Merry Christmas in Gotham: Difference between revisions

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== [[Anime and Manga]] ==
* ''[[The Big O (Anime)|The Big O]]'''s Christmas special starts out grim as usual. We have a blind girl whose caretaker brother is a garbageman by day, and musician by night. They are starving, barely able to afford food at all. Then a mad scientist leaves a biological weapon in the boy's tip jar and it turns out the "weapon" is a massive self-growing Christmas tree made to teach people to love nature and each other. While the tree grows, everyone hears the boy's music and he is discovered. It's implied that they'll never need to worry about money ever again. D'awww.
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* The hilarious [[Superman]]/[[Batman]] [[Elseworld]] crossover ''Yes Tyrone, There Is a Santa Claus'' [\].
* There's a [[Punisher]] story where Frank is about to snipe a druglord, when suddenly there's a little girl pulling on his coat telling him she's lost her dad. Frank stares at her and puts the gun away. When they find her dad, he starts to thank him before recognizing his chest emblem and starting to panic. Frank tells him to calm down, that he should really teach his daughter not to talk to strangers, and then leaves.
* [ An issue] of ''[[The Incredible Hulk (Comic Book)|The Incredible Hulk]]'' dealt with Rhino and Hulk teaming up to be [[Mall Santa]] and Helper.
* ''Batman Black & White'', "A Slaying Song Tonight": A hitman plans to get near his target by taking the place of a [[Mall Santa]] hired to put in an appearance for the target's daughter. Batman figures it out in the nick of time and stops the hitman just before he reaches the house -- then puts the costume on and does the Santa appearance himself.
{{quote| '''Daughter:''' This is my best Christmas ''ever!''<br />
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* In the middle of the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' serial ''The Daleks' Master Plan'', the Doctor and companions interrupt their saving [[The Empire|the Second Great and Bountiful Human Empire]] from [[Black and Gray Morality|the Daleks]] for a [[Christmas Episode]] (the only missing ''Doctor Who'' episode ''confirmed'' by [[The BBC]] to have no spare copies hidden in private collectors' hands or a foreign TV station).
* ''[[Eureka]]'' has an episode like this.
* ''[[Warehouse Thirteen13]]'' has [[Lighter and Softer]] Christmas episodes [[Captain Obvious|revolving around Christmas in some way]].
* ''[[Scrubs (TV)|Scrubs]]'' [[Double Subversion|doubly subverts]] this one: The episode "My Own Personal Jesus" has Turk, initially so optimistic about Christmas that he comes into work with Rudolph antlers on, being ground down and losing his faith as seasonal alcohol-related injuries and attempted suicides clog up the hospital. Just when it seems like Turk is ready to give up surgery, though, a star leads him to a missing girl who ran away from the hospital, and he helps her give birth beneath a Christmas tree, and the episode ends on a prolonged [[Golden Moment]] played straighter than usual and with an unusually strong relgious message for the show.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* ''[[Batman: The Animated Series (Animation)|Batman the Animated Series]]'' has the episode "A Bullet for Bullock", where Batman is asked for help by, of all people, Harvey Bullock, and the Aesop is that you should always be helping people, even if they don't like you.
* ''[[Danny Phantom (Animation)|Danny Phantom]]'' features an all-round Christmas Spectacular as Danny {{spoiler|teams up with his enemies to fight someone}} who is trying to spoil the event. Unusually for a children's show, Danny ''loathes'' Christmas, but with good reason.
* In an episode of ''[[Re Boot (Animation)|Re BootReBoot]]'', [[Big Bad]] and otherwise [[Complete Monster]] Megabyte goes to great lengths to infiltrate Enzo's birthday party, with no more heinous goal than to play electric guitar, put on a rocking show (including a duet with [[The Hero|Bob]]), and leave.
* ''[[Kim Possible (Animation)|Kim Possible]]'': Ron tries to take on Drakken by himself so Kim can have a nice Christmas with her family. Ends up with Ron and Drakken bonding over an old TV show, whose theme they sing together. Now, ''Kim Possible'' isn't exactly dark and edgy to begin with, but they were shooting for more [[Lighter and Softer]] than usual.
* Subverted with the Christmas episode of ''[[Batman: theThe Brave And The Bold (Animation)|Batman the Brave And The Bold]]''. The series is usually pretty whacky, but it takes on a darker edge with {{spoiler|the murder of Batman's parents occurring on Christmas Day because he wanted to see a movie due to his brattyness of not getting the toy he wanted at Christmas}}. May also be a [[Seventh-Episode Twist]].
== [[Real Life]] ==