Metal Slug/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* Signed Up for the Dental: Joined the Metal Device Project so she can take care of Molly. Molly was surprised how quickly she was able to enter a confidential part of the army.
* Team Mom: Towards Molly and Amber although all three are of similar age.
* Trademark Favorite Food: Lotus root with minced meat.<br />
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=== Rebel Army ===
==== Abigail ====
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* Biker Babe: Her bike is her form of travel and weaponry. She tinkers with it during her spare time.
* Captain Ersatz: Wears a tight leather cat-ish riding suit (her Christmas variant even has cat ears), and the design of that bike looks ''awfully'' familiar...
*Clothing Damage: When Veronica is killed, her bodysuit will be torn and slide down her chest as her body falls to the ground, exposing her breasts.
* Distaff Counterpart: To Tarma, in terms of their affinity to motorbikes.
* Feud Episode: So far, twice with Dragunov over who would be the pilot of a recently upgraded Union vehicle. Both times, Sisilia had to break up the two.
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* This Is a Drill: Her mech has two drill for hands. Her special attack is lunging an enlarged drill.
=== Space Army ===
==== Professor Aionion ====
A scientist who worked for the Rebel Army before affiliating with the Mars People. His latest incarnation is in a withered body called "Aionion".
* Ambiguous Gender: Due to the Professor cloning so much, it becomes difficult to determine what gender the Professor is supposed to be.
* Came Back Wrong: After being defeated by Abigail, he returned in the body of a living clone, though it is old and fragile. He hence develops a powerful organic weapon to protect it and fight with.
* Deadly Disc: The Professor's attack fires laser saw-like rings that pierces through enemies in a certain area.
* Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Simply referred to as the Professor. It is unknown whether Aionion is his real name or an alias of his.
* Heel–Face Turn: Despite moving to another enemy faction, the Professor is insistent on destroying the Rebel Army and their weapons.
* Idiot Hair: The largest cowlick in the series beating out Eri's.
* Little Green Men: Probably used the same cloning properties as the player clones from ''Metal Slug 3'', causing the skin to turn green. The Professor is also slightly shorter than the rest of the human units.
* Meaningful Name: Aionion is Greek for "eternal", signifying his constant resurrections.
* Non-Idle Rich: Made his finances from his research from the Rebel Army. He's rich enough to give Millefie money whenever she needed it.
* Vague Age: Being from the future, it is unknown how long the Professor has lived throughout the various clones.
==== Percier ====
A girl who calls herself The Professor's "eternal assistant" when they were once working for the Rebel Army. She also dresses up as a Mars Person, hoping it will make him pay attention to her.
* An Offer You Can't Refuse: She offers Harriot, a soldier of the Rebel Army, a chance to join the Martians in exchange for having three meals and a nap.
* The Bore: A reason why the Professor doesn't take much interest in her.
* Clingy Jealous Girl: Doesn't get along well with Marty when she finds out he is the Professor's new assistant.
* Dressing as the Enemy: Dresses up as a Mars Person and speaks their language to combat the actual ones the Professor has an affinity for.
* Early-Bird Cameo: Makes her first appearance in the "Mad Scientists" event before fleshing out her personality in Another Story.
* Expressive Shirt: Her costume's eyes bulge out when she's attacking similar to the Mars People.
* Remember the New Guy?: Unlike the other newcomers, she makes her debut in an event starring someone else (Navy in this case) before becoming a unit.
* Panty Shot: When killed, Percier's body sprawls backward with her legs spread wide. exposing her white panties.
* Self-Proclaimed Love Interest: "Eternal assistant to the Professor", as she puts it.
* You Gotta Have Green Hair: Her hair's green.
==== Clone Abby ====
A robotic clone of Abigail created by the Professor. He designed her to combat Vita.
* Bold Inflation: In the Japanese language, her name is kept in English. Her name is also in full caps in SNK's descriptions.
* Evil Knockoff: While Abigail is already part of a supposedly evil army, Clone Abby strips off any sort of emotion the original has.
* Frickin' Laser Beams: Fires laser beams out of her two guns.
* Green-Skinned Space Babe: Her green skin is a standard for the Martian clones.
* Leotard of Power: Unlike the human Abigail, who wears a skirt.
* Made of Explodium: When defeated, Clone Abby's body will convulse with electricity arcing around her, before exploding.
* You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Compared to Abigail's pink.
==== Clone Betty ====
A robotic clone of Beatriz created by the Professor.
* An Ice Person: Has a rechargeable Freeze Ray floating behind her back, and she is able to breathe ice on the closest unit. She later gets a Martian Spider Tank that drops freezing bounce bombs.
* Death from Above: Sends small satellites that drop large chunks of ice.
* Green-Skinned Space Babe: A Martian standard.
* Made of Explodium: Similar to Clone Abby, Clone Betty explodes when she is killed.
* Out of Focus: From her Extra Ops, as it's mostly delegated to the Martian Rangers. Her contribution to the story is the Professor's discovery of White Baby.
* Red Eyes, Take Warning: Big red eyes compared to Clone Abigail.
* You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Compared to Beatriz's pink.
==== Odette ====
A female human Invader whose task is to investigate life-forms affected by the Sol Dae Rokker Anima's energy.
* Combat Tentacles: She can transform her arms to tentacles to whip her enemies to death.
* Girlish Pigtails
* Head Pet: Her "Everlasting Summer" variant has a small bird on her head. Given their nature, it may be a part of her.
* Horned Hairdo: Her pigtails will raise into horns when she does her attacks.
* Human Aliens: Odette only transforms her arms in order to keep her true form secret.
* Man on Fire: When her health is depleted, her body will catch fire and burn while she screams. After a few moments, she collapses and dies, and her body melts into purple goo.
* Mellow Fellow: When not attacking, Odette is rather laid-back. She yawns when idle, hides her face when knocked back and just bobs left and right during a victory. It's likely this is the reason why Annette was forced to come to Earth to check on her.
* Modesty Shorts: She wears black short-shorts beneath her skirt, which can be seen when she jumps during her special attack.
* Red Eyes, Take Warning: Her eyes are red as well widen when she attacks.
* Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Annette's Red.
* Winged Humanoid: Odette Ver.Innocence.
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