Mega Man Zero/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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* I think its mostly desperation. Remember that this was a [[Crapsack World]] at its absolute worst ''before'' Copy X started getting over the top. After a century of things going from "apocalyptic" to "are we dead yet? No? Darn." [[Serial Escalation|and further]], a society not under constant assault by mavericks, with enough food and energy to meet basic human needs for health and a small measure of comfort, a stable location enabling fortification and emotional attachment to place rather than the nomadic lifestyle a broken world full of mavericks and scarce resources necessitates, and a sense of law and order rather than the worst kind of anarchy must seem so amazingly wonderful that they can't think of any other word for it.
* It's a utopia for humans, and that's really all that matters to Copy X. Reploids are pretty much outta luck, but those living in Neo Arcadia don't care. They're Mavericks as far as they know.
* [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]]. Or, at least, perfectly covered by [[The Masquerade]] that they seemingly don't care. Until in ''Zero 4'' where we see actual human refugees from Neo Arcadia; they said that they're tired of all those wars, and that they suffer while the Reploids just battles in their stupid war (at least after Weil's dictatorship starts).
* Also Remember that Copy-X wasn't the ruler of Neo Arcadia since day one, in fact, he was only ruler for 8 Years (was build by [[Child Prodigy|ciel at Age 6]], and she was [[Teen Genius|14]] by Z1) so it was the Real X the one on charge, he ruled for almost a Century, and we know he always wanted peace, so i doubt he was a opressive ruler, and even when Copy-X took his place he continued [[Bread and Circuses|Pleasing the humans]] [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?|at the expenses of the reploids]] so, at least for them, it was still being a utopian society ruled by the Wise and Noble Master-X.
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* Maybe Weil left the lights on in Z1.
Roughly half of the ice-elementals in this series are fought in [[Underwater Boss Battle|Underwater Boss Battles]]s, yet it doesn't dispel their weakness to ''fire''.
* It still inflicts intense heat damage.