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== Weil wasn't allways evil. ==
Sure, the game established him well as a [[Complete Monster]], and many fans agree with that so much that it's arguably not even subjective. But let's check the manual: The humans feared that the Maverick Wars would happen, so he created the Project Elpizo, a project to create a Reploid to be a perfect ruler (the function of Omega) by using the Mother Elf's program rewriting ability to control all Reploids in the world, avoiding them from becoming Mavericks. Sounds like a good idea, right? <ref>note that X was against the project, as there was confrontation between the philosophies of coexistence and leadership.</ref> But as he said himself in the game, "The joy of ruling all that you see... Only a human could possibly understand!" And, considering of the nature of the project ([[Brainwashing for The Greater Good]]), put the two together and... [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]] - he then [[Jumped Off the Slippery Slope]] and instigated the [[World Sundering|Elf Wars.]] And as he pointed out (and as the Caravan shows us), the [[Humans Are Bastards|most other humans]] are actually [[Not So Different]] from him - they all want to end all the Maverick problems, and they think that Reploids are [[Just a Machine|Just Machines]] and must subdue to the humans' will. To sum it up, he was a [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]] (heck, his methods wasn't so much extreme), but then he crossed the [[Moral Event Horizon]] by creating the war in the first place.
* Or he crossed the [[Moral Event Horizon]] ''after'' the war. Most of the war's casualities are hinted to be because of the Dark Elf and Omega(who are pretty [[Ax Crazy]] to begin with). Plus, given [[Crapsack World|the outcome]], [[Historical Villain Upgrade|it would be expected to exaggerate his actions.]] Not to mention [[And I Must Scream|the kind of punishment Weil got]] would drive anyone to losing all sense of humanity. This makes Weil somewhat of an even more chilling villain: someone who is [[Complete Monster|utterly depraved]], yet his backstory and original methods make him relatable. And thus, more disturbing.
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== Zero was a Maverick the whole time ==
And not in the corrupt Neo Arcadia Distopia style of twisting the usage of the word to persecute innocent reploids either, in "the bad ending of X5" way. Ciel is Dr. Wily's great great (ect) grand daughter and when she discovered ancient blue prints of his master creation she decided to seek it out. Zero's mind is so distorted though that he sees pure evil as good, and honest benevolence as something to destroy. Thus Neo Arcadia actually IS a utopia, the X we all know and love is in charge and is greatly pained to see his long lost friend has resurfaced as a mindless killing machine used as a mere weapon by the descendent of his forebears nemesis. This of course means the Cyber Elf X that Zero knows is actually the Obi-wan style AI ghost of Dr. Wily the same way Dr. Light was for X in his series. And Dr. Wile, [[Complete Monster]] extraordinaire, is actually a Dr. Light spirit infused robot body that is created in desperation to bring back X when he was first destroyed, which is why from Zero's perspective he seems to irredeemably evil: because in his twisted Maverick mind the ultimate figure of good is the type of person who gleefully skips across the [[Moral Event Horizon]]. Of course even this act of pure desperation isn't enough, and in the end X destroys himself after being defeated by his friend again rather then endure more senseless fighting. Unfortunately this drives Dr. Light into desperation to bring back the original Zero body, and again since our Zero sees it as a mindless figure of unending destruction, in reality Omega probably was the closest thing to our old Zero that we knew and loved. This would also mean the 4 Guardians were originally stalwart figures of peace, but secretly resented being built for combat and never having a war to fight outside of poultry Maverick outbreaks, so when Zero was awakened they found true meaning in combat and ultimately turned against their master though never sinking so low as to side with that vile spawn of Wily we know as Ciel. And Elpizo was probably this series equivalent of Dr. Doppler in X 3 or something. Obviously this theory implies copious amounts of [[Brainwashed and Crazy]] (of a sort) [["I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight]] s against X, the good guys having to choose the [[Lesser of Two Evils]] in their fight against the Red God of Destruction Wily created by turning Neo Arcadia into a strict police state to protect its citizens which leads to Zero 4, and in the end an obvious [[The Bad Guy Wins]] and [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]] closing of the series.
== When they punished Weil, they mutilated his body. ==
To prevent him killing himself. Granted Weil has proven himself to be [[ItsIt's All About Me|extremely egotistical]], and may think he shouldn't kill himself "until they suffer", but after enough time, [[Driven to Suicide|he'd just give up.]] To prevent this, they made sure he couldn't get out of his bio-suit: by wrecking his body to the point it doesn't have the strength to break out. Weil ended up losing [[Half the Man He Used To Be|everything below his diaphram]], and [[Flayed Alive|the majority of his muscles and flesh.]]
The reason why he hasn't/didn't starve/bleed/die from shock is due to the orange liquid. It cauterizes all wounds, and functions as an anasthetic(of course, he'd still suffer from the psychological pain). Cybernetics would get rid of the toxins, and generate energy to keep the body from starving/suffocating. The suit would be desinged to prevent it from injuring itself, so the metallic limbs can't rip it apart. His tounge was also cut out and replaced by a mechanised one. to prevent him from biting it off to bleed. No wonder Weil was so pissed: [[And I Must Scream|He's a mutilated, living corpse unable to eat or breath. Unable to feel anything. Forever.]]
* I dunno about that; in ''Zero 4'' he once got his glass helmet cracked out (after he got a direct hit from Ragnarok's laser and later after his first form boss fight), but he still managed to stay alive.
** Like I said, everything below the diaphram, meaning that his lungs are still able to inhale and exhale. Plus they'd be smart enough to prevent liquid getting out of his chest region, so it would presumably shut off when the helmet is broken. That, or the cybernetics have a breathing supply for him. How else would you explain him not asphyxiating before going [[One -Winged Angel]], considering the final stage had the vacuum of space and the Earth as a backdrop?
== Zero was really Ciel [[Fight Club|the whole time.]] ==