635 ⟶ 638:
** {{spoiler|[[I Have Many Names]]}}: {{spoiler|And you know who shares that little bit? [[Broken Masquerade|HOPE]]!}}
* {{spoiler|[["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]}}
{{quote| {{spoiler|"Muwahaha... I was the only one that you thought would never turn on you, wasn't I? Mr. King... Joker was the last of your loyal subordinates. Actually, he was only your Wizard so he could fulfill his own Purpose... You have been surrounded by traitors from the very beginning. There was Jack, Queen Tia, and of course, myself..." *King starts to react when she's turned away* "Don't bother." *Portal opens* "Goodbye, Mr. King... You will pay for your sins in the bowels of your own Noise." *King disappears, portal closes*}}}}
* [[Sexy Secretary]]
* [[The Stoic]]: Retains a carefully guarded expression at all times. {{spoiler|Doesn't even bother with being emotional when she dispatches King}}.
Line 643 ⟶ 646:
=== Joker/Dread Joker ''(Joker/Grave Joker)'' ===
[[File:DreadJoker_2154DreadJoker 2154.jpg|frame]]
Mr. King's [[The Dragon|Dragon]], Joker is a high-ranked member of the Dealer. {{spoiler|He's actually King's Wizard, and has freaking insane combat abilities.}}
Line 659 ⟶ 662:
=== Belle and Ice/Diamond Ice ''(Suzuka and Ice/Dia Iceburn)'' ===
[[File:DiamondIce_5641DiamondIce 5641.jpg|frame|Diamond Ice]]
Belle is an aspirating idol who works hard everyday and has her Wizard Ice as her manager. Sadly for her, Ice gets corrupted into Diamond Ice by Jack, and plans to ruin Sonia's concert.
Line 672 ⟶ 675:
=== Strong/Club Strong ===
[[File:ClubStrong_1119ClubStrong 1119.jpg|frame]]
The Wizard that controls the environmental system at Alohaha Castle. He gets mutated by a Noise card and transforms into Club Strong. {{spoiler|He is the ''first'' victim of the Dread Lazer, but is later restored by Aaron Boreal, who tells Geo he was unable to find and re-integrate ''all'' of the original data, and that the current incarnation is a [[Soulless Shell]]. Later, however, if Geo returns and continues to talk to Strong afterwards, that he is slowly getting better.}}
Line 689 ⟶ 692:
=== Arthur C. Eos (A. C. Eos - Ace)/Acid Ace and Acid ''(Shido Akatsuki/Acid Ace and Acid)'' ===
[[File:Acidace_3618Acidace 3618.jpg|frame|Acid Ace]]
A high ranking member of the Satella Police in the third game. {{spoiler|Former member of Dealer.}}
Line 702 ⟶ 705:
* [[Heroic RROD]]: He isn't capable of maintain a EM Wave Change by a long period of time, because {{spoiler|Acid was an EM being made by humans, and making an EM Wave Change with Acid needs a great effort from him}}.
* [[Mysterious Middle Initial]]: [[Capcom]] has not said, but there has been speculation that the "C" stands for Christopher.
* [[Rival]]: Acid is one for Omega-Xis, due to finishing off an evil wizard, and Eos was originally supposed to be a second rival to Solo-Rogue.
* [[Sweet Tooth]]/ [[Trademark Favorite Food]]: Mega Snacks.
** The chief example of this occurs at the beginning of the third game, where he buys the school out and they fail to restock.
* [[Theme Naming]]
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