Memetic Badass/Literature: Difference between revisions

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** [[Sherlock]], the show that translated the mythos to the 21th century, choose to portray Mycroft as a man that had full control of the CCTV-network (of London, which is the largest and most dense in the world,) a man who was asked by Sherlock to "try not to start any wars tonight", and who asked Sherlock to relocate a stolen Goverment Flashdrive with a street-value of £600.000.000 since he was busy elsewhere. So this Fanon is alive and well.
*** Not to mention he's [[Casting Gag|played by]] a [[Mark Gatiss|writer]] for the series, so he quite literally has control over what goes on in the show.
* Sir Nigel from Sir [[Arthur Conan Doyle]]'s ''[[The White Company]]'' is so unstoppable he defeated a bear with a handkerchief .
** Debatable if this should count, as it isn't [[Fanon]]. Anyone who reads the book '''''sees''''' Sir Nigel do it.
* Harry Dresden of ''[[The Dresden Files]]'':
** He is physically immune to being made into a memeticMemetic badassBadass. Why? Because no matter ''how'' [[Badass]] you think he is, he ''actually is'' twice as [[Badass]].
** He's also one in universe. At one point, ''five'' wizards, each individually at least as powerful as he is if not more, balk at the prospect of subduing him because of his [[The Dresden Files/Awesome|previous exploits]].
** His own brother describes him as "Gandalf on crack and an IV of Red Bull, with a [[Badass Longcoat|big leather coat]] and a [[Revolvers Are Just Better|.44 revolver]]." And how about ... "and riding a goddamn ''[[Rule of Cool|ZOMBIE T-REX]]?"''