Memetic Badass/Literature: Difference between revisions

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* Harry Dresden of ''[[The Dresden Files]]'':
** He is physically immune to being made into a memetic badass. Why? Because no matter ''how'' [[Badass]] you think he is, he ''actually is'' twice as [[Badass]].
** He's also one in universe. At one point, ''five'' wizards, each individually at least as powerful as he is if not more, balk at the prospect of subduing him because of his [[The Dresden Files (Literature)/Awesome|previous exploits]].
** His own brother describes him as "Gandalf on crack and an IV of Red Bull, with a [[Badass Longcoat|big leather coat]] and a [[Revolvers Are Just Better|.44 revolver]]." And how about ... "and riding a goddamn ''[[Rule of Cool|ZOMBIE T-REX]]?"''
* [[Harry Potter|Neville Longbottom]] uses Nagini's blood as soy sauce.
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* Samwise Gamgee. It helps that he bested the insectoid spawn of an Eldritch Abomination and stormed a castle full of Orcs, overawing the survivors with his presence alone and leaving rumors of a grim Elvish lord.
** [[Our Orcs Are Different|Orcs in general]]. They iz made for fighting and winning. And singing (about eating you.)
* Levels of Victor Cachat worship on the ''[[Honor Harrington (Literature)|Honor Harrington]]'' page make him one of the [[TV Tropes]]-specific examples.
* When Baba Yaga crossed over from Russian fairy tales into Western fiction she went from an old witch frequently bested by little boys and flocks of swans to the most powerful magician in the world, able to stand up to gods themselves.
* [[Discworld|Vimes]] is considered this ''in-universe''. People will line up to almost certain death instead of risking him using ''sarcasm'' on them. Also see the quote on [[Heroic Willpower]] about him.
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** On a related note, Nyaralathotep has become renown for being being a pants shittingly terrifying ultimate combination of [[Troll]] meets [[Humanoid Abomination]], regardless of incarnation.
* In-universe: [[Parody Sue|Major ________ de Coverley]] in ''[[Catch-22]]''. Everyone is too scared to ask his first name. He was able to bring an end to a loyalty oath clusterfuck with two words. Then again, those words were "Gimme eat", so...
* Inspector Javert in ''[[Les Misérables (Literaturenovel)|Les Misérables]]'', who takes down a gang of armed and vicious thugs by walking into the room (the fourteen officers with him wait outside until he calls it clear). He also knows he's following Valjean, even though Valjean is dead.
* Among fans of ''[[The Wheel of Time]]'', Bela. Bela is ''ta'veren'', Bela is the Creator, Bela is a Darkfriend, or Bela will kill the Dark One. For the uninformed, Bela is a horse. Not a [[Cool Horse]], but a damned reliable one.
** In universe, Matrim Cauthon. [[Norse Mythology|He hung himself from a tree to gain knowledge, his spear never misses when he throws it at people, he never loses at dice...]] Then again, at least two of those are true, so...
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*** Tywin has also become an out-of-universe one in the [[Game of Thrones|tv series]] (see the [[Live Action TV]] page), thanks to his habit of bollocking [[Ax Crazy|Ser]] [[Complete Monster|Gregor]] [[The Big Guy|Clegane]] and curing dyslexia through [[Implacable Man|sheer persistence]].
* If it can physically be done, [[Zorro]] could do it with style. If it cannot physically be done, [[Zorro]] could do it with even more style.
* ''[[The Three Musketeers (Literaturenovel)|The Three Musketeers]]'': Porthos. He kills people with a ''single punch''.
* The Longknife family of the ''Kris Longknife'' series are another in-universe example - at least, the ones that are considered "one of ''those'' Longknifes" - not totally a good thing, as many people would prefer to avoid associating with them.
* Tyler's Van among [[Fan Hater|anti]]-[[Twilight (Literaturenovel)|Twilighters]] due to it's "heroic attempt to kill [[Mary Sue|Bella]]" which would have ended the series prematurely. "Team Tyler's Van" has even been created to oppose [[Official Couple|"Team Edward"]] and [[Fan -Preferred Couple|"Team Jacob"]].
* [[Twilight (Literaturenovel)|Major Jasper Whitlock]], better known in Southern Texas and Mexico as The God of War.
* [[The Thrawn Trilogy|Grand Admiral Thrawn]] can win a galactic war with a [[Joke Character|TIE Fighter,]] three [[Chess (Tabletop Game)|Chess]] pawns, and [[Sherlock Scan|an art history book.]]
** He's also an in-universe example, especially since he's the antithesis of the Empire's "strength over smarts" philosophy, scaring the hell out of the New Republic.
*** In the ''Hand of Thrawn'' duology, the scheme to use a Thrawn impostor to take over the Empire works in part because the mere idea of Thrawn being there freaks people out.
*** Indeed, even though he was a top-class [[Magnificent Bastard]] alive, Thrawn's in-universe Memetic Badassery was so incredible that he was actually [[Beyond the Impossible|more of a threat dead than alive!]]
** Thrawn's second-in-command and successor Gilad Pellaeon also has this reputation. He's a [[Badass Normal]]--no Jedi powers, no Mandalorian training, no crazy alien strategy powers--and yet he kept the Imperial remnant together for an incredible amount of time. He even (somewhat) overcame the [[Jedi Mind Trick]] of Joruus C'Baoth.
* [[Time Scout (Literature)|Time Scout]]: An in-universe example. Sven Bailey is widely recognized as the most deadly individual on TT-86, which makes him one of the deadliest individuals alive.
* [[Dune]]. Multiple examples.
** Paul is so badass that he has been deified by his followers.
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** Duncan Idaho was so badass he earned everyone's respect and then was resurrected endlessly for at least the next five-thousand years.
** Leto II was badass enough to actually become a Sandworm. You know, that monster that is cameod in every game that has a desert level. The only thing that could kill him was water. According to his own plan. It could even be argued that Leto II is more [[Badass]] than Paul, since he accepted the Golden Path whereas his father was terrified by it.
* Danny, hero of [[John Steinbeck (Creator)|John Steinbeck]]'s ''Tortilla Flat'', becomes one of these in-universe by {{spoiler|going out with a bang immediately after throwing the greatest party Tortilla Flat ever knew}}.
* From [[Fablehaven]], Patton Burgess. We learn he actually did almost everything he's known for and deliberately kept a number of them ''secret.''