Mega Man Star Force/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[For Want of a Nail]]: In the anime, Geo's father has only been missing for three months, so his grief hasn't had much chance to settle. Hence, it's much easier for him to interact with others; Mega even gets him to school within the first few episodes just by ''annoying him''.
* [[Geek Physique]]: Is quite physically unimposing, even as MegaMan, and especially when compared to bruisers like Taurus Fire and Yeti Blizzard.
* [[Goggles Do Something Unusual]]/[[See -Thru Specs]]: The Visualizer that Aaron Boreal gives him is used to reveal electromagnetic waves and to find wave holes in the first two games, but by the third game, Geo could transform anywhere; he still wears them though.
* [[Hello, Insert Name Here]]: In the first game, with the default name (see above) becoming the [[Canon Name]].
* [[Henshin Hero]]: When Geo combines with Mega to become MegaMan, Mega's armor [[Adaptive Armor|refits itself]] into a [[Powered Armor|jumpsuit of sorts]] around Geo's body. Certain comparison shots from the promotional art for ''Black'' and ''Red'' suggest MegaMan is [[Plot -Relevant Age -Up|more physically mature]] than Geo.
** [[Power Dyes Your Hair]]: A subtle example (in contrast to [[Hair of Gold|Harp Note]]), comparing Geo and MegaMan in the official art will show that MegaMan's hair is darker than Geo's brunet locks, with an element of purple.
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: At least once per game, most noticeable in the third.
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* [[Mysterious Protector]]: Serves this purpose for Luna, though only for the first game.
** His dedication to protecting Luna helps him actualize his Star Force (Star Break) powers in the first game, and when Luna gives him a [[Cooldown Hug]] in the second game, it helps him take control of his [[Amulet of Concentrated Awesome|Tribe]] [[Artifact of Doom|form]], which was making him go crazy.
* [[One -Way Visor]]: Yep, and normally most of the time it's see thru, except for the image on [ the box] for the crossover game Operate Shooting Star with [[Megaman Battle Network]].
* [[Panty Thief]]: Poor boy has trouble wrenching himself away from the "[[Unusual Euphemism|little girl's secret]]" he finds in Luna's wardrobe in ''Black'' and ''Red''.
* [[Perpetual Frowner]]: While transformed, he also barely smiles for most of the first game.
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** [[You Are a Tree Charlie Brown]]: The important, absolutely necessary part she needed him for.
** Later, when Pat is unable to perform, Geo inherits the [[Cheap Costume]] for [[Hilarity Ensues|major irony points]] as Luna shoves him into the lead role of... [[Loves My Alter Ego|himself]].
* [[Wacky Parent, Serious Child|Serious Child]]: Even as MegaMan, he can't get a handle on his mother's quirks.
* [[Somebody Else's Problem]]: ''Averted'' in the anime, where Geo's natural sense of heroism suffers less from the prolonged depression of the games. The kid will often run ''into'' manifestly dangerous situations in the hope that he can do something, even if Mega isn't around to help. To date, these situations have included: Luna almost falling from a damaged skytram, Gemini Spark causing trouble, and a mass virus outbreak.
* [[Team Dad]]: Keeps the gang from breaking down during the third game after Luna is taken from them.
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* [[Noblewoman's Laugh]]: A character she plays on TV lets one out in the anime.
* [[Sailor Fuku]]: Wears one during [[Bullfight Boss|Taurus Fire]]'s rampage in the third game.
* [[Shout -Out Theme Naming]]: Her name might be a shout out to Hibari Misora, a famous japanese singer.
* [[The Svengali]]: Her manager (and possibly her guardian), Chrys Golds, has remarkably little regard for her as a person. She ditches him in the game, but sticks around with him in the anime, where he's not quite as odious.
* [[Ten Minute Retirement]]: She retires from her job as an [[Idol Singer]] shortly after her introduction in the first game. By the start of the second game (maybe a few months later in game time) she has not only returned to singing, she's also doing advertising. By the third game she's also gone into acting and doing photo shoots. Despite the escalating work load, her new (unnamed) manager presumably treats her like a person instead of a cash cow.
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* [[Team Mom]]: The end of her introductory scene in the second game sees her fussing over Geo's, Bud's, and Zack's health and welfare. Judging from their responses, it would seem this is pretty routine.
* [[Through His Stomach]]: Late in the first season of the anime, she spends her portion of a shared [[Day in The Limelight]] learning how to cook -- for RockMan, from Akane, and [[Hilarity Ensues|using Geo]].
** Her job in the post-game of ''BerShiDin'' is an attempt to try and cooking a pastry. Geo, [[Ship Tease|for once eager]] [[Out-of-Character Moment|to assist someone]], cheerfully gathers ingredients from ''around the world'' for her -- actually going so far as to invert their usual dynamic and making her demand he [[Stop Helping Me!|Stop Helping Her]].
** [[Feminine Women Can Cook]]: The anime incident was spurred on by a weekly televised poll for "Most Desirable Women". The next time she catches it, the results indicate a "Woman Who Can Clean House", so Luna ends up trying to kick Subaru out of his own room so she can clean it. Akane apparently likes it when there's more noise in the house.
** [[Lethal Chef]]: Her early efforts do ''not'' bode well for our hero.
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* [[Shipper On Deck]]: In the anime, Akane will tease Subaru about the girls in his life. At one point in the first season, Akane asks Subaru if he likes [[Idol Singer|Hibiki]] [[Genki Girl|Misora]]. He denies this quite strongly. She then has a flash of inspiration, she asks if he likes [[Class Representative|Shirogane]] [[Tsundere|Luna]], which steams him up enough to make him leave, suffering both teasing from Akane and War Rock.
* [[Tender Tears]]: In the anime, Subaru is [[Disc One Final Boss|hospitalized mid-season]]. While she's not shown to be crying, you can hear her voice quavering and you ''can'' see her holding a handkerchief.
* [[Wacky Parent, Serious Child|Wacky Parent]]: Oh, yes. Bursting out laughing when your son [[Lethal Chef|suffers the efforts]] of [[Through His Stomach|your student]] is not the best way to earn Mommy Points, no.
=== Aaron Boreal ''(Mamoru Amachi)'' ===
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** [[Mr. Exposition]]: When Omega-Xis just won't do.
** [[Mr. Fixit]]: He tries {{spoiler|restoring Strong and Luna}}, but it's not quite as easy as Geo hopes it is.
*** [[The Engineer]]: In the anime, he provides Geo with a substitute [[Merchandise-Driven|Wave Scanner]] while he plans on fixing his broken Transer, when [[Bungling Inventor|Shinsuke]] jumps in and seizes the opportunity to create what we will come to know as the [[Early -Bird Cameo|Star Carrier]]. AMAKEN also develops Wave Rifles for the Satella Police.
* [[Omnidisciplinary Scientist]]: Technically, Aaron is an actual ''rocket scientist'', though he ends up being used as the [[The Professor|go-to guy]] for the [[Fantastic Science]] of the Wave World and its inhabitants. His relationship with WAXA is... unclear.
* [[Sempai-Kohai]]: A ''kohai'' of Kelvin's, and a friend of the family.
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* [[Overshadowed By Awesome]]: Copper is actually quite competent, he's just utterly out of his league. Even in the anime, which gives him more screen time, MegaMan evades his clutches only through the virtue of his superhuman abilities. Again, Geo and Mega probably aren't helping things with their [[Idiot Ball|unquestioning distrust]] of the badge.
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: Copper generally remains one throughout the series; he would be more of one if Geo and Mega didn't keep making him suspicious.
* [[Secret -Chaser]]: Geo and Mega work hard to keep ahead of Copper. They manage to turn him into a [[Sympathetic Inspector Antagonist]] when they try to slow his investigation, an effort which involves knocking him out with a [[Improvised Weapon|baseball]] [[Played for Laughs|to the forehead]], and cracking his computer to delete his entire report. Mega, who dragged Geo into it, apparently [[Idiot Ball|never hit on the idea]] that explaining the situation to a potential ally was an all around better option than behaving like a criminal and ratcheting up the policeman's suspicion.
* [[Spanner in The Works]]: Is an instrumental distraction in the Tribe anime finale, without which the bad guys would've won.
* [[Sympathetic Inspector Antagonist]]: An [[Expy]] of [[Lupin III|Inspector Zenigata]].
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* [[Morality Pet]]: Wolf gives us an [[Inverted Trope|inversion]]; he gets his [[Pet the Dog]] moments by becoming ''someone else's'' pet.
* [[Touched By Vorlons]]
* [[Turns Red]]: The Wolf Woods battle in Star Force 1 has a unique element to it -- when the background full moon comes out, Wolf Woods literally [[Powerup Full -Color Change|turns red]], his claws lengthen, he moves faster, and he hits harder. And when the full moon hides again, he reverts to normal. So we have an interesting example of a '[[The Berserker|pissy boss]]' mode on a timer.
* [[Truly Single Parent]]: In the anime, Wolf leaves behind an FM puppy to a girl who mistook him for a normal dog and took care of him for some time. Best not to think about that one too hard.
* [[Our Werewolves Are Different]]
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* [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]] - {{spoiler|An early script in the 3rd game ends up inadvertently triggering the [[Super Mode|Noise Change]].}}
* [[Prima Donna Director]] - While not actually involved in the production of any known films, he treats all scenarios that involve him as "scripts". And he expects the "actors" to follow them to the letter.
** {{spoiler|[[Villainous Breakdown]]: With each failed script, his grasp of the world around him slips a little. His last failure in 3 sees him give way to a [[Laughing Mad]] [[Freak -Out]] and fall over the edge of a cyber-world platform. Geo and Omega expect he'll be back.}}
* [[Sissy Villain]] - Especially in the anime.
** [[Giftedly Bad]] / [[Nightmare Fetishist]]: In the anime, he possesses a fascination with the grotesque and the distorted -- he's simply not content unless a piece of art has something... ''off'' about it (His painting 'A Girl Playing with Her Dog' depicts the split second between the leaping of a rabid little dog and its teeth sinking into the eponymous girl's flesh) . He is honestly convinced that he is world-class artist, but the fact that people are repulsed by his taste in art leads him to believe that he's one of the great artists whose work won't be appreciated until centuries after his death. And then he is visited by a [[Our Ghosts Are Different|little phantasm]] who offers him immortality.
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* [[Rival]]: To Geo, and originally to Eos, [[What Could Have Been|until it was axed]].
** [[Rivals Team Up]]: Solo brings Geo along to make it easier for him to kill several giant Noise monsters, since the last time he encountered them, he nearly died. Just to prove he's not going soft, Rogue deliberately bars MegaMan from getting to Jack Corvus and picks a fight with him.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Laplace is named for Pierre-Simon Laplace, an astronomer known for the hypothetical near omniscient Laplace's Demon (which is likely what Laplace more properly references - this would fit with with Solo's [[Combat Clairvoyance]]).
* [[Spam Attack]]: This is the main reason he is impossible to beat in the series; he specializes both in [[Rapid -Fire Fisticuffs]] and [[Blade Spam]].
** [[Standard Status Effects]]: The attacks that don't simply overwhelm Geo with speed and power will be likely to Paralyze him, instead.
* [[Take Me to Your Leader]]: Says it word for word in the third game.
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* [[Tsundere|TsunTsun]]: Ohhhhhhh, yes. Solo's not going to kill Geo because he has a bond with Mu, he's going to kill Geo ''[[Insistent Terminology|because it's fun]]''.
{{quote| Solo: Shut up, Laplace.}}
* [[Turns Red]]: After he gets the Indie Proof in the second game, he'll put out a [[BFS]] and change his [[Rapid -Fire Fisticuffs]] for a rapid sword strokes. [[Subverted]] after Laplace joins him, he'll use both sword and fisticuffs in accord.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: [[Cool Sword|Swords]] and [[Good Old Fisticuffs|Martial Arts]].
** Rogue's martial arts apply the following tropes: [[Armed Legs]], [[Dance Battler]]<ref>Part of his full combo involves a gratuitous backflip. Not that the opponent will be able to dodge that well after he landed the first blows.</ref>, [[Elemental Punch]]/[[Rocket Punch]], [[Rapid -Fire Fisticuffs]], [[Shockwave Stomp|Shockwave Punch]].
** The sword from the Indie Proof applies the following tropes: [[Ancestral Weapon]], [[BFS]], [[Blade Spam]], [[Evil Weapon]], [[One-Handed Zweihander]], [[Sword Beam]].
** The Laplace Blade applies the following tropes: [[Black Swords Are Better]], [[Empathic Weapon]]/[[Mons]], [[Oddly -Shaped Sword]] --> [[Serrated Blade of Pain]]/[[Sinister Scimitar]][[hottip:*:The Laplace Blade is designed to gore the opponent rather than just cleave them into pieces. One of Rogue's attacks with it is a large, direct slash that causes multiple lesser wounds and [[Standard Status Effects|temporary paralysis.]], [[Throwing Your Sword Always Works]].
* [[We ARE Struggling Together!]]: This more or less defines the relationship between him and Geo.
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* {{spoiler|[[Touched By Vorlons]]}}
* [[Useless Accessory]]: Most characters use a Transer. In the anime, Pat uses a Wave Scanner that he feeds headphones into. No real reason is ever given for this.
* [[Wham! Episode|Wham Scene]]: Oh, hey, look -- It's Pat! Cool! Hey. what's he talking about... hey, wait a minute. Did he just ''beat the crap'' out of that guy? Whoa. Scary.
=== Mitch Shepar/Libra Scales ''(Michimori Ikuta/Libra Balance)'' ===
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* {{spoiler|[[Card-Carrying Villain]]}}: {{spoiler|Motivations aside, Mega finds her ultimate goals to be rather laughable. In the anime, where her motivations are never discussed, she comes off poorly for it. "Well, maybe you shouldn't trust bad adults!"}}
* [[Chuck Cunningham Syndrome]]: She disappears after the second game. This is mildly disconcerting, considering how the epilogue saw her intimate that there was going to be
* [[Compressed Adaptation]]: The anime runs itself out of juice before it gets a chance to explore her origins. {{spoiler|So her reveal as the villain is sapped of most of its weight, though people who know her game story will be able to pick up on why she has that [[Freak -Out]] over Empty's death.}}
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: Oh, man. She is ''not'' a happy lady.
* [[Dead Little Sister]]: {{spoiler|Her lover, actually.}}
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* [[The Faceless]]: For a good part of the second game, her mugshot is a vaguely lit silhouette, as she is reclining behind some curtains. {{spoiler|She reveals herself to Hyde as a sign of honor and gratitude when he brings her the [[MacGuffin|OO]][[Artifact of Doom|part]]}}. Averted in the anime.
* [[Fan Service Pack]]: Her sprite doesn't particularly suggest anything Fanservice-worthy about her, but when we meet her in the anime, [[Buxom Is Better|hoo, boy]].
* [[Freak -Out]]: Halfway through the final episode of the anime. Magnificent in its brevity.
** She's heavily implied to have gone through one in her back story, as well. {{spoiler|She had little interest in villainous ways before Altair died.}}
* [[Gadgeteer Genius]]: She is responsible for the development of Matter Wave technology. In the anime, she is also famous for the development of a little machine called a Radio Composer, {{spoiler|which was used by Cygnus Wing to complete his Denpa Henkan machine, though this was all back in season one}}.
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* [[Unusually Uninteresting Sight]]: In the anime, she has little to no interest in explaining why her assistant is wearing such heavy robes. Or moves as though he's gliding. Or is so damn tall.
* [[War Is Hell]]: Is ''decidedly'' of this opinion.
* [[Xanatos Gambit]]: Her initial idea in the anime is to have Rockman gather the OOPArts for her. When they end up being gathered by Yeti Blizzard and Phantom Black, {{spoiler|she waits until everyone is exhausted from fighting over them and then has Empty retrieve them for her. [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown|Violently]].}}
=== Hollow / Empty ===
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* [[Animation Bump]]: Hollow's beatdowns are always slick.
* [[Battle Butler]]: Hollow will do anything Vega asks of him, including [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown|beat the everloving shit out of the person she points at]].
* [[The Champion]]: {{spoiler|Likely Vega's most idyllic interpretation of their relationship, primarily because she's [[Came Back Wrong|In Serious Denial]].}}
* {{spoiler|[[Creating Life]]}}: {{spoiler|A successful attempt. [[Subverted Trope|However]], Vega wasn't in the market to create so much as [[Love Makes You Crazy|restore]], [[Replacement Goldfish|at which she wasn't successful]].}}
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* [[Meaningful Name]]: Ohhhhh, yeah.
** Interestingly, in the English games, his dubbed chip is called "MT" Magic, which only makes sense when you remember his Japanese name is ''Empty''.
* [[My Master, Right or Wrong]]: {{spoiler|One would imagine Altair himself not taking to kindly to Vega's plan to take over the world. Hollow has no such compunction.}}
* [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown]]: They go on sale in the last few episodes of ''Tribe''.
* {{spoiler|[[Redemption Equals Death]]:}} {{spoiler|1=Interestingly, Hollow actually plays with this trope. After taking the backlash from Le Mu, he actually begins to pray that her real lover give her some comfort. Altair actually speaks with Vega for a few moments before leaving, and Vega is suddenly no longer interested in stopping MegaMan from destroying Ra Mu.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Reforged Into a Minion]]}}: {{spoiler|When Vega accepts that he's no good to her as a reborn lover, she dresses him up all fancy and has him beat the shit out of her enemies}}.
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* [[Robe and Wizard Hat]]: With a Murian Shamanic motif, at that.
* [[Shock and Awe]]: Most of his attacks will either aim or [[Lightning Gun|shoot]] lightning at you. [[BFG|And lots of it]]. Outside of that, he'll also choose to delegate responsibilities to viruses or co-opted Murian soldiers.
* [[Villain Sue]]: In the anime. In battle, if you are ever within the radius of Empty's leash, [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown|you will lose]]. (And even if you aren't, he can and will use ranged attacks to take pot shots at you). [[No Sell|Nothing you can do will hurt him...]] unless you take out the [[Weak Spot|machine his leash (and power source) is generated from]]. On the other hand, he's only vulnerable until Orihime feeds him the OOPArts, after which he [[Oh Crap|no longer needs his leash]].
* [[The Worf Effect]]: Again in the anime. When Dr. Orihime sends him into battle to retrieve the OOPArts, [[Curb Stomp Battle|he sees no particular need to be gentle]].
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* [[Sexy Secretary]]
* [[The Stoic]]: Retains a carefully guarded expression at all times. {{spoiler|Doesn't even bother with being emotional when she dispatches King}}.
* [[WomaninWoman in Black]]: There are enough subtleties to her outfit to keep this from being a straight example, but the same principle applies.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|You Gotta Have Pink Hair]] - Especially [[Egregious]] where most of the problems with the hair of the characters is the style (lookin' at you, Luna Platz).
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* [[The Ace]]: [[Meaningful Name|Funny, that.]]
* [[Crush! Kill! Destroy!]]/ [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]: Joker causes Acid to go berserk towards the end of the third game by overloading the immediate area with [[The Corruption|Noise]]. {{spoiler|He gains enough self-control to pull off a [[Heroic Sacrifice]], though.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Heel Face Turn]]: He was part of Dealer, but ditched the group prior to the events of the game proper.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Ace sacrifices himself by evading the self-destructive power of Joker.}}
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