Minimonsters/Heartwarming: Difference between revisions

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** {{spoiler|And what does Frank with the butterfly? He gives it to Piruja to compensate for using her potion to save Henrietta.}} Again: Aaaww...
* [[Earn Your Happy Ending|The ending]]. Just... the ending. {{spoiler|After going through a [[Trauma Conga Line|particularly exhausting]] [[Break the Cutie]] process, Frank ultimately saves Henrietta and the others from Miss Hit, getting compensation for it. Most importantly, he manages to accept himself thanks to the truth mirror Lupo gave him. The [[Tears of Joy]] he sheds upon seeing the mirror not breaking by his reflection is something to behold.}} It definitely counts as this trope, especially considering {{spoiler|the previous album's [[Played for Laughs|hilarious]] [[Cruel Twist Ending]].}}
** It's not just him, really. {{spoiler|Henrietta has spent her entire life as an [[Ill Girl]] secluded in her house, dealing with [[Super Powered Evil Side|Miss Hit]] getting out of control. This left her a [[Broken Bird]] who [[Break His Heart to Save Him|drove people away in fear of her evil self hurting them]]. Thanks to Frank's intervention, she not only has better control of her other self, but has gained friends (and a possible boyfriend) along the way. She still has to deal with her problems, but her life is ''way happier'' than it used to be.}}