Minimonsters/Heartwarming: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|'''Frank''': Look, Von Pijo, if I helped you is because, upon seeing you, I realized that, [[Spoiled Brat|just]] [[Small Name, Big Ego|as]] [[Jerkass|you]] [[Narcissist|were]], [[All of the Other Reindeer|you wouldn't be friends with anybody in school]]. ''Everything'', from the bet to the challenges, I made it so [[True Companions|my gang]] would meet you and you'd fit in, [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|you idiot]]. Don't you see that if you [[Loners Are Freaks|stay alone]], you'll be [[The Bully|the bullies]]' '''[[The Chew Toy|favourite victim?!]]'''}}
* When he hears of [[You Dirty Rat|Rattus Sapiens]]' [[Evil Plan]], Victor doesn't care if Villa Susto in its entirety gets poisoned, but gets extremely concerned when he realizes [[Amazingly Embarrassing Parents|his family]] will drink the poisoned water, so he tries to get out of the sewers to alert them. Given his otherwise strained relationship with them, it's aquite pretty powerfulthe [[Pet the Dog]] moment.
* Frank's friends, [[Deadpan Snarker|Lupo]] in particular, express disapproval over [[Spoiled Brat|Victor]] joining the gang, yet they go along with it regardless, since Frank is their [[True Companions|friend]] and [[The Leader|leader]]. It helps he gives Victor challenges to enter the gang and take him down a peg, which they happily join.
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** During the entire story, Mienai is shown to be actually a nice and friendly guy when left to his own, which heavily implies he has a [[Jerkass Facade]] caused by [[Toxic Friend Influence|his asshat "friends"]]. At the end, he even thanks Lupo for it.
* In the longest story of the album, "Una Velada con los Von Piro" (Dinner with the Von Piros), despite being largely about the weird meeting of the Von Piros and the Einsteins, it shows there's barely any resentment between the families. In particular, the Von Piros are shown, despite their eccentricities, to be very friendly and courteous with the Einsteins, while other rich families would have criticized them for their lower status. Also, it shows both of them having something in common: [[Amazingly Embarrassing Parents|They're embarrassing as hell]].
** Also, there's Frank's older sister Francesca playing with Victor's dog [[Big Friendly Dog|Chopped]]. It's about one of the rare occassions she smiles and has a fun time, considering [[Bratty Teenage Daughter|her usual]] [[Perpetual Frowner|behavior]].
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* Frank reacting with utter joy when Piruja comes back to serve as the team's fifth member.
* Piruja's mom is an [[Extreme Omnisexual]], which causes problems to her and ''especially'' Piruja. {{spoiler|But when her spider boyfriend [[I'm a Humanitarian|Arrmando el Arraña]] goes nuts and tries to eat Piruja, she wastes no time in kicking his ass to save her daughter.}} That's [[Mama Bear]] at its finest.
* The whole match shows how much Frank's Gang (Fresita Team) and Morty's Gang (Muerte Chunga Team) [[Foil|contrast]] with each other. The latter may seem [[Evil Is Cool|cool]] on the surface, but in reality they're a mess due to [[A House Divided|inward tensions]] and [[Stupid Evil|overall stupidity]], only managing to score by cheating. The former, while [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits|seemingly embarrassing]] in appearance, manage to work incredibly well together via [[The Power of Friendship|teamwork]]. {{spoiler|Hell, which team do you think ultimately won the match?}}