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* A similar case is the basilisk in [[Peter David]]'s ''[[Knight Life]].'' She reveals that a basilisk's gaze doesn't kill you in and of itself: it lets you see yourself for who you are, everything about yourself, even the things that are hidden from you. Most victims, faced with everything they ''didn't'' want to know about themselves, willingly submit to being eaten.
* ''[[His Dark Materials|Northern Lights]]'': The way Lyra describes how it feels when an attacker touches her daemon, she could very well be describing a rape:
{{quote| "It was as if an alien hand had reached right inside where no hand had a right to be, and wrenched at something deep and precious. She felt faint, sick, dizzy, disgusted, limp with shock. ... It wasn't ''allowed''. Not ''supposed'' to touch. Wrong..."}}
** To further exemplify this comparison, {{spoiler|her lover Will does the same thing ''on purpose''. Only this time, she enjoys it. Context is everything.}}
* The Mule in [[Isaac Asimov|Asimov]]'s ''[[Foundation]]'' series has this ability, and ruthlessly uses it on the poor Second Foundation decoy who ends up completely brain-dead by the end of it. In one scene, he muses on how he could use his mind-controlling abilities for ''physical'' conquest, which wouldn't count as rape since the subject would genuinely feel nothing but complete love and devotion to him - but doesn't, because.. he didn't choose his nickname due to his stubbornness or physical strength...
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* Also from the ''[[Star Wars]]'' Expanded Universe, Darth Zannah in the ''Rule of Two'' novel does this to a woman named Cynda who is holding her at gunpoint. She uses her powers to conjure up terrifying phantoms that only Cynda can see, and it is explicitly said that Zannah can stop it there, with Cynda only remembering the visions as a nightmare. But in the next moment an image of Cynda in bed with Zannah's now-deceased temporary love interest pops into her head, and Zannah pushes Cynda past the point of insanity, shredding her mind and leaving the tiny fragment of her consciousness that still exists irrecoverably trapped in torment. Later, Zannah pulls it on Jedi Sarro Xaj. He gets lucky however; Zannah just uses it to distract him {{spoiler|so she can kill him.}}
* In ''[[The Silmarillion]]'', Morgoth's [[Our Dragons Are Different|(literal)]] [[The Dragon|dragon]] Glaurung likes to use this on his foes. Example:
{{quote| ...he constrained her ({{spoiler|Nienor}}) to gaze into his eyes, and he laid a spell of utter darkness and forgetfulness upon her, so that she could remember nothing that had ever befallen her, nor her own name, nor the name of any other thing; and for many days she could neither hear, nor see, nor stir by her own will."}}
** [[The Lord of the Rings|Sauron himself]] does this to Pippin through the Palantir. The movie portrayed it as poor Pippin screaming and thrashing around, unable to look away. Also, Frodo suffers similarly from the Ring, losing his ability to picture all that is good in the world, and only seeing himself as "naked before the wheel of fire".
* [[Heralds of Valdemar|Herald Talia of Valdemar]] is a sweet, benevolent person who nearly always uses her powerful [[The Empath|empathic]] abilities to the benefit of all around her. The other .01 percent of the time, you learn why [[Beware the Nice Ones|it doesn't pay to piss her off]]. The most dramatic (and literal) example was the time she forced a rapist to relive his victim's experience ''in a neverending loop'', until and unless he could acknowledge that he'd done wrong.